50+ Spanish Adjectives That Start With O

50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With O

Here are 50 Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “O”:

Spanish English
Obediente  Obedient
Obligatorio  Obligatory
Obsoleto  Obsolete
Obvio  Obvious
Ocasional  Occasional
Ocupado  Busy
Odiado  Hated
Odioso  Hateful
Ofensivo  Offensive
Oficial  Official
Ojeroso  Baggy
Oleoso  Oily-eyed
Olvidado  Forgotten
Opaco  Opaque
Operativo  Operational
Opuesto  Opposite
Optimista  Optimistic
Orgulloso  Proud
Orientado  Oriented
Original  Original
Ornamental  Ornamental
Oscuro  Dark
Osado  Daring
Ostentoso  Ostentatious
Otoñal  Autumnal
Ovacionado  Applauded
Ovalado  Oval
Oxidado  Oxidized
Oyente  Listening/Attentive
Obediente  Obedient
Observador  Observant
Obstinado  Obstinate
Ocurrente  Witty
Ocupacional  Occupational
Oloroso  Aromatic
Olvidadizo  Forgetful
Omnipotente  Omnipotent
Ondulado  Wavy
Oneroso  Onerous
Onírico  Dreamlike
Opulento  Opulent
Orgánico  Organic
Orquestal  Orchestral
Ortodoxo  Orthodox
Oscilante  Oscillating
Osado  Daring
Otoñal  Autumnal
Ovino  Ovine
Oxidado  Oxidized
Oxigenado  Oxygenated

spanish adjectives that start with o

Positive Spanish Adjectives That Start With O:

Here are positive Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “O”:

Spanish English
Oportuno/a  Opportune
Original  Original
Optimista  Optimistic
Ocurrente  Clever
Organizado/a  Organized
Objetivo/a  Objective
Osado/a  Daring
Obediente  Obedient
Ondulado/a  Wavy
Opulento/a  Opulent

Negative Spanish Adjectives That Start With O:

Here are ten negative Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “O”:

Spanish English
Oscuro/a Dark
Odioso/a Hateful
Odiado/a Hated
Ofensivo/a Offensive
Obsceno/a Obscene
Oneroso/a Onerous, burdensome
Odiador/Odiadora Hater
Oprobioso/a Outrageous, disgraceful
Obstruccionista Obstructionist
Oprimido/a Oppressed

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