50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With V

50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With V

Here are 50 Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “V”:

Spanish English
Valiente  Brave
Verde  Green
Viejo  Old
Vivo  Alive/Lively
Violento  Violent
Vasto  Vast
Vacío  Empty
Válido  Valid
Vanidoso  Vain
Vago  Lazy/Vague
Valioso  Valuable
Variable  Variable
Vengativo  Vengeful
Ventajoso  Advantageous
Veraz  Truthful
Verdadero  True
Vertical  Vertical
Vestido  Dressed
Veterano  Veteran
Vibrante  Vibrant
Vicioso  Vicious
Vigilante  Vigilant
Vigoroso  Vigorous
Violeta  Violet
Virgen  Virgin
Virtual  Virtual
Vital  Vital
Volátil  Volatile
Voluntario  Voluntary
Vulnerable  Vulnerable
Válido  Valid
Vago  Vague
Valiente  Valiant
Variado  Varied
Vasto  Broad
Veloz  Swift
Venenoso  Poisonous
Ventoso  Windy
Verdoso  Greenish
Verídico  Truthful
Vernal  Springtime
Versátil  Versatile
Vertical  Vertical
Veterinario  Veterinary
Vibran te  Vibrant
Vibratorio  Vibratory
Vicente  Vicentian
Vidrioso  Glassy
Vigoroso  Vigorous
Violeta  Violet

spanish adjectives that start with v

Positive Spanish Adjectives That Start With V:

Here are positive Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “V”:

Spanish English
Valiente  Brave
Virtuoso/a  Virtuous
Vital  Vital
Vivaz  Lively
Victorioso/a  Victorious
Visionario/a  Visionary
Voluntario/a  Voluntary
Vistoso/a  Showy
Vencedor/a  Conqueror
Venturoso/a  Fortunate

Negative Spanish Adjectives That Start With V:

Here are ten negative Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “V”:

Spanish English
Vanidoso/a Vain
Vago/a Lazy
Violento/a Violent
Vulgar Vulgar
Vengativo/a Vengeful
Vergonzoso/a Embarrassing
Vacío/a Empty
Venenoso/a Venomous
Vicioso/a Vicious
Volátil Volatile

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