Embarking on a linguistic journey, we delve into the vibrant world of the Spanish language. Our focus: 300 mesmerizing words that begin with the letter ‘R’. These words, a mix of nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs, showcase the richness of Spanish.
From rhythmic 4-letter words to expressive 5-letter ones, each term carries its unique flavor. This list is more than just vocabulary; it’s a window into the culture and heart of Spanish-speaking countries.
Whether you’re a language enthusiast or a curious learner, these words promise to enhance your Spanish lexicon and understanding. Let’s explore the allure of ‘R’ in Spanish!
Spanish Words That Start With R
Below are Spanish words that start with r and their meaning in English.
Spanish | English |
Realidad | Reality |
Respeto | Respect |
Receta | Recipe |
Retórica | Rhetoric |
Regalo | Present (Gift) |
Romance | Romance |
Reconocido | Recognized |
Revoltoso | Rebellious |
Relacionado | Related |
Rudito | Erudite |
Reciente | Recent |
Reunion | Meeting |
Regla | Regulation |
Rosario | Rosary |
Reloj | Clock |
Ruso | Russian |
Rápido | Rapid |
Representativo | Representative |
Raro, | Rare |
Republicano | Republican |
Regreso | Regress |
Rotundo | Rotund |
Ransición | Transition |
Reposo | Repose |
Recepción | Reception |
Retirado | Retired |
Recompensa | Recompense |
Revista, Repaso | Review |
Recibido | Received |
Retraso | Delay |
Realizado | Realized |
Respuesta | Answer |
Refigerador | Refrigerator |
Robotica | Robotics |
Recurso | Resource |
Riesgo | Risk |
Rapido/A | Fast, Quick |
Reproche | Reproach |
Referente | Referential |
Rizado | Curly |
Reducido | Reduced |
Ritmo | Rhythm |
Religion | Religion |
Ruina | Ruin |
Razón | Reason |
Residencia | Residence |
Rango | Rank |
Reporte | Report |
Rapaz | Rapacious |
Representación | Representation |
Recriminación | Recrimination |
Rey | King |
Redondo | Round |
Río | River |
Rebeldía | Rebelliousness |
Retablo | Retable |
Regla | Rule |
Rostro | Rostrum |
Recurso | Recourse |
Ridiculo/A | Silly |
Reloj | Watch (Time) |
Rústico | Rustic |
Razón | Ratio |
Resfriado | Cold (Sick) |
Refinado | Refined |
Robusto | Robust |
Radiante | Radiant |
Renta | Rent |
Referido | Referred |
Robo | Robbery |
Rancho | Ranch |
Repetición | Repetition |
Red | Network |
Rígido | Rigid |
Relato | Relation |
Rudo | Rude |
Rayo | Ray |
Reputación | Reputation |
Rebelde | Rebel |
Resurrección | Resurrection |
Regalo | Gift |
Rollo | Roll |
Realizar | Fulfill |
Restaurante | Restaurant |
Reducción | Reduction |
Riqueza | Wealth |
Razonable | Reasonable |
Resistencia | Resistance |
Rebaja, Venta | Sale |
Resultado | Result |
Raza | Race |
Reservado | Reserved |
Rapidez | Rapidity |
Representante | Representative |
Regio | Regal |
Ropa | Clothes |
Realismo | Realism |
Responsabilidad | Responsibility |
Receta Medica | Prescription |
Retorno | Return |
Reconstrucción | Reconstruction |
Revolucionario | Revolutionary |
Rapidamente | Quickly |
Representado | Represented |
Realización | Realization |
Respuesta | Response |
Reacción | Reaction |
Respectivo | Respective |
Region | Region |
Ropa Interior | Underwear |
Registro | Register |
Rosa | Rose |
Refugio | Refuge |
Rol | Role |
Referencia | Reference |
Rivalidad | Rivalry |
Reaccionar | React |
Respecto | Respective |
Rayo X | X-Ray |
Reserva | Reserve |
Rebajado | Reduced (In Price) |
Resumen | Resume |
Recibo | Receipt |
Reunido | Reunited |
Racional | Rational |
Renacimiento | Renaissance |
Recocido | Overcooked |
Revisar | Revise |
Reino | Reign |
Rubi | Ruby |
Rancio | Rancid |
Reportaje | Report |
Reconocimiento | Recognition |
Revolución | Revolution |
Recuerdo | Record |
Ridículo | Ridiculous |
Real | Royal |
Respetable | Respectable |
Redacción | Redaction |
Riguroso | Rigorous |
Recomendacion | Recommendation |
Revista | Magazine |
Recientemente | Recently |
Revelación | Revelation |
Recuerdo | Souvenir |
Rico/A | Wealthy |
Ración | Ration |
Remoto | Remote |
Rutina | Routine |
Razonamiento | Reasoning |
Resorte | Resort |
Ramo De Flores | Bouquet |
Repercusión | Repercussion |
Relación | Relation |
Rubio | Blond |
Ramificación | Ramification |
Reparación | Reparation |
Rebelión | Rebellion |
Religioso | Religious |
Retirada | Retreat |
Rural | Rural |
Reflejo | Reflex |
Roca | Rock |
Refresco | Soft Drink |
Rojo/A | Red |
Razonable | Sensible |
Resolución | Resolution |
Realmente | Really |
Resto | Rest |
Registrado | Registered |
Rosa | Pink |
Relevante | Relevant |
Rueda | Wheel |
Rectificar | Rectify |
Rico/A | Rich |
Raton | Mouse |
Repugnante | Repugnant |
Rabia | Rabies |
Remedio | Remedy |
Ruta | Route |
Reforma | Reform |
Rojizo | Reddish |
Relieve | Relief |
Ruido | Noise |
Rana | Frog |
Repertorio | Repertory |
Regimiento | Regiment |
Romántico | Romantic |
Recepcionista | Receptionist |
Retiro | Retirement |
Radiador | Radiator |
Rencor | Rancor |
Realista | Realist |
Responsable | Responsible |
Recitar | Recite |
Revelar | Reveal |
Rara Vez | Seldom |
República | Republic |
Recobrar | Recover |
Revés | Reverse |
Regla | Ruler |
Roto/A | Broken |
Raqueta | Racket (Tennis) |
Reproducción | Reproduction |
Régimen | Regime |
Romanticismo | Romanticism |
Reflexión | Reflection |
Rodilla | Knee |
Radio | Radio |
Reparacion | Repair |
Related: Spanish Words A-Z
Spanish Nouns That Start With R
Spanish Noun | English Translation |
Rosa | Rose |
Río | River |
Rey | King |
Rana | Frog |
Reloj | Clock/Watch |
Ratón | Mouse |
Ropa | Clothes |
Restaurante | Restaurant |
Regalo | Gift |
Rocío | Dew |
Rueda | Wheel |
Riesgo | Risk |
Respeto | Respect |
Razón | Reason |
Recuerdo | Memory/Souvenir |
Rincón | Corner |
Receta | Recipe/Prescription |
Rostro | Face |
Regla | Rule/Ruler |
Ruina | Ruin |
Spanish Adjectives That Start With R
Spanish Adjective | English Translation |
Rápido | Fast |
Rico | Rich/Tasty |
Rojo | Red |
Romántico | Romantic |
Raro | Strange |
Real | Royal/Real |
Rígido | Rigid |
Robusto | Robust |
Rural | Rural |
Razonable | Reasonable |
Radiante | Radiant |
Respetuoso | Respectful |
Relevante | Relevant |
Relajado | Relaxed |
Refinado | Refined |
Resistente | Resistant |
Repetitivo | Repetitive |
Renovado | Renewed |
Riguroso | Rigorous |
Recíproco | Reciprocal |
Read More: Spanish Adjectives That Start With R
Spanish Verbs That Start With R
Spanish Verb | English Translation |
Reír | To laugh |
Recordar | To remember |
Romper | To break |
Recibir | To receive |
Responder | To answer |
Regresar | To return |
Revisar | To review |
Respetar | To respect |
Rechazar | To reject |
Renunciar | To resign |
Recorrer | To travel through |
Reflexionar | To reflect |
Recomendar | To recommend |
Repetir | To repeat |
Respirar | To breathe |
Revelar | To reveal |
Recuperar | To recover |
Requerir | To require |
Reemplazar | To replace |
Relajar | To relax |
Read More: Spanish Verbs That Start With R
Spanish Adverbs That Start With R
Spanish Adverb | English Translation |
Rápidamente | Quickly |
Regularmente | Regularly |
Realmente | Really |
Recientemente | Recently |
Raramente | Rarely |
Ruidosamente | Noisily |
Rigurosamente | Rigorously |
Relativamente | Relatively |
Respectivamente | Respectively |
Resueltamente | Resolutely |
Rotundamente | Emphatically |
Razonablemente | Reasonably |
Rígidamente | Rigidly |
Remotamente | Remotely |
Respetuosamente | Respectfully |
Reiteradamente | Repeatedly |
Radiantemente | Radiantly |
Recíprocamente | Reciprocally |
Rigurosamente | Rigorously |
Románticamente | Romantically |
4 Letter Spanish Words That Start With R
Below are 4 Spanish letter words starting with R.
Spanish | English |
roce | contact |
raya | scratch |
ruta | route |
raro | rare |
roto | rascal |
raya | limit |
ruso | russian |
reír | to laugh |
raco | toucan |
roer | to gnaw |
raso | flat |
ruán | rouen (a city in france) |
raza | race, ethnicity |
ramo | branch |
ropa | clothing, clothes |
rayo | beam, ray |
raza | breed, strain, lineage |
raza | crack (in horse’s hoof) |
rato | male rat |
runo | runic |
rico | rich |
rizo | a highlight |
rayo | a bolt of lightning |
ruth | female given name |
real | royal |
raíz | root |
roer | to wear down |
ramo | bouquet |
romo | blunt |
rima | consonance |
roca | rock |
raza | beam of light, ray of light |
real | real (unit of currency) |
reto | challenge, dare |
reno | reindeer, caribou |
raer | to scrape |
roer | to pick at |
ramo | bough |
roma | rome |
rata | a rat |
runa | man |
real | real |
raza | stripe |
risa | a laugh |
rape | monkfish |
rosa | colour pink |
rana | frog |
rosa | a rose |
raya | parting |
ruso | russian language |
raso | satin |
runa | rune |
roce | rubbing |
rico | tasty |
riel | ingot, bar |
rima | (plural) poems, poetry |
rabo | tail |
rock | rock (music style) |
reja | grating, grille |
raja | a slit, crack, gash |
rojo | the colour red |
rima | heap, pile |
remo | oar, paddle |
rico | luxurious |
rato | mouse |
rusa | feminine form of ruso |
raja | a slice, splinter |
rojo | having the colour red |
raya | ray (fish) |
ruta | highway |
riña | fight, struggle |
raro | strange or odd |
roza | brushing, scrubbing |
raso | the open; the wild |
ruda | rue (plant) |
ríos | spanish surname |
rezo | prayer |
raza | cleft, fissure |
rima | rhyme |
robo | robbery |
relé | relay |
rape | shaving, hair crop |
roto | broken |
raso | level |
rubí | ruby (gem) |
rapé | snuff |
roto | corrupt, rotten |
rifa | lottery, raffle |
rama | branch |
rolo | blind |
raya | line |
ruso | russian person |
rito | rite, ritual |
5 Letter Spanish Words That Start With R
Below are 5 letter Spanish words starting with r.
Spanish | English |
Revés | Back |
Recto | Straight |
Rengo | Lame |
Rocío | Dew |
Racha | Streak |
Regio | Royal |
Ritmo | Rhythm |
Rasgo | Feature |
Riada | Flood |
Rifar | Raffle |
Risco | Crag |
Reino | Kingdom |
Rorro | Baby |
Rumbo | Course |
Rezar | Pray |
Robar | Steal |
Ramal | Branch |
Rasar | Skim |
Rubia | Blonde |
Rural | Rural |
Riego | Irrigation |
Rocín | Nag |
Rompe | You break |
Rollo | Roll |
Rajar | Crack |
Rapaz | Predatory |
Reina | Queen |
Rizar | Curl |
Rival | Rival |
Ruina | Ruin |
Rayar | Scratch |
Ratón | Mouse |
Renta | Income |
Rehén | Hostage |
Rosca | Thread |
Rotar | Rotate |
Rubro | Heading |
Rabia | Anger |
Rodar | Roll |
Rango | Rank |
Rubor | Blush |
Rolar | Veer |
Ronda | Round |
Remar | Row |
Rampa | Ramp |
Retar | Challenge |
Rugir | Roar |
Regar | Water |
Regla | Ruler |
Ruido | Noise |
Ronco | Hoarse |
Rimar | Rhyme |
Rueda | Wheel |
Rumor | Rumor |
Rogar | Beg |
Razón | Reason |
Regir | Govern |
Recio | Tough |
Rozar | Brush against |
Rapar | Shave |
Reñir | Tell off |
Rular | Go around |
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