50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With I

50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With I

Here are 50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With the letter “I”:

Spanish English
Inteligente Intelligent
Impresionante Impressive
Increíble Incredible
Inquieto/a Restless
Interesante Interesting
Íntimo/a Intimate
Irresistible Irresistible
Inocente Innocent
Innovador/a Innovative
Inusual Unusual
Impaciente Impatient
Incómodo/a Uncomfortable
Iluminado/a Illuminated
Ilegal Illegal
Idéntico/a Identical
Insólito/a Uncommon
Inigualable Unmatchable
Ignorante Ignorant
Índigo Indigo
Inflamable Flammable
Invaluable Invaluable
Inestable Unstable
Inquebrantable Unbreakable
Inmaduro/a Immature
Implacable Relentless
Inmortal Immortal
Incansable Tireless
Inocuo/a Harmless
Integrante Integral
Imparable Unstoppable
Indomable Indomitable
Intrigante Intriguing
Ingenioso/a Ingenious
Indígena Indigenous
Impecable Impeccable
Inmaculado/a Immaculate
Indiferente Indifferent
Invisible Invisible
Intenso/a Intense
Indeciso/a Indecisive
Inerte Inert
Inmune Immune
Inculto/a Uncultured
Inglés/a English
Inquebrantable Unbreakable
Inestimable Inestimable
Irónico/a Ironic
Impulsivo/a Impulsive
Intacto/a Intact
Ingrato/a Ungrateful

spanish adjectives that start with i

Positive Spanish Adjectives That Start With I:

Here are positive Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “I”:

Spanish English
Ingenioso/a  Ingenious
Ilustre  Illustrious
Inspirador/a  Inspiring
Imaginativo/a  Imaginative
Íntegro/a  Integrity
Innovador/a  Innovative
Inteligente  Intelligent
Interesante  Interesting
Impresionante  Impressive
Imparcial  Impartial

Negative Spanish Adjectives That Start With I:

Here are ten negative Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “I”:

Spanish English
Ignorante Ignorant
Inútil Useless
Incapaz Incapable
Insensato/a Senseless
Inestable Unstable
Indignante Outrageous
Inoportuno/a Inopportune
Inflexible Inflexible
Insolente Insolent
Indiferente Indifferent

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