50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With N

50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With N

Here are 50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With the letter “N”:

Spanish English
Nuevo/a New
Negro/a Black
Nervioso/a Nervous
Natural Natural
Noble Noble
Negativo/a Negative
Necesario/a Necessary
Normal Normal
Nítido/a Clear
Nublado/a Cloudy
Neutro/a Neutral
Notable Notable
Novato/a Novice
Nutritivo/a Nutritious
Nítido/a Sharp
Nervudo/a Nervy
Nuboso/a Overcast
Nulo/a Null
Natural Genuine
Novedoso/a Innovative
Nefasto/a Disastrous
Nervioso/a Tense
Nublado/a Overcast
Noble Generous
Novio/a Engaged
Negligente Negligent
Neutral Neutral
Nauseabundo/a Nauseating
Nueve Nine
Nulo/a Void
Novio/a Boyfriend/Girlfriend
Níveo/a Snowy
Nervudo/a Tense
Negado/a Denied
Nocivo/a Harmful
Numérico/a Numerical
Novedoso/a Novel
Nocivo/a Noxious
Norteamericano/a North American
Nutrido/a Well-fed
Novato/a Beginner
Nefasto/a Dreadful
Neurálgico/a Crucial
Nocente Harmful
Navegable Navigable
Noble Kind
Nómada Nomadic
Normal Usual
Novedoso/a New
Naciente Emerging

spanish adjectives that start with n

Negative Spanish Adjectives That Start With N:

Here are ten negative Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “N”:

Spanish English
Nervioso/a Nervous
Negativo/a Negative
Nefasto/a Disastrous
Necio/a Foolish
Nocturno/a Nocturnal
Nefando/a Abominable
Notorio/a Notorious
Nublado/a Cloudy
Negligente Negligent
Nocivo/a Harmful

Positive Spanish Adjectives That Start With N:

Here are positive Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “N”:

Spanish English
Noble  Noble
Notable  Notable
Novedoso/a  Novel
Nutritivo/a  Nutritious
Natural  Natural
Notorio/a  Notorious
Nítido/a  Clear
Navegante  Navigating
Necesario/a  Necessary
Nocturno/a  Nocturnal

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