50+ Spanish Adjectives That Start With J

50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With J

Here are 50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With the letter “J”:

Spanish English
Joven Young
Justo/a Fair/Just
Jocoso/a Humorous
Jocoso/a Jovial
Jactancioso/a Boastful
Juguetón/a Playful
Jodido/a Tough/Difficult
Jovial Jovial
Juntito/a Close together
Jocundo/a Joyful
Jazmín Jasmine
Jibarizado/a Shrunken
Juntos/as Together
Juvenil Juvenile
Jocoso/a Joking
Jugoso/a Juicy
Jirafiforme Giraffe-like
Justiciero/a Vigilant/Righteous
Jorobado/a Hunchbacked
Jumentoso/a Mule-like
Jurado/a Sworn
Jugoso/a Profitable
Jamás Never
Jactancioso/a Pretentious
Jovial Mirthful
Juncal Reed-covered
Jovenzuelo/a Youngster
Juicioso/a Prudent
Jorobado/a Hunchback
Jurídico/a Legal
Jubilado/a Retired
Juicioso/a Judicious
Jacarandoso/a Violet-colored
Juntado/a Joined
Jugador/a Player
Jorobado/a Humpbacked
Jurado/a Juror
Juncáceo/a Rush-like
Jovialidad Joviality
Jurídico/a Juridical
Jactancioso/a Boastful
Jovialidad Mirth
Jocundia Jocundity
Juez Judge
Japonés/a Japanese
Jubiloso/a Joyful
Juncal Rush bed
Jocundia Cheerfulness
Jovial Lighthearted
Japonés/a Japanse

spanish adjectives that start with j

Positive Spanish Adjectives That Start With J:

Here are positive Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “J”:

Spanish English
Jovial  Jovial
Jubiloso/a  Jubilant
Justo/a  Just
Jocoso/a  Jocular
Joven  Young
Juntador/a  Unifier
Juicioso/a  Wise
Juguetón/a  Playful
Jactancioso/a  Boastful
Jocundo/a  Cheerful

Negative Spanish Adjectives That Start With J:

Here are ten negative Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “J”:

Spanish English
Jactancioso/a Boastful
Jodido/a Damaged, ruined, used in some regions as a strong curse word
Jorobado/a Hunchbacked
Jamás Never
Jergoso/a Jargon-filled
Juerguista Party-loving, but can also imply excessive partying
Jerárquico/a Hierarchical, used negatively to describe someone overly concerned with authority and status
Jodón/Jodona Joker, but can also be used negatively for someone who jokes inappropriately
Jaulero/a Rowdy, troublemaker
Justiciero/a Vigilante, used to describe someone who seeks justice in an excessive or inappropriate way

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