50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With Z

50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With Z

Here are 50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With the letter “Z”:

Spanish English
Zafiro Sapphire
Zalamero Sycophantic
Zonzo Silly
Zafio Vulgar
Zanquilargo Lanky
Zafra Abundant harvest
Zaragatero Scheming
Zozobroso Unstable
Zafio Coarse
Zaino Gray
Zarco Blue-gray
Zalamera Flirtatious
Zarrapastroso Slovenly
Zampullín Grebe
Zascandil Mischievous
Zángano Lazy
Zafio Uncouth
Zonado Striped
Zarco Soft blue
Zarandeado Shaken
Zarrapastrosa Slovenly
Zurrado Worn-out
Zafiro Azure
Zoológico Zoological
Zafio Rude
Zancudo Mosquito-like
Zaino Pinto horse
Zafra Crop
Zoonótico Zoonotic
Zanquilargo Gawky
Zarco Pale blue
Zafio Tactless
Zarrapastrosos Slovenly
Zafio Vulgar
Zarcillo Earring
Zarista Tsarist
Zalamera Gossiping
Zarzo Basket
Zonzo Stupid
Zafra Crop season
Zootécnico Zootechnical
Zafio Rough
Zafra Sugar plantation
Zarco Faint blue
Zabullido Submerged
Zumbador Humming
Zalamero Syrupy
Zurdo Left-handed
Zafiro Gem
Zumbón Mocking

spanish adjectives that start with z

Positive Spanish Adjectives That Start With Z:

Here are positive Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “Z”:

Spanish English
Zalamero/a  Sweet-talker
Zahiriente  Glowing
Zafiro/a  Sapphire
Zeloso/a  Zealous
Zestful  Zestful
Zoquete  Blockhead
Zafio/a  Uncultured
Zalamero/a  Flatterer
Zalamero/a  Sycophantic
Zarista  Tsarist

Negative Spanish Adjectives That Start With Z:

Here are ten negative Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “Z”:

Spanish English
Zafio/a Vulgar, coarse
Zoquete Clumsy, dull-witted
Zalamero/a Sycophantic, fawning
Zonzo/a Dull, slow-witted
Zarrapastroso/a Slovenly, untidy
Zurdo/a Left-handed, but historically associated with negativity and bad luck

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