50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With L

50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With L

Here are 50 Spanish Adjectives That Start With the letter “L”:

Spanish English
Largo/a Long
Lindo/a Pretty
Leal Loyal
Liviano/a Lightweight
Luminoso/a Luminous
Lento/a Slow
Loco/a Crazy
Latente Latent
Leve Slight
Libre Free
Luminoso/a Bright
Limpio/a Clean
Lujoso/a Luxurious
Largo/a Tall
Lúgubre Gloomy
Lejano/a Distant
Lujurioso/a Lustful
Lisonjero/a Flattering
Lírico/a Lyrical
Luminoso/a Shining
Lamentable Regrettable
Lechoso/a Milky
Lechoso/a Cloudy
Lúcido/a Clear-headed
Liso/a Smooth
Lóbrego/a Murky
Lívido/a Livid
Largo/a Widespread
Lejano/a Remote
Lógico/a Logical
Luminoso/a Glowing
Lúdico/a Playful
Lisonjero/a Sycophantic
Levantado/a Raised
Lucrativo/a Lucrative
Lento/a Deliberate
Lejano/a Far-off
Laberíntico/a Labyrinthine
Llano/a Flat
Lúgubre Mournful
Lábil Unstable
Luminoso/a Radiant
Lúcido/a Lucid
Lamentable Lamentable
Lánguido/a Languid
Locuaz Loquacious
Lógico/a Reasonable
Lateral Lateral
Lleno/a Full
Límpido/a Clear

spanish adjectives that start with l

Positive Spanish Adjectives That Start With L:

Here are positive Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “L”:

Spanish English
Leal  Loyal
Lindo/a  Lovely
Listo/a  Smart
Luminoso/a  Luminous
Logrado/a  Achieved
Lúcido/a  Lucid
Laborioso/a  Hardworking
Liberal  Liberal
Loable  Laudable
Ligero/a  Light (in weight or movement)

Negative Spanish Adjectives That Start With L:

Here are ten negative Spanish adjectives that start with the letter “L”:

Spanish English
Lamentable Lamentable
Loco/a Crazy
Lento/a Slow
Ladrón/Ladrona Thief
Lamentoso/a Lamenting
Lamentable Lamentable
Lúgubre Gloomy
Lamentoso/a Lamenting
Laxo/a Lax
Lóbrego/a Dark, gloomy

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