50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With K

50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With K

In Spanish, adjectives that start with the letter “K” are quite rare, and there are not many commonly used adjectives that fit this criterion. However, here are a few Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “K”:

Spanish English
Kilo Kilogram
Kiwi Kiwi, referring to the fruit
Kafkiano/a Kafkaesque
Kármico/a Karmic

Please note that “K” is not a native letter in the Spanish alphabet, and most Spanish words of foreign origin that start with “K” maintain the same spelling as in their original language. As a result, there are very few Spanish adjectives that start with “K” compared to other letters in the alphabet.

Positive Spanish Adjectives That Start With K:

Here are positive Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “K”:

Spanish English
Kármico/a  Karmic
Kilométrico/a  Kilometric (used to describe something extensive or long)
Kafkiano/a  Kafkaesque
Kerámico/a  Ceramic
Kaizen  Kaizen (term used in continuous improvement and self-discipline)
Kawaii  Kawaii (Japanese term used to describe something cute)
Kiosko/a  Kiosk (used to describe a small open booth or stand)
Káiser  Kaiser (used to describe a ruler or leader)
Kinético/a  Kinetic
Kitsh  Kitsch (used to describe art or objects considered in poor taste)

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