150 Spanish Words That Start With V

Venturing further into the heart of the Spanish language, we arrive at the versatile letter ‘V’. Here, we uncover 150 captivating words that start with ‘V’, a collection encompassing nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs.

This assortment features both concise 4-letter words and more expansive 5-letter ones, each carrying its distinct character and charm. These words are not mere components of language; they are vibrant expressions of the cultural depth inherent in Spanish.

Ideal for language enthusiasts and budding linguists, this compilation goes beyond basic vocabulary. It’s an invitation to explore and appreciate the diverse shades of meaning and culture that ‘V’ brings to the Spanish language.

Spanish Words That Start With V

Below are Spanish words that start with v and their meaning in English.

Spanish English
ventura venture
vicisitud vicissitude
ventilador fan
virtud virtue
vainilla vanilla
vigilancia vigilance
vinagre vinegar
ventana window
variado varied
vecindad vicinity
voleibol volleyball
vanguardia vanguard
vibrante vibrant
virrey viceroy
victoria victory
verde green
vapor steamship
vocablo vocable
vario, varios, varias various
vulgar vulgar
voluntario voluntary
velocidad rate
vena vein
valor value
vacaciones de verano summer vacation
vanidad vanity
víspera vespers
volcán volcano
vestido de dressed in
vino wine
vivo/viva alive
verdad truth
velocidad velocity
varon male
vacuola vacuole
violeta violet
vago vagrant
valioso valuable
voz voice
vocabulario vocabulary
variedad variety
vehemente vehement
vestido vested
vehiculo vehicle
verde verdant
volumen volume
vendedor vendor
verso verse
velo veil
variación variation
vestido dress
verdad verity
víctima victim
visitante visitor
vano vain
verdadero/a real
venenoso venomous
vestuario costume
viernes Friday
vecino neighbor
voluptuosidad voluptuousness
venenouo venomous
veinte twenty
vestíbulo vestibule
viejo, antiguo old
vacío vacuous
vida life
virginidad virginity
vuelo flight
valle valley
vacaciónes vacations
virtuoso virtuous
vívido vivid
ventaja advantage
vocación vocation
viril virile
vino tinto red wine
vitrina vitrine
vacilación vacillation
verguenza, lastima shame
veneno venom
válido valid
vitamina vitamin
vaca cow
vago vague
vista view
vibración vibration
venganza vengeance
vaso drinking glass
vecindario, barrio neighborhood
venedor/a saleperson
verdura verdure
viento wind
vejez old age
vital vital
vegetación vegetation
vacante vacant
verdad es que actually
vaso, vidrio glass
vela candle
valiente valiant
voltundad will
verbo verb
vicio vice
vacio/a empty
violencia violence
verdad? right?
violento violent
vasto vast
virgen virgin
virus virus
varios/as several
verano summer
vaso, jarron vase
vagabundo vagabond
visita visit

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Spanish Nouns That Start With V

Spanish Noun English Translation
Viento Wind
Vida Life
Vaso Glass
Vaca Cow
Verdad Truth
Viaje Trip
Voz Voice
Vehículo Vehicle
Vestido Dress
Vino Wine
Vecino Neighbor
Vuelo Flight
Valle Valley
Vela Candle
Ventana Window
Visión Vision
Vuelta Turn/Return
Víctima Victim
Vídeo Video
Vuelta Lap/Round

Spanish Adjectives That Start With V

Spanish Adjective English Translation
Verde Green
Viejo Old
Valiente Brave
Vacío Empty
Variable Variable
Válido Valid
Veloz Fast
Vario Various
Virtuoso Virtuous
Vibrante Vibrant
Vago Vague
Voluminoso Voluminous
Vivaz Vivacious
Versátil Versatile
Vendible Salable
Ventajoso Advantageous
Viscoso Viscous
Vigoroso Vigorous
Valioso Valuable
Vulnerable Vulnerable

Read More: Spanish Adjectives That Start With V

Spanish Verbs That Start With V

Spanish Verb English Translation
Ver To see
Venir To come
Vivir To live
Vender To sell
Viajar To travel
Votar To vote
Valorar To value
Visitar To visit
Variar To vary
Verificar To verify
Vestir To dress
Vencer To defeat
Vigilar To watch over
Volar To fly
Validar To validate
Vincular To link
Vacunar To vaccinate
Vanagloriar To boast
Ventilar To ventilate
Voltear To turn/flip

Read More: Spanish Verbs That Start With V

Spanish Adverbs That Start With V

Spanish Adverb English Translation
Verdaderamente Truly
Velozmente Quickly
Vagamente Vaguely
Virtualmente Virtually
Visiblemente Visibly
Voluntariamente Voluntarily
Vivamente Vividly
Vocalmente Vocally
Viciosamente Viciously
Válidamente Validly
Varonilmente Manly
Voluminosamente Voluminously
Vorazmente Voraciously
Vicariamente Vicariously
Versátilmente Versatilely
Vibrantemente Vibrantly
Ventajosamente Advantageously
Visceralmente Viscerally
Vigorosamente Vigorously
Vorágine Whirlwind

5 Letter Spanish Words That Start With V

Below are 5 letter Spanish words starting with v.

Spanish English
Verde Green
Váter Toilet
Venir Come
Viñas Vineyards
Vacío Empty
Vejar Humiliate
Vicio Vice
Vapor Steam
Verse See oneself
Vetar Veto
Viaje Trip
Venda Bandage
Vivir Live
Verja Iron gate
Vigor Vigor
Vagón Car
Vamos Let’s go
Voraz Voracious
Verso Verse
Villa Villa
Vital Vital
Vista View
Vagar Wander
Valle Valley
Veloz Fast
Viejo Old
Video Video
Vasar Hutch
Varón Male
Veraz Truthful
Vello Hair
Voceo Shouting
Voces Voices
Votos Wishes
Vacar Cease work
Virus Virus
Valer Be worth
Votar Vote
Visor Viewfinder
Vivaz Lively
Vende You sell
Vaina Thing
Verbo Verb
Vuelo Flight
Vedar Ban
Velar Keep vigil over
Valor Value
Vivar Warren
Viaja You travel
Vuele You fly
Visar Visa
Vasco Basque
Vejez Old age
Vasto Vast
Volar Fly
Valla Fence
Venta Sale

4 Letter Spanish Words That Start With V

Below are 4 letter Spanish words starting with v.

Spanish English
velo veil
vaso glassful
vela candle
vida lifestyle
vado ford
vaso vessel (craft)
veza vetch
vale voucher; iou
vero [antiquated] true, real
veta vein, seam
veto veto
vega grassy plain
vivo living, alive
vena vein
vida life
vago vague
vale okay
veta streak
vida life span; lifetime
vino wine
vigo vigo
vago lazy
vaho vapor
vega fertile lowland
vial avenue
vezo custom, habit
vano vain
vals waltz
vela sail
vega alluvial plain
vivo vivid
voto vote
vaca cow
vida livelihood; living
vago wanderer
viga timber, beam, rafter
vito male given name
vega meadow
vago vagabond
vela sailing
vaso vessel (container)
veda closed season
visa visa
veta vein
vida liveliness
vara a staff of office
veda prohibition
vaso drinking glass
vudú voodoo
vaho breath
vela wakefulness, sleeplessness

Spanish Words that start with v

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