50+ Spanish Adjectives That Start With G

50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With G

Here are 50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With the letter “G”:

Spanish English
Grande Big/Large
Gris Gray
Guapo/a Handsome/Beautiful
Gordo/a Fat
Gracioso/a Funny
Generoso/a Generous
Gustoso/a Tasty
Glorioso/a Glorious
Gigante Giant
Grato/a Pleasant
Genuino/a Genuine
Gráfico/a Graphic
Grosero/a Rude
Gemelo/a Twin
Griego/a Greek
Gélido/a Icy
Gracioso/a Graceful
Galante Gallant
Glacial Glacial
Gentil Kind
Gráfico/a Chart/graphic
Grisáceo/a Grayish
Geométrico/a Geometric
Gigantesco/a Gigantic
Genial Brilliant
Glorioso/a Glorious
Grato/a Grateful
Grotesco/a Grotesque
Glorificado/a Glorified
Ganador/a Winning
Gruñón/a Grumpy
Gomoso/a Gummy
Gastronómico/a Gastronomic
Garboso/a Graceful
Griego/a Greek
Gelatinoso/a Gelatinous
Gravitacional Gravitational
Gozoso/a Joyful
Gaseoso/a Gaseous
Galáctico/a Galactic
Granulado/a Granulated
Gustativo/a Gustatory
Genuino/a Authentic
Gordezuelo/a Chubby
Gabacho/a Foreign
Galvanizado/a Galvanized
Graso/a Fatty
Geográfico/a Geographic
Geológico/a Geological
Gramatical Grammatical

spanish adjectives that start with g

Positive Spanish Adjectives That Start With G:

Here are positive Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “G”:

Spanish English
Generoso/a  Generous
Gracioso/a  Gracious
Genial  Great
Glorioso/a  Glorious
Gentil  Kind
Grande  Big
Guapo/a  Handsome/Beautiful
Grato/a  Pleasant
Galante  Gallant
Genuino/a  Genuine

Negative Spanish Adjectives That Start With G:

Here are ten negative Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “G”:

Spanish English
Grosero/a Rude
Gracioso/a mean “sarcastic” in a negative sense
Gruñón/Gruñona Grumpy
Glotón/Glotona Gluttonous
Gafe Jinxed, unlucky
Gandul Lazy
Gruñón/Gruñona Grumpy
Grotesco/a Grotesque
Goloso/a Greedy, gluttonous
Gafe Unlucky, jinxed

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