500 Spanish Words That Start With G

Embark on an enriching linguistic journey with our collection of 500 mesmerizing Spanish words starting with ‘G’. This exploration is more than a vocabulary expansion; it’s a celebration of the Spanish language’s vibrancy and depth.

In this diverse array, you’ll encounter nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs, each offering a unique glimpse into the soul of Spanish-speaking cultures. These words form the fabric of everyday life, from casual chats to literary masterpieces, across the streets of Seville to the mountains of the Andes.

Featuring a balanced mix of 4-letter and 5-letter words, our selection caters to language enthusiasts of all levels. Whether you’re a beginner or a fluent speaker, this alphabetical adventure promises to enhance your understanding and appreciation of Spanish. ¡Goza del encanto del español!

Spanish Words That Start With G

Below are Spanish words that start with g and their meaning in English.

Spanish English
gneralmente generally
grandeza grandeur
 gallina hen
guapo cute
 guitarra guitar
gratitud gratitude
 goma de pagar glue
genuino genuine
germen germ
 gramática grammar
generoso generous
grande, gran grand
grupo group
grasa grease
gorila gorilla
 gorrion sparrow
 gasto expense
geografía geography
 gol goal
gimnasio gym
glándula gland
generosidad generosity
genio genius
guarnición garnish
 gerente de oficina office manager
gramatical grammatical
 gorra cap
 ganador winner
giro gyre
 gramo gram
galope gallop
 golpe blow
genérico generic
 gato cat
gafas de sol sunglasses
gesticulación gesticulation
grado grade
 galleta cookir
gótico gothic
 gigante giant
globo globe
gracioso gracious
gigantesco gigantic
gentil gentle
 gaseosa soda
gnóstico gnostic
grano grain
guardia guard
gentil genteel
gobierno government
glosario glossary
 gasolina gasoline
 goma de borrar pencil eraser
 guion dash
 girasol sunflower
glotón glutton
gesto gesture
gracioso funny
gratis for free
galería gallery
gris gray
 guerra war
género gender
guapo/a handsome
 gallo rooster
glucosa glucose
 gemo twin
grotesco grotesque
grato grateful
 gabinete cabinet
galaxia galaxy
glorioso glorious
generación generation
 guia telefonica telephone book
garantía guarantee
grande big
 grano pimple
 guía guide
gloria glory
gracia grace
 gente people
gafa eyeglasses
gerente manager
gestación gestation
galante gallant
 guante glove
 guagua bus
generalidad generality
 garganta throat
grande, gran great
galón gallon
gobernador governor
gravedad gravity
geometría geometry
gravitación gravitation
 gota drop
geográfico geographical
 ganga bargin
 grupo ground
garaje garage

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Spanish Nouns That Start With G

Spanish Noun English Translation
Gato Cat
Guitarra Guitar
Gente People
Guerra War
Gol Goal (in sports)
Grupo Group
Guante Glove
Gorra Cap
Gafas Glasses
Globo Balloon/Globe
Gracia Grace
Galleta Cookie
Gobierno Government
Granja Farm
Guardia Guard
Gas Gas
Galaxia Galaxy
Ganado Cattle
Garaje Garage
Gemelo Twin

Spanish Adjectives That Start With G

Spanish Adjective English Translation
Grande Big/Large
Genial Great/Brilliant
Gordo Fat
Gracioso Funny
Grueso Thick
Gentil Kind
Glorioso Glorious
Gigante Giant
Generoso Generous
Grosero Rude
Gris Gray
Gélido Freezing
Glacial Icy/Glacial
Gobernable Governable
Gráfico Graphic
Gustoso Tasty
Guapo Handsome
Gelatinoso Gelatinous
Galante Gallant
Gregario Gregarious

Read More: Spanish Adjectives That Start With G

Spanish Verbs That Start With G

Spanish Verb English Translation
Ganar To win
Gastar To spend
Guiar To guide
Garantizar To guarantee
Golpear To hit
Gritar To shout
Gozar To enjoy
Graduar To graduate
Gobernar To govern
Gemir To groan
Generar To generate
Guardar To keep/save
Girar To turn/spin
Glorificar To glorify
Gastar To spend/wear out
Germinar To germinate
Garabatear To scribble
Gravar To record
Grandular To swell
Galopar To gallop

Read More: Spanish Verbs That Start With G

Spanish Adverbs That Start With G

Spanish Adverb English Translation
Generalmente Generally
Graciosamente Gracefully
Grandemente Greatly
Genuinamente Genuinely
Gradualmente Gradually
Globalmente Globally
Gratuitamente Freely
Groseramente Rudely
Generosamente Generously
Glacialmente Icily
Gigantescamente Gigantically
Gélidamente Freezingly
Geográficamente Geographically
Gustosamente Pleasantly
Gruesamente Thickly
Golosamente Greedily
Guardadamente Guardedly
Gozosamente Joyfully
Garbosamente Elegantly
Galantemente Gallantly

Spanish Words that start with g

4 Letter Spanish Words That Start With G

Below are 4 Spanish letter words starting with g.

Spanish English
goma condom
gene gene
godo goth
guía a guidebook
gama range
giba hump
grúa crane
gayo gaius
gota gout
gozo pleasure, enjoyment
gris grey, gray
giro turn
goma glue
guay cool
gana desire to do something
gato servant
gozo joy
guía a directory
gamo fallow deer
gata female cat
giro tour
guar guar
grúa tow truck
gema gem
geco gecko
golf golf
gira tour
gama (female) fallow deer
guía a guide (person)
gasa gauze
gurú guru
godo gothic
gasa chiffon
goma chewing gum
geo- geo-
gilí stupid
grey flock, herd
gula gourmandizing
gema bud, shoot
giba nuisance
gema female given name
gata car-jack, jack
godo spaniard, loyalist

5 Letter Spanish Words That Start With G

Below are 5 letter Spanish words starting with g.

Spanish English
Golpe Hit
Gasas Gauzes
Gnomo Gnome
Grava Gravel
Gafar Jinx
Gemas Gems
Grado Degree
Ganga Bargain
Gorra Cap
Gotas Drops
Grada Step
Girar Turn
Guiar Guide
Gordo Fat
Grasa Fat
Gaita Bagpipes
Ganas Desire
Gorro Hat
Grato Pleasant
Gruño I growl
Grito Shout
Gafas Glasses
Ganar Win
Gesto Gesture
Grano Grain
Gramo Gram
Gañir Yelp
Ganso Goose
Goles Goals
Gente People
Guiso Stew
Gusto Taste
Gabán Overcoat
Grave Serious
Galas Clothes
Grifo Faucet
Guapo Handsome
Globo Balloon
Galán Handsome man
Golfo Gulf
Gasto Spending
Genio Genius
Grupo Group
Gozar Enjoy oneself
Greña Tangle
Garra Claw
Gemir Moan
Garza Heron
Gallo Rooster
Gofre Waffle

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