800 Spanish Words That Start With P

Welcome to a linguistic treasure trove: 800 Spanish words starting with the letter ‘P’. This diverse collection is a vibrant showcase of nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs, each weaving its own unique story in the tapestry of the Spanish language. These words are not mere letters; they are keys to understanding a rich and expressive language.

Our list includes a balanced mix of 4-letter and 5-letter words, tailored to cater to both novice and advanced language enthusiasts. This selection is designed to broaden your vocabulary and deepen your grasp of the nuances of Spanish.

This journey through ‘P’ words is more than a learning exercise; it’s an exploration of linguistic beauty and cultural depth. As you delve into each word, you’ll uncover new layers of meaning and connection in the Spanish language. Let’s embark on this exciting voyage of discovery together!

Spanish Words That Start With P

Below are Spanish words that start with p and their meaning in English.

Spanish English
para in order to
permiso permission
por across
privado private
pareja pair
pesimismo pessimism
por supesto of course
producción production
pato duck
pistola pistol
predominante predominant
protagonista protagonist
participar participate
pigmento pigment
posible possible
progresivo progressive
pedagogo pedagogue
platillp saucer
preparación preparation
proyecto project
parlamento parliament
petróleo petroleum
porque because
profesional professional
pavimento pavement
planeta planet
premio premium
provincia province
peligroso dangerous
plaza square
presentado presented
publicación publication
palpitante palpitating
perdon forgiveness
poder power
previsto due
punto y coma semicolon
panecillo breadroll
perenne perennial
poeta poet
primero first
puro/a pure
paz peace
planteado planted
preocupación preoccupation
próximo proximal
pálido pallid
pera pear
poco few
prevención prevention
pulsera, brazalete bracelet
pardo brown
pesado/a annoying
por suerte fortunately
proclamado proclaimed
participación participation
pieza, pedazo piece
posibilidad possibility
programa program
pariente relative
pétalo petal
por, para for
producto product
paradoja paradox
perro dog
por ciento percent
probar taste
pasta paste
pirata pirate
precedente precedent
propio own
pasajero/a passenger
pino pine
postre, pastel dessert
pronombre pronoun
pan bread
perdón pardon
poema poem
prima prime
puntuación punctuation
pasivo passive
pipa pipe
pradera prairie
propietario proprietary
pasillo hall
pío pious
practicar practice
propicio propitious
peligro peril
platónico platonic
presencia presence
psicológico psychological
papelito paper (small)
perfume perfume
político politician
principio principle
palacio palace
pequeno small
pocas veces few times
pretexto pretext
pulgada inch
palido/a pale
percha hanger
poco a poco little by little
prevendido cautious
puñal poniard
partidario partisan
pilar pillar
positivo positive
prólogo prologue
pasillo walkway
pintoresco picturesque
potente potent
pronunciación pronunciation
parasitario parasitic
pertinencia relevance
por que? why?
proceso process
pavo turkey
planetario planetarium
premio prize
provinciano provincial
pasaje passage
pingüino penguin
postre pastry
prometido/a finance/finacee
paciencia patience
peligroso perilous
plebeyo plebeian
presente present (time)
publicado published
papel paper
perfil profile
político political
príncipe prince
pasta de dientes toothpaste
piscina pool
precio price
propio proper
padrino godfather
pendiente pending
pluma pen
presión pressure
pudor pudency
paso pass
piramide pyramid
precaución precaution
propina tip
palabra parole
peor worse
pobre poor
pretendiente pretender
puerta door
pasaporte passport
pintado painted
potencia potency
pronostico forcast
peine comg
plato dish
preparado prepared
prudencia prudence
pantalla screen
perfección perfection
polémica polemic
primitivo primitive
parámetro parameter
perspectiva perspective
por noche in the evening
procesión procession
patio de recreo playground
pista de hielo ice skaing rank
predilección predilection
prosperidad prosperity
paraguas umbrella
persistente persistent
por eso, por lo tanto therefore
problema problem
pasillo hallway
pintura paint
práctica practice
pronunciado pronounced
paquete package
periódico periodical
pollo chicken
principio beginning
paralelo parallel
personaje personage
por lo general usually
procedente de arriving from
pao through
perfecto perfect
política politics
princesa princess
palo pole
perdida loss
poder can
prevision foresight
punto de vista poin of view
patriota patriot
placa plaque
preferencia preference
protocolo protocol
parabrisas windshield
pero but
por by
privilegio privilege
pariente parent
peso weight
por tarde in the afternoon
producido produced
particularidad particularity
pila pile
posición position
prohibido/a prohibit
palma palm
perchero hanger
poco, pegueno/a little
previo previous
punto point
paradigma paradigm
perplejidad perplexity
por casualidad by accident
probablemente probably
par, pareja pair
perjuicio prejudice
popularidad popularity
prisa hurry
patriótico patriotic
placer pleasure
preferido preferred
provecho profit
pausa pause
plancha iron
preliminar preliminary
providencia providence
patinar ice skating
pista clue
precocupacion worry
prospecto prospect
pasión passion
pionero pioneer
práctico practical
propiedad property
para que so that
perla pearl
por per
prisión prison
panuelo handkerchief
perfectamente perfectly
policía police
primo/a cousin
paralizar paralyze
personalidad personality
por manana in the morning
procedimiento procedure
parlamentario parliamentary
petición petition
porción portion
profesión profession
pacto pact
pena pain
pluma plume
presidente president
publico audience
parroquia parish
piedad piety
poseedor possessor
profundidad profundity
pecho chest
plata silver
preocupado preoccupied
proximo next
palabra word
pepino cucumber
pobreza poverty
pretensión pretense
puerto port
partícula particle
pijama, payama pajamas
posiblemente possibly
progreso progress
pasado past
pina pineapple
poste post
promesa promise
para siempre forever
permanente permanent
por times (mulitply)
prisionero prisoner
paseo walk
pintor painter
potencial potential
pronto soon
parte part
pierna leg
posesión possession
profundo profound
parque park
pez fish
porte port
profesor professor
pasado passed
pimienta pepper
postal postcard
prolongado prolonged
Pacifico Pacific
pelota ball
pliego ply
presidencia presidency
publicidad publicity
par couple
período, punto period
pomelo grapefruit
prisa speed
pajaro bird
pensamiento thought
plutón Pluto
presuntuoso presumptuous
puerco pig
pedagógico pedagogic
platanos banana
preocupado worried
proyección projection
pais country
penetrante penetrant
pluscuamperfecto past perfect
prestigio prestige
puente bridge
parcial partial
peligro dangerous
pesadilla nightmare
playa beach
por separado separately
presentación presentation
processador word processor
psicrómetro psychrometer
pastilla pill
piscina swimming pool
precioso precious
proporción proportion
patético pathetic
piso, suelo floor
precocinado precooked
prosa prose
paquete packet
periodico newspaper
polvo dust
prioridad priority
paraíso paradise
persona person
por favor please
procedente proceeding
patriotismo patriotism
plácido placid
prehistorico prehistoric
provechoso profitable
pelea quarrel
plato dish
preposicion preposition
prudente prudent
partido party
piloto pilot
posponer postpone
prolongación prolongation
pánico panic
perezoso lazy
poético poetic
primero primary
paciente patient
pelo hair
plenitud plenitude
preservativo condom
publicar publish
paterno paternal
piso de arriba upstairs
preciso precise
propósito purpose
pelicula movie
plato plate
presa prey
psicología psychology
pala shovel
penultimo second to last
población population
presupuesto presupposed
pueril puerile
patrimonio patrimony
pizarra board
prefacio preface
protesta protest
pared wall
pescado fish (cooked)
por supesto of course
prodigioso prodigious
padre, papa father
pendiente pendant
pluma feather
presidir precede
público public
parada stop
perpetuo perpetual
por casualidad by accident
probabilidad probability
párrafo paragraph
piadoso pious
portentoso portentous
profesor, profesora high school teacher
panadero baker
peregrino peregrine
poesía poesy
primavera spring
pureza purity
parrilla grill
pie foot
portero/a goalkeeper
profeta prophet
payaso/a clown
planta plant
prensa press
proximidad proximity
panaderia bakery
perdone sorry
poesia poetry
primario primary
puntual punctual
patriarca patriarch
pizarra blackboard
predominio predominance
protección protection
pasto pasture
piso de abajo downstairs
precisamente precisely
proposición proposition
página page
pendiente earring
plural plural
prestamo loan
pueblo town

Read More: Spanish Words A-Z

Spanish Nouns That Start With P

Spanish Noun English Translation
Perro Dog
Puerta Door
Padre Father
País Country
Pájaro Bird
Playa Beach
Pelota Ball
Piso Floor/Apartment
Precio Price
Pescado Fish
Pared Wall
Planta Plant
Pelo Hair
Pan Bread
Problema Problem
Película Movie
Prueba Test/Proof
Paz Peace
Palabra Word
Pie Foot

Spanish Adjectives That Start With P

Spanish Adjective English Translation
Pequeño Small
Perfecto Perfect
Pobre Poor
Posible Possible
Pesado Heavy
Precioso Precious
Paciente Patient
Puntual Punctual
Peligroso Dangerous
Práctico Practical
Pálido Pale
Poderoso Powerful
Profundo Deep
Político Political
Popular Popular
Pasajero Temporary
Profesional Professional
Pintoresco Picturesque
Permanente Permanent
Prudente Prudent

Read More: Spanish Adjectives That Start With P

Spanish Verbs That Start With P

Spanish Verb English Translation
Pensar To think
Pasar To pass/spend time
Poder To be able to
Poner To put
Perder To lose
Pedir To ask for
Pagar To pay
Producir To produce
Parar To stop
Practicar To practice
Pintar To paint
Prometer To promise
Planear To plan
Probar To try/taste
Preferir To prefer
Proteger To protect
Permanecer To remain
Preparar To prepare
Pasar To happen
Protestar To protest

Read More: Spanish Verbs That Start With P

Spanish Adverbs That Start With P

Spanish Adverb English Translation
Pronto Soon
Probablemente Probably
Particularmente Particularly
Posiblemente Possibly
Personalmente Personally
Públicamente Publicly
Pacientemente Patiently
Perfectamente Perfectly
Precisamente Precisely
Profundamente Deeply
Prácticamente Practically
Plenamente Fully
Permanentemente Permanently
Previamante Previously
Proporcionalmente Proportionally
Positivamente Positively
Puntualmente Punctually
Pésimamente Terribly
Precavidamente Cautiously
Persuasivamente Persuasively

Spanish Words that start with p

4 Letter Spanish Words That Start With P

Below are 4 letter Spanish words starting with p.

Spanish English
pena pain, sadness
pito whistle
papá parents
pica spade
puaj gross!
pala paddle
peso peso (unit of currency)
polo polo shirt
paño wipe
piar to chirp
pote pot
paté pâté, pate
pijo snobby
paca female police officer
pena trouble
pito coffee bean
pala upper, vamp
pete blowjob
poma apple
pasa raisin
pico trap; gob (mouth)
puro cigar, puro
page page, pageboy
pera chin
poco little
papi daddy
pico beak (of a bird)
puño fistful, handful, bunch
para for
pico pick, pickax(e)
puño wristband
paro pretext
pico kiss
puro pure, clear
pana dude, friend
peto chest pad
popó excrement, poo
pazo manor
pión pion
peje fish
piso footstool
papá dad
pico a bit, a little
puño fist
pata pocket flap
pija feminine form of pijo
paco police officer
peón beehive
plan plan
paga salary
pera pear
poco little, not much
pedo fart
pipe male given name
pelo hair (a single hair)
pito fife
papú papua new guinean
pico peak, summit
puño handle
pata tie, draw
pijo posh
pavo buck (dollar)
piña pineapple
pavo turkey
pina border-stone
paco male paca
pena embarrassment
plan intention
paga payoff
peón axle, spindle
poco short (time)
pana velour, corduroy
peto plastron
popó butt
paso a way
piel skin
paso dry (said of fruit)
piel fur
pega gluing
piso floor
pago pay, payment
perú peru
poli cop
pago farm
pero but
poli police
papa pope
pica pick (digging tool)
poto buttocks
pan- pan-
peto shirtfront
popó excrement, poo
pena pity
pito woodpecker
peán paean
pipa very good
peca freckle
pipa barrel
pedo drunkenness
pira escape, flight
paca paca
pena punishment
pito tobacco pipe
pato duck, drake
pijo snob, dandy
paco male given name
peón foot soldier, infantryman
poco few
pedo party
pipí urine
pavo peacock
pila a small battery
payo non-romani person
pino pine
paño cloth
peto plastron
poro pore
paco sniper
peón child’s toy top
plan mood
papa the pope
pica pike, lance
puaj ew!
peer to break wind, to fart
piso decker (bus, bed)
pala shovel, spade
peso weight
poma fruit
palo suit
peto breastplate
popa stern
pega glue
piso flat
pavo euro
piña pine cone, pinecone
paro unemployment
pico sharp point
puré puree
pedo hassle
pira pyre
pela a hit or a beating
pito catcall
pato male given name
pila a pile, mound
país country
pesa weight
polo pole
palo stake, stick, wood
peto bib
poni pony
paja false, untrue
pesa balance, scales
polo polo (ball game)
pedo drunk, high, intoxicated
pipa (smoking) pipe
paga payment
peón laborer, worker
poco little, not much
papa potato
pibe kid, young person
pote stew
pega work
piso carpet

5 Letter Spanish Words That Start With P

Below are 5 letter Spanish words starting with p.

Spanish English
Picos Beaks
Puños Fists
Pasta Pasta
Pobre Poor
Parar Stop
Pitón Python
Parvo Small
Plazo Term
Pecho Chest
Pompa Pomp
Pacer Graze
Pijos Rich kids
Puzle Jigsaw puzzle
Parce Dude
Placa Plate
Pavor Dread
Poeta Poet
Pañal Diaper
Pique Grudge
Patán Uncouth
Pocos Little
Patio Patio
Poder Be able to
Pauta Norm
Poema Poem
Parra Climbing vine
Playa Beach
Penal Penal
Prado Meadow
Piano Piano
Pulpa Pulp
Pasto Pasture
Pocho Faded
Pecar Sin
Polvo Dust
Padre Father
Pillo Naughty
Pampa Pampas
Piola String
Perol Saucepan
Primo Cousin
Picar Sting
Puñal Dagger
Patín Skate
Podar Prune
Peces Fish
Pomar Apple orchard
Pelea Fight
Potar Puke
Pelar Peel
Poste Post
Pacto Pact
Pilar Pillar
Palma Palm
Pinto Spotted
Parón Sudden stop
Plato Plate
Peana Base
Pollo Chicken
Peaje Toll
Polar Polar
Petos Bibs
Pujar Struggle
Panel Panel
Pisos Floors
Panda Panda
Pisar Step on
Paseo Walk
Plomo Lead
Parir Give birth
Plata Silver
Pieza Piece
Punto Period
Penar Punish
Presa Prey
Peñón Rock
Preso Prisoner
Pesar Weigh
Profe Teacher
Pacas Bales
Pifia Blunder
Puyar Jab
Pedir Ask for
Poner Put
Palas Shovels
Piñón Pine nut
Perro Dog
Prisa Rush
Peine Comb
Posar Put down
Pelos Hair
Potro Colt
Parto Birth
Plaza Square
Pagar Pay
Pilón Pillar
Pasmo Shock
Pluma Feather
Pesos Weights
Prosa Prose
Parca Grim reaper
Pizca Pinch
Pardo Brownish-gray
Plano Flat
Peste Plague
Pudor Modesty
Pelma Annoying
Potra Filly
Pausa Pause
Podio Podium
Pesca Fishing
Prole Offspring
Piara Herd
Pulso Pulse
Pegar Hit
Porra Club
Panza Belly
Pista Road
Parco Frugal
Plaga Plague
Papel Paper
Pitar Hiss at
Peras Pears
Prima Cousin
Palco Box
Pinta Spot
Pasar Pass
Pleno Full
Pezón Nipple
Pulir Polish

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