50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With Y

50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With Y

Here are 50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With the letter “Y”:

Spanish English
Yermo Barren
Yuxtapuesto Juxtaposed
Yerboso Herbaceous
Yermo Desolate
Yernos Obedient
Yámbico Iambic
Yacente Lying down
Yermo Waste
Yare Ready
Yerro Error
Yodado Iodized
Yuxtaposicional Juxtapositional
Yuxtapositor Juxtapositor
Yeguarizo Half-bred horse
Yeísta Yeísta
Yermo Wilderness
Yeclano From Yecla
Yunque Anvil
Yacaré Caiman
Yermar To lay waste
Yersey Jersey
Yantar To eat
Yoduro Iodide
Yacaré Alligator
Yacimiento Deposit
Yagruma Black mangrove
Yunque Malleus
Yemita Sweetheart
Yantar To dine
Yacaré Yacare caiman
Yema Yolk
Yuxtaposición Juxtaposition
Yuxtapositar To juxtapose
Yermo Wasteland
Yerbero Herbalist
Yantar To feast
Yucateco From Yucatan
Yacón Yacón
Yeyuno Jejunum
Yanacona Yanacona
Yerba Herb
Yantar Meal
Yámana Yaghan
Yuxtaposicione Juxtaposed
Yarará Jararaca
Yantar Eating
Yuxtaposicio Juxtaposed
Yámanas Yaghan people
Yermos Wilds
Yeísmo Yeísmo

spanish adjectives that start with y

Positive Spanish Adjectives That Start With Y:

Here are positive Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “Y”:

Spanish English
Yuxtapuesto/a  Yuxtaposed (placed side by side)
Yerno/a  Son-in-law/Daughter-in-law
Yantar  Yantar (used in some regions to describe a hearty meal)
Yum  Yum (used to express deliciousness)
Yate  Yacht (used to describe luxurious boats)
Yámbico/a  Iambic (used in poetry and metrics)
Yodado/a  Iodized (containing iodine)
Yagrumo  Yagrumo (a type of tree in the Caribbean)
Yedra  Ivy (the plant)

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