30 Spanish Words That Start With Y

Embarking on the tail end of our alphabetical Spanish journey, we arrive at the letter ‘Y’. In this segment, we explore 30 fascinating Spanish words that start with ‘Y’, embracing a mix of nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs.

This curated list might be smaller, but it’s rich with linguistic diversity. The words, ranging from everyday vocabulary to more unique terms, highlight the adaptability and cultural nuances of the Spanish language.

Perfect for those refining their Spanish skills or diving into new linguistic territories, these ‘Y’ words offer a unique perspective. They are not just vocabulary; they’re windows into the vibrant and diverse world of Spanish expression.

Spanish Words That Start With Y

Below are some common Spanish words that start with y.

  1. Yate (Yacht)
  2. Yema (Yolk)
  3. Yunque (Anvil)
  4. Yunta (Yoke)
  5. Yodo (Iodine)
  6. Yacimiento (Deposit/Mine)
  7. Yema (Bud)
  8. Yacija (Bedstead)
  9. Yegua (Mare)
  10. Yema (Cream)
  11. Yugo (Yoke)
  12. Yacija (Bed)
  13. Yacimiento (Site)
  14. Yoduro (Iodide)
  15. Yantar (Amber)
  16. Yerba (Herb)
  17. Yelmo (Helmet)
  18. Yodo (Yod)
  19. Yedra (Ivy)
  20. Yema (Pulp)
  21. Yerba (Maté)
  22. Yerno (Son-in-law)
  23. Yegua (Filly)
  24. Yodo (Yodine)
  25. Yunque (Workbench)
  26. Yacija (Mattress)
  27. Yugo (Constraint)
  28. Yema (Custard)
  29. Yacimiento (Finding)
  30. Yedra (Wall ivy)

Must Read:

Spanish Adjectives That Start With Y

Spanish Verbs That Start With Y

Spanish Words that start with y

5 Letter Spanish Words That Start With Y

Below are 5-letter Spanish words starting with y.

Spanish English
Yanta You eat
Yesca Tinder
Yayos Grandma and grandpa
Yerro Error
Yates Yachts
Yerno Son-in-law
Yunta Yoke
Yogur Yogurt
Yacer Lie
Yelmo Helm
Yegua Mare
Yermo Uninhabited

4 Letter Spanish Words That Start With Y

Below are 4 letter Spanish words starting with y.

Spanish English
yuan yuan
yago male given name
yuca yucca plant
yeso plaster cast
yaya granny, gran
yeso plaster
yate yacht
yeso gypsum
yute jute
yoga yoga
yodo iodine
yuso down
yaca soursop tree
yema yolk (of an egg)
yayo grandpa, pops
yuca cassava
yugo yoke
yoyo yo-yo
yudo judo
yoyó yo-yo
yema bud; shoot

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