50+ Spanish Adjectives That Start With C

50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With C

Here are 50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With the letter “C”:

Spanish English
Cálido/a Warm
Caliente Hot
Cansado/a Tired
Capaz Capable
Cariñoso/a Affectionate
Cauteloso/a Cautious
Celeste Sky blue
Célebre Famous
Ciego/a Blind
Cobarde Cowardly
Coqueto/a Flirtatious
Cortés Polite
Cruel Cruel
Cursi Tacky
Curioso/a Curious
Cálido/a Cozy
Chistoso/a Funny
Chulo/a Cute
Cercano/a Close
Cansador/a Exhausting
Cautivador/a Captivating
Completo/a Complete
Comprensivo/a Understanding
Caro/a Expensive
Cálido/a Caring
Convincente Convincing
Culto/a Cultured
Cautivante Enchanting
Común Common
Competente Competent
Confiable Trustworthy
Calmo/a Calm
Cercano/a Near
Cariñoso/a Loving
Carismático/a Charismatic
Complaciente Accommodating
Contagioso/a Contagious
Cotidiano/a Daily
Creíble Believable
Crujiente Crunchy
Cuadrado/a Square
Cuidadoso/a Careful
Culpable Guilty
Cálido/a Balmy
Ciego/a Unaware
Colorido/a Colorful
Cautivo/a Captive
Científico/a Scientific
Cálido/a Heated
Curvado/a Curved

spanish adjectives that start with c

Positive Spanish Adjectives That Start With C

Here are positive Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “C”:

Spanish English
Cariñoso/a  Affectionate
Creativo/a  Creative
Confiado/a  Confident
Culto/a  Cultured
Capaz  Capable
Caliente  Hot (also used to describe warm-hearted people)
Cooperativo/a  Cooperative
Cómico/a  Funny
Cortés  Polite
Carismático/a  Charismatic

Negative Spanish Adjectives That Start With C:

Here are ten negative Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “C”:

Spanish English
Cruel Cruel
Cobarde Cowardly
Caótico/a Chaotic
Celoso/a Jealous
Chismoso/a Gossipy
Cínico/a Cynical
Chiflado/a Crazy
Codicioso/a Greedy
Corrupto/a Corrupt
Cansado/a Tired

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