500 Spanish Words That Start With B

Embark on a linguistic expedition with us as we unveil 500 captivating Spanish words beginning with ‘B’. This comprehensive guide is more than just a vocabulary list; it’s a doorway to the soul of the Spanish language and culture, offering a glimpse into its rich nuances and rhythms.

From the bustling streets of Barcelona to the serene landscapes of Buenos Aires, these words are the lifeblood of countless conversations and stories. We will explore nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs, each adding its unique flavor to the Spanish lexicon.

Our selection spans 4-letter words that pack a punch and 5-letter words that resonate with depth and meaning. Perfect for language enthusiasts and cultural explorers alike, this journey promises to enrich and inspire. ¡Vamos a empezar!

Spanish Words That Start With B

Below are the most common Spanish words that start with b and their meaning in English.

Spanish English
beneficio benefit
bárbaro barbarian
biología biology
botón button
boda wedding
benevolencia benevolence
botas boots
barberia barbershop
barco ship
bravo brave
benigno benign
base común common base
bandera banner
blando bland
blusa blouse
balcón balcony
buzon mailbox
bromo bromine
balanceado balanced
batería battery
buenas noches good night (evening)
balanza balance
bienvenidos de nada welcome
bandito bandit
boleto ticket
bistec beef (steak)
baricentro barycenter
bolsa purse
béisbol baseball
bíblico biblical
batalla battle
beneficio benefice
barca bark
borrador eraser
bien, bueno well
bronce bronze
barroco baroque
binario binary
brillante shiny
biológico biological
bañera bath tub
boxeador boxer
bebé baby
bandera flag
bateria drums
barra bar
bastante quite
banquete banquet
bisector interno internal bisector
borrador board eraser
biblioteca library
base basis
busca search
biografía biography
bajo short
borracho/a drunk
base ortonormal orthonormal base
bosque forest
bolsillo pocket
bárbaro barbaric
bicicleta bicycle
brevedad brevity
barril barrel
bahía bay
bueno all right
billon trillion
berenjena eggplant
banquero banker
bosque woods
beso kiss
bienstar well-being
barco, bote boat
bayoneta bayonet
bloque block
bufunda scarf
billete bill
bolsa bag
blanco white
blasfemia blasphemy
bolsa handbag
boca mouth
buenas tardes good afternoon
barbero barber
blanco blank
borde border
bisector perpendicular perpendicular bisector
blando soft
brazo arm
ballena whale
bonito pretty
bueno good
bebida drink
bicondicional biconditional
benévolo benevolent
billete, el boleto ticket
busto bust
basura garbage
bismuto bismuth
barométrico barometric
batido milkshake
barbaridad barbarity
barato cheap
barrera barrier
bendición benediction
banda band
barómetro barometer
bigote moustache
basura trash
bastante rather
breve brief
básico basic
brisa breeze
botella bottle
bombero/a fire fighter
bastante enough
bruja witch
brillante brilliant
Budismo Buddhism
bulevar boulevard
básquetbol basketball
boro boron
banco bank
barricada barricade
barra de pan loaf of bread
brócoli broccoli
bandeja tray
bacalao code
bodega grocery stores
bomba bomb

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Spanish Words that start with b

Spanish Nouns That Start With B

Spanish Noun English Translation
Barco Boat
Bolsa Bag
Bebé Baby
Botella Bottle
Bicicleta Bicycle
Baño Bathroom
Banco Bank
Bala Bullet
Bandera Flag
Bosque Forest
Boda Wedding
Brazo Arm
Botón Button
Bolsillo Pocket
Basura Garbage
Batería Battery/Drum
Biblioteca Library
Búho Owl
Barrio Neighborhood
Bufanda Scarf

Spanish Adjectives That Start With B

Spanish Adjective English Translation
Bonito Pretty
Bueno Good
Bajo Short/Low
Brillante Brilliant/Shiny
Blanco White
Blanda Soft
Bravo Brave
Bárbaro Barbaric
Borroso Blurry
Beneficioso Beneficial
Bullicioso Noisy
Breve Brief
Bello Beautiful
Bizco Cross-eyed
Bestial Beastly
Baldío Barren
Brusco Abrupt
Bendito Blessed
Bilateral Bilateral
Bucólico Bucolic

Read More: Spanish Adjectives That Start With B

Spanish Verbs That Start With B

Spanish Verb English Translation
Bailar To dance
Beber To drink
Buscar To search
Besar To kiss
Brillar To shine
Bromear To joke
Bloquear To block
Bucear To scuba dive
Brindar To toast (drink)
Batir To beat
Bendecir To bless
Barrer To sweep
Balancear To balance
Beneficiar To benefit
Bajar To lower
Blanquear To bleach/whiten
Bostezar To yawn
Burlarse To mock
Botar To throw away
Brindar To offer

Read More: Spanish Verbs That Start with B

Spanish Adverbs That Start With B

Spanish Adverb English Translation
Bien Well
Básicamente Basically
Bastante Quite/Enough
Brevemente Briefly
Bajo Under/Low
Badly Badly
Bruscamente Abruptly
Beligerantemente Belligerently
Bienvenidamente Welcomingly
Benévolamente Benevolently
Bravamente Bravely
Bellamente Beautifully
Bizarramente Bizarrely
Blanco Plainly
Blandamente Softly
Bondadosamente Kindly
Brutalmente Brutally
Burlonamente Mockingly
Beneficiosamente Beneficially
Bruscamente Brusquely

4 Letter Spanish Words That Start With B

Below are 4 letter Spanish words starting with b.

Spanish English
buga automobile
bien well
bate bat
beca grant, stipend
boca mouth, oral cavity
baca luggage rack
buin buin (the chilean city)
bato young man, youth
bio- bio-
base basis
bien good (as opposed to evil)
biez bs
bija annatto
bazo spleen
bono bond (bank)
buda buddha
bien willingly
boca entrance
bajo low
buzo overall
base base
bota boot
buga heterosexual (person)
bien goodness
boca estuary
boli pen
bola hitchhiking, free ride
baja a casualty
bula bull (document)
baño toilet
baúl chest, trunk
blas male given name
bis- great-
brea tar, pitch
base grounding
base foundation
bidé bidet
bato father
búho owl, eagle owl
bono bonus
bono voucher
bote vessel, container
baba drool, dribble
búho informant, a squealer
boda wedding
baño bath
bote boat
bola ball
bono good
bebé baby
bala bullet
bien properly
boya buoy
bato dork, dimwit
bato dude, guy, buddy
brea tarpaulin
bolo bolus
bïez bs
boto blunt
buey ox, bullock
bode goat buck
base point guard
bato chump, punk
base basis
boro boron
baño bathroom
beso kiss
brío vigour; zest

5 Letter Spanish Words That Start With B

Below are 5-letter Spanish words starting with b.

Spanish English
besos kisses
broca bit
bacán awesome
bidón drum
bates bats
bozal muzzle
balón ball
batel skiff
bajel ship
batas bathrobes
boyas buoys
beato blessed
bayas berries
burla taunt
bonos vouchers
babel babel
baños bathrooms, baths
brida bridle
banal banal
busca search
betún shoe polish
bodas weddings
bebes you drink, babies
birla bowling pin
bedel porter
barón baron
budín pudding

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