50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With Z
Here are 50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With the letter “Z”:
Spanish | English |
Zafiro | Sapphire |
Zalamero | Sycophantic |
Zonzo | Silly |
Zafio | Vulgar |
Zanquilargo | Lanky |
Zafra | Abundant harvest |
Zaragatero | Scheming |
Zozobroso | Unstable |
Zafio | Coarse |
Zaino | Gray |
Zarco | Blue-gray |
Zalamera | Flirtatious |
Zarrapastroso | Slovenly |
Zampullín | Grebe |
Zascandil | Mischievous |
Zángano | Lazy |
Zafio | Uncouth |
Zonado | Striped |
Zarco | Soft blue |
Zarandeado | Shaken |
Zarrapastrosa | Slovenly |
Zurrado | Worn-out |
Zafiro | Azure |
Zoológico | Zoological |
Zafio | Rude |
Zancudo | Mosquito-like |
Zaino | Pinto horse |
Zafra | Crop |
Zoonótico | Zoonotic |
Zanquilargo | Gawky |
Zarco | Pale blue |
Zafio | Tactless |
Zarrapastrosos | Slovenly |
Zafio | Vulgar |
Zarcillo | Earring |
Zarista | Tsarist |
Zalamera | Gossiping |
Zarzo | Basket |
Zonzo | Stupid |
Zafra | Crop season |
Zootécnico | Zootechnical |
Zafio | Rough |
Zafra | Sugar plantation |
Zarco | Faint blue |
Zabullido | Submerged |
Zumbador | Humming |
Zalamero | Syrupy |
Zurdo | Left-handed |
Zafiro | Gem |
Zumbón | Mocking |
Positive Spanish Adjectives That Start With Z:
Here are positive Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “Z”:
Spanish | English |
Zalamero/a | Sweet-talker |
Zahiriente | Glowing |
Zafiro/a | Sapphire |
Zeloso/a | Zealous |
Zestful | Zestful |
Zoquete | Blockhead |
Zafio/a | Uncultured |
Zalamero/a | Flatterer |
Zalamero/a | Sycophantic |
Zarista | Tsarist |
Negative Spanish Adjectives That Start With Z:
Here are ten negative Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “Z”:
Spanish | English |
Zafio/a | Vulgar, coarse |
Zoquete | Clumsy, dull-witted |
Zalamero/a | Sycophantic, fawning |
Zonzo/a | Dull, slow-witted |
Zarrapastroso/a | Slovenly, untidy |
Zurdo/a | Left-handed, but historically associated with negativity and bad luck |
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