50+ Spanish Adjectives That Start With R

50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With R

Here are 50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With the letter “R”:

Spanish English
Rico/a Rich
Rápido/a Fast
Rojo/a Red
Raro/a Strange
Real Real
Ruidoso/a Noisy
Reservado/a Reserved
Relajado/a Relaxed
Rígido/a Stiff
Roto/a Broken
Rústico/a Rustic
Recto/a Straight
Rico/a Tasty
Rebelde Rebellious
Razonable Reasonable
Romántico/a Romantic
Relleno/a Stuffed
Realista Realistic
Rellenito/a Plump
Reciente Recent
Repentino/a Sudden
Ruidoso/a Loud
Remoto/a Remote
Renovado/a Renewed
Respetuoso/a Respectful
Rubio/a Blonde
Rápido/a Quick
Rico/a Delicious
Reconocido/a Recognized
Religioso/a Religious
Retorcido/a Twisted
Rápido/a Rapid
Renombrado/a Renowned
Rústico/a Rural
Risueño/a Smiling
Rectangular Rectangular
Redondo/a Round
Religioso/a Pious
Rechoncho/a Chubby
Ruborizado/a Blushing
Refrescante Refreshing
Risueño/a Cheerful
Resbaladizo/a Slippery
Robusto/a Robust
Riguroso/a Rigorous
Rebelde Rebel
Revolucionario/a Revolutionary
Rebelde Defiant
Rectangular Rectangular
Raro/a Rare

spanish adjectives that start with r

Positive Spanish Adjectives That Start With R:

Here are positive Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “R”:

Spanish English
Romántico/a  Romantic
Reluciente  Shiny
Respetuoso/a  Respectful
Rico/a  Rich
Rápido/a  Fast
Razonable  Reasonable
Rejuvenecedor/a  Rejuvenating
Risueño/a  Smiling
Renovable  Renewable
Relevante  Relevant

Negative Spanish Adjectives That Start With R:

Here are ten negative Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “R”:

Spanish English
Rencoroso/a Resentful
Repugnante Repugnant
Repelente Repellent
Ridículo/a Ridiculous
Ruinoso/a Ruinous
Ruidoso/a Noisy
Represivo/a Repressive
Rezongón/Rezongona Grumbling, complaining
Raro/a Weird
Relajado/a Relaxed

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