50+ Spanish Adjectives That Start With B

50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With B

Here are 50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With the letter “B”:

Spanish English
Bajo/a Short/Low
Bueno/a Good
Bonito/a Pretty
Bravo/a Brave/Fierce
Blanco/a White
Bastante Enough/Quite
Blando/a Soft
Breve Brief/Short
Bello/a Beautiful
Brillante Brilliant/Shiny
Bilingüe Bilingual
Bizarro/a Courageous
Borracho/a Drunk
Bárbaro/a Barbarous
Buscado/a Sought-after
Bondadoso/a Kind
Bienvenido/a Welcome
Brecha Wide gap
Burlón/a Mocking
Bajo/a Low
Borrascoso/a Stormy
Breve Short
Belicoso/a Warlike
Beneficioso/a Beneficial
Burlón/a Joker
Besador/a Kisser
Bisabuelo/a Great-grandfather/Great-grandmother
Blanco/a Blank/Blanket
Brusco/a Abrupt/Rough
Bullanguero/a Noisy
Burlón/a Teasing
Berrinchudo/a Spoiled
Balbuceante Babbling
Bochornoso/a Embarrassing
Bribón/a Rogue
Boquiabierto/a Astonished
Blando/a Tender
Bellísimo/a Extremely beautiful
Barrigón/a Pot-bellied
Boquiabierto/a Open-mouthed
Bullicioso/a Boisterous
Besuqueador/a Kissy
Bajito/a Short/Stumpy
Burocrático/a Bureaucratic
Bien Well
Breve Brief
Borroso/a Blurry
Bilingüe Bilingual
Bendito/a Blessed
Bonachón/a Good-natured

spanish adjectives that start with b

Positive Spanish Adjectives That Start With B

Here are positive Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “B”:

Spanish English
Bueno/a  Good
Bello/a  Beautiful
Brillante  Brilliant
Bendito/a  Blessed
Bondadoso/a  Kind
Brillante  Bright-hearted
Bastante  Abundant
Benévolo/a  Benevolent
Buenazo/a  Awesome
Brillante  Sparkling

Negative Spanish Adjectives That Start With B:

Here are ten negative Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “B”:

Spanish English
Bravo/a Fierce
Bruto/a Brutish
Borracho/a Drunk
Burlón/Burlona Mocking
Bastardo/a Bastard, offensive term for someone born out of wedlock
Bobo/a Silly
Bárbaro/a Barbaric
Burdo/a Crude
Blasfemo/a Blasphemous
Bagre Ugly, used in some Latin American countries

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