200+ Spanish Words That Start With L

Do you want to become a true master of the Spanish language? Or maybe you just want to expand your Spanish vocabulary? Either way, learning all the words that start with L is sure to be an enjoyable and informative experience.

With its unique letter combinations, colorful pronunciations, and romantic sounds — there’s no doubt that memorizing these incredible words will take your Spanish skills to a whole new level. So join us as we explore some of the most fascinating Spanish words that begin with L!

Spanish Words That Start With L

Here are the Spanish words starting with L and English meaning.

Spanish English
legislador legislator
letra letter
lírico lyric
librero, librera bookcase
llamada telefonica phone call
liberalismo liberalism
literatura literature
lo, le him
largo large
luminosidad luminosity
latente latent
lunático lunatic
litoral littoral
lámpara lamp
lúcido lucid
león lion
libreria bookstore
ley law
legumbres legumes
limonada lemonade
liderazgo leadership
largo long
luminoso luminous
límite limit
limitado limited
lluvia rain
lealtad loyalty
lamentación lamentation
lucha fight
lana wool
luego then
licenciado graduate
ligamento ligament
lenteja lentil
literatura no novelesca non fiction
líder leader
lobo wolf
leal loyal
limpio cleam
lácteo lacteous
locutor announcer
limón lemon
laguna lacuna
los, las them
liga league
llave key
latitud latitude
lunes monday
lente lens
líquido liquid
lejos de away from
limitación limitation
lección lesson
lengua tongue
lazo lasso
lapiz pencil
lumbrera luminary
lista list
legislar legislate
letrero lettering
licencia licence
langosta lobster
lugar place
legua league
lector reader
lista de platos menu
literario literary
liquidar liquidate
limitar limit
lectura lecture
lavaplatos dishwasher
luz light
lengua language
leyenda legend
laboratorio laboratory
loco/a insane
libre free
litro liter
laguna lagoon
lotería lottery
libro book
licor liquor
lectura reading
ligado legato
libre liberal
libertad freedom
lícito licit
laborar labor
loco crazy
lechuga lettuce
lago lake
lomo de cerdo pork loin
llamada call
ladrillo brick
lógico logical
lento slow
lluvioso/a rainy
limpio limpid
lino linen
leche milk
lejos de far (from)
listo/a ready
lleno de full of
licenciado licensed
latin latin
lunes Monday
labor labour
localidad locality
línea line
llovizna rainfall
lagrima tear
longitud longitude
liso straight
leopardo leopard
laborioso laborious
locura craziness
legítimo legitimate
libertad liberty
lata can
luna de miel honeymoon
libra pound
litio lithium
lastima pity
luna moon
lírico lyrical
linaje lineage
lado side
lógica logic


Spanish Words A-Z

Spanish Verbs A-Z

Spanish Adjectives A-Z

Spanish Words that start with l

Spanish Adjectives That Start With L

Spanish English
largo long
lindo cute
ligero light
loco crazy
luminoso bright
listo smart
libre free
limpio clean
lujoso luxurious
lento slow
lleno full
laico secular
laborioso hardworking
lúcido lucid
lechoso milky
lateral lateral
lascivo lewd
liso smooth
leñoso woody
limitado limited
liviano lightweight
legítimo legitimate
lóbrego gloomy
letrado learned
lluvioso rainy
lozano lively
lisonjero flattering
lucrativo lucrative
lustroso glossy
lineal linear
litoral coastal
lacerante lacerating
laberíntico labyrinthine
lamido licked
lasciano faint-hearted
laureado laureate
lácteo milky
leal loyal
legal legal
legitimo legitimate
leguleyo pettifogging
lejano distant
letal lethal
levantado raised
levantino eastern
leve light
licencioso licentious
linfático lymphatic

Read More: Spanish Adjectives That Start With L

Spanish Verbs That Start with L

Spanish Verb English
Llevar To carry/take
Leer To read
Llegar To arrive
Limpiar To clean
Luchar To fight
Lanzar To throw/launch
Lamentar To regret/lament
Latir To beat (as in heart)
Liberar To free/liberate
Lograr To achieve
Llamar To call
Llover To rain
Llenar To fill
Listar To list
Latir To throb
Levantar To lift/raise
Lidiar To deal with/fight
Lucir To shine/show off
Legalizar To legalize
Lavar To wash

Read More: Spanish Verbs That Start With L

Spanish Nouns That Start With L

Spanish English
Lápiz pencil
Libro book
Llavero keychain
León lion
Lago lake
Lluvia rain
Lengua language, tongue
Luna moon
Lenteja lentil
Lomo loin
Lote lot
Llama flame, llama
Lado side
Lente lens
Ladrillo brick
Lata can, tin
Lámina sheet, plate
Lobo wolf
Lote plot, piece of land
Lugar place
Loro parrot
Latido heartbeat
Limpieza cleanliness, cleaning
Lombriz worm
Leyenda legend, story
Líder leader
Lácteo dairy
Luminoso bright, luminous
Lazo tie, ribbon
Labio lip

4 Letter Spanish Words That Start With L

Below are 4 letter Spanish words starting with l.

Spanish English
liso plain
lema headword, term, title
loza ceramic floor tile
lata pity
lona tarpaulin
leal loyal
lote plot (of land)
leve minor; trivial
lado face
loar to praise
lava lava
lope male given name
león lion
luna earth’s moon
lana wool
lomo crease
lema motto
loza earthenware
leño log; piece of wood, timber
luca thousand pesos
león antlion
luna moon
lazo link
lote lot (chance assignement)
liga league
lira lyre
lema lemma
loza dishes, dishware
lero used to indicate mockery
luto mourning
lago lake
lobo wolf
lama moss
lomo back (the rear of body)
lila a lilac shrub
liso flat
lema subject
loza porcelain, china
leva draft (of troops)
liga elastic band
liar to deceive
lado side
loba an attractive woman
lama slime, mud
loma suburb
lazo lasso
losa flagstone, slab, tile
león male given name
lupa magnifying glass
león a brave person
luna spanish surname
lino flax
laos laos
lona canvas
lana cash, money
lomo loin
lego ignorant, lay
lote batch
lazo bow (type of knot)
loro parrot, parakeet
liso smooth
lija sandpaper
lila colored lilac, purple, violet
lima lima (capital of peru)
laca lacquer, hair spray
liso straight
leve slight; light
lalo male given name
lolo kid, boy, girl
lima lime (fruit)
liar to wrap, to wrap up
liga alloy, mixture
lazo ribbon
lote lot, claim
laja slab
lola girl
lego layman
loto lotus
lina flaxseed, linseed
laúd lute
look look; style, appearance
lazo bond
loro a chatterbox
liña line
liga mistletoe
leño joint
lujo luxury
limo mud, slime, silt
lisa mullet, white mullet
liar to bind, to tie
lapa limpet
lona cotton duck
lava washing
lord lord (british title)
lata can, tin (vessel)
lona sail cloth
lila a lilac’s flower
lama fine sand
loma hill
leer to read
lote batch
lino linen

5 Letter Spanish Words That Start With L

Below are 5 letter Spanish words starting with l.

Spanish  English
lucha fight
leído well-read
larva larva
lecho bed
libra pound
labor work
lugar place
latir beat
letra letter
lápiz pencil
lémur lemur
lento slow
letal lethal
lazos bows
linde boundary
logro achievement
lejos far away
liado busy
lados sides
luzca you shine
lanzo I throw
llama flame
luces lights
lente lens
libar sip
lijar sand
ligar tie
lacra blot
lunar mole
lanza lance
laxar loosen
leyes laws
levar weigh
local local
lares home
lapso lapse
legal legal
lavar wash
lucir shine
lindo pretty
línea line
llave key
labio lip
luego then
libre free
laico lay
llano flat
líder leader
lince lynx
leche milk
lagar winepress
legar bequeath
lleno full
lasca slice
lauro laurel
llora you cry
limar file down
leona lioness
llega you arrive
lonja slice
libro book
larga high beam
latón brass
largo long
listo smart
lamer lick
leeré I will read
logra you are able to

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