50+ Spanish Adjectives That Start With P

50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With P

Here are 50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With the letter “P”:

Spanish English
Pequeño/a Small
Poderoso/a Powerful
Precioso/a Precious
Perfecto/a Perfect
Pobre Poor
Pálido/a Pale
Pésimo/a Awful
Pleno/a Full
Proximo/a Near
Profundo/a Deep
Pronto/a Soon
Puro/a Pure
Práctico/a Practical
Preocupado/a Worried
Peor Worse
Posible Possible
Prolijo/a Neat
Peligroso/a Dangerous
Plácido/a Calm
Presente Present
Político/a Political
Potente Potent
Puntual Punctual
Poderoso/a Mighty
Publico/a Public
Prestigioso/a Prestigious
Pasajero/a Temporary
Peor Worst
Prolongado/a Prolonged
Privado/a Private
Permanente Permanent
Perdido/a Lost
Popular Popular
Puro/a Sheer
Ponderado/a Considered
Preparado/a Prepared
Procedente Coming from
Penoso/a Painful
Pintoresco/a Picturesque
Principal Principal
Propio/a Own
Pasivo/a Passive
Profundo/a Profound
Provisorio/a Provisional
Polémico/a Controversial
Placentero/a Pleasant
Positivo/a Positive
Primordial Primary
Preciso/a Precise
Prudente Prudent

spanish adjectives that start with p

Positive Spanish Adjectives That Start With P:

Here are positive Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “P”:

Spanish English
Pacífico/a  Peaceful
Perfecto/a  Perfect
Poderoso/a  Powerful
Próspero/a  Prosperous
Productivo/a  Productive
Profundo/a  Profound
Prudente  Prudent
Precioso/a  Precious
Político/a  Polite
Proactivo/a  Proactive

Negative Spanish Adjectives That Start With P:

Here are ten negative Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “P”:

Spanish English
Pérfido/a Treacherous
Pésimo/a Terrible
Pobre Poor
Patético/a Pathetic
Pesado/a Heavy, also used to describe someone annoying
Penoso/a Painful, distressing
Perverso/a Perverse
Poco/a Little
Prohibido/a Prohibited
Prejuicioso/a Prejudiced

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