50+ Spanish Adjectives That Start With A

50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With A

Here are 50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With the letter “A”:

Spanish English
Abierto/a Open
Alegre Happy
Alto/a Tall
Amable Kind
Amarillo/a Yellow
Amargo/a Bitter
Ancho/a Wide
Antiguo/a Old
Azul Blue
Agrio/a Sour
Agradable Pleasant
Asombroso/a Amazing
Atrevido/a Bold
Audaz Daring
Ágil Agile
Aterrador/a Terrifying
Afable Affable
Ardiente Fiery
Apasionado/a Passionate
Atento/a Attentive
Alocado/a Crazy
Alucinante Astonishing
Artístico/a Artistic
Áspero/a Rough
Adorable Adorable
Avanzado/a Advanced
Aventurero/a Adventurous
Amoroso/a Loving
Adinerado/a Wealthy
Abundante Abundant
Acogedor/a Cozy
Agradecido/a Grateful
Ardiente Passionate
Ambicioso/a Ambitious
Angosto/a Narrow
Amigable Friendly
Armonioso/a Harmonious
Aficionado/a Enthusiastic
Atractivo/a Attractive
Afortunado/a Fortunate
Atrevido/a Daring
Aterciopelado/a Velvety
Animado/a Animated
Adictivo/a Addictive
Ágil Nimble
Alocado/a Madcap
Auténtico/a Authentic
Asustado/a Scared
Aplaudido/a Applauded
Asombrado/a Amazed

spanish adjectives that start with a

Positive Spanish Adjectives That Start With A

Here are positive Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “A”:

Spanish English
Amable  Kind
Alegre  Happy
Atractivo/a  Attractive
Amoroso/a  Loving
Apasionado/a  Passionate
Admirable  Admirable
Agradable  Pleasant
Asombroso/a  Amazing
Auténtico/a  Authentic
Abierto/a  Open-minded

Negative Spanish Adjectives That Start With A

Here are ten negative Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “A”:

Spanish English
Aburrido/a Boring
Amargo/a Bitter
Agresivo/a Aggressive
Asqueroso/a Disgusting
Agotador/a Exhausting
Antipático/a Unfriendly
Arrogante Arrogant
Avorazado/a Greedy
Avaro/a Stingy
Anodino/a Dull

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