50+ Spanish Adjectives That Start With F

50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With F

Here are 50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With the letter “F”:

Spanish English
Feliz Happy
Fuerte Strong
Fácil Easy
Fresco/a Fresh
Feo/a Ugly
Flaco/a Thin/Skinny
Frío/a Cold
Fiel Loyal
Famoso/a Famous
Formal Formal
Fiel Faithful
Feroz Fierce
Fluido/a Fluid
Fugaz Fleeting
Frecuente Frequent
Fiel True
Fantástico/a Fantastic
Furtivo/a Sneaky
Fresco/a Cool
Fiel Trustworthy
Flexible Flexible
Frágil Fragile
Feroz Ferocious
Formal Polite
Frenético/a Frenetic
Fragante Fragrant
Fugitivo/a Fugitive
Fiero/a Fierce
Fértil Fertile
Físico/a Physical
Flamante Brand new
Frívolo/a Frivolous
Frenético/a Frantic
Flojo/a Lazy
Formal Serious
Festivo/a Festive
Fugitivo/a On the run
Falso/a False
Fiel Dependable
Feroz Savage
Fascinante Fascinating
Fugaz Ephemeral
Fortuito/a Fortuitous
Feroz Wild
Férreo/a Ironclad
Fidedigno/a Reliable
Fiero/a Wild
Fértil Productive
Frenético/a Hectic
Físico/a Material

spanish adjectives that start with f

Positive Spanish Adjectives That Start With F:

Here are positive Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “F”:

Spanish English
Fiel  Faithful
Feliz  Happy
Fabuloso/a  Fabulous
Fantástico/a  Fantastic
Fino/a  Fine
Fresco/a  Fresh
Fuerte  Strong
Fiable  Reliable
Floreciente  Flourishing
Formal  Formal

Negative Spanish Adjectives That Start With F:

Here are ten negative Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “F”:

Spanish English
Falso/a False
Feo/a Ugly
Frío/a Cold
Flojo/a Lazy
Frustrante Frustrating
Fastidioso/a Annoying
Fanático/a Fanatical
Frenético/a Frantic
Faltón/Faltona Rude, insolent
Funesto/a Gloomy, ominous

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