300 Spanish Words That Start With R

Embarking on a linguistic journey, we delve into the vibrant world of the Spanish language. Our focus: 300 mesmerizing words that begin with the letter ‘R’. These words, a mix of nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs, showcase the richness of Spanish.

From rhythmic 4-letter words to expressive 5-letter ones, each term carries its unique flavor. This list is more than just vocabulary; it’s a window into the culture and heart of Spanish-speaking countries.

Whether you’re a language enthusiast or a curious learner, these words promise to enhance your Spanish lexicon and understanding. Let’s explore the allure of ‘R’ in Spanish!

Spanish Words That Start With R

Below are Spanish words that start with r and their meaning in English.

Spanish English
Realidad Reality
Respeto Respect
Receta Recipe
Retórica Rhetoric
Regalo Present (Gift)
Romance Romance
Reconocido Recognized
Revoltoso Rebellious
Relacionado Related
Rudito Erudite
Reciente Recent
Reunion Meeting
Regla Regulation
Rosario Rosary
Reloj Clock
Ruso Russian
Rápido Rapid
Representativo Representative
Raro, Rare
Republicano Republican
Regreso Regress
Rotundo Rotund
Ransición Transition
Reposo Repose
Recepción Reception
Retirado Retired
Recompensa Recompense
Revista, Repaso Review
Recibido Received
Retraso Delay
Realizado Realized
Respuesta Answer
Refigerador Refrigerator
Robotica Robotics
Recurso Resource
Riesgo Risk
Rapido/A Fast, Quick
Reproche Reproach
Referente Referential
Rizado Curly
Reducido Reduced
Ritmo Rhythm
Religion Religion
Ruina Ruin
Razón Reason
Residencia Residence
Rango Rank
Reporte Report
Rapaz Rapacious
Representación Representation
Recriminación Recrimination
Rey King
Redondo Round
Río River
Rebeldía Rebelliousness
Retablo Retable
Regla Rule
Rostro Rostrum
Recurso Recourse
Ridiculo/A Silly
Reloj Watch (Time)
Rústico Rustic
Razón Ratio
Resfriado Cold (Sick)
Refinado Refined
Robusto Robust
Radiante Radiant
Renta Rent
Referido Referred
Robo Robbery
Rancho Ranch
Repetición Repetition
Red Network
Rígido Rigid
Relato Relation
Rudo Rude
Rayo Ray
Reputación Reputation
Rebelde Rebel
Resurrección Resurrection
Regalo Gift
Rollo Roll
Realizar Fulfill
Restaurante Restaurant
Reducción Reduction
Riqueza Wealth
Razonable Reasonable
Resistencia Resistance
Rebaja, Venta Sale
Resultado Result
Raza Race
Reservado Reserved
Rapidez Rapidity
Representante Representative
Regio Regal
Ropa Clothes
Realismo Realism
Responsabilidad Responsibility
Receta Medica Prescription
Retorno Return
Reconstrucción Reconstruction
Revolucionario Revolutionary
Rapidamente Quickly
Representado Represented
Realización Realization
Respuesta Response
Reacción Reaction
Respectivo Respective
Region Region
Ropa Interior Underwear
Registro Register
Rosa Rose
Refugio Refuge
Rol Role
Referencia Reference
Rivalidad Rivalry
Reaccionar React
Respecto Respective
Rayo X X-Ray
Reserva Reserve
Rebajado Reduced (In Price)
Resumen Resume
Recibo Receipt
Reunido Reunited
Racional Rational
Renacimiento Renaissance
Recocido Overcooked
Revisar Revise
Reino Reign
Rubi Ruby
Rancio Rancid
Reportaje Report
Reconocimiento Recognition
Revolución Revolution
Recuerdo Record
Ridículo Ridiculous
Real Royal
Respetable Respectable
Redacción Redaction
Riguroso Rigorous
Recomendacion Recommendation
Revista Magazine
Recientemente Recently
Revelación Revelation
Recuerdo Souvenir
Rico/A Wealthy
Ración Ration
Remoto Remote
Rutina Routine
Razonamiento Reasoning
Resorte Resort
Ramo De Flores Bouquet
Repercusión Repercussion
Relación Relation
Rubio Blond
Ramificación Ramification
Reparación Reparation
Rebelión Rebellion
Religioso Religious
Retirada Retreat
Rural Rural
Reflejo Reflex
Roca Rock
Refresco Soft Drink
Rojo/A Red
Razonable Sensible
Resolución Resolution
Realmente Really
Resto Rest
Registrado Registered
Rosa Pink
Relevante Relevant
Rueda Wheel
Rectificar Rectify
Rico/A Rich
Raton Mouse
Repugnante Repugnant
Rabia Rabies
Remedio Remedy
Ruta Route
Reforma Reform
Rojizo Reddish
Relieve Relief
Ruido Noise
Rana Frog
Repertorio Repertory
Regimiento Regiment
Romántico Romantic
Recepcionista Receptionist
Retiro Retirement
Radiador Radiator
Rencor Rancor
Realista Realist
Responsable Responsible
Recitar Recite
Revelar Reveal
Rara Vez Seldom
República Republic
Recobrar Recover
Revés Reverse
Regla Ruler
Roto/A Broken
Raqueta Racket (Tennis)
Reproducción Reproduction
Régimen Regime
Romanticismo Romanticism
Reflexión Reflection
Rodilla Knee
Radio Radio
Reparacion Repair

Related: Spanish Words A-Z

Spanish Nouns That Start With R

Spanish Noun English Translation
Rosa Rose
Río River
Rey King
Rana Frog
Reloj Clock/Watch
Ratón Mouse
Ropa Clothes
Restaurante Restaurant
Regalo Gift
Rocío Dew
Rueda Wheel
Riesgo Risk
Respeto Respect
Razón Reason
Recuerdo Memory/Souvenir
Rincón Corner
Receta Recipe/Prescription
Rostro Face
Regla Rule/Ruler
Ruina Ruin

Spanish Adjectives That Start With R

Spanish Adjective English Translation
Rápido Fast
Rico Rich/Tasty
Rojo Red
Romántico Romantic
Raro Strange
Real Royal/Real
Rígido Rigid
Robusto Robust
Rural Rural
Razonable Reasonable
Radiante Radiant
Respetuoso Respectful
Relevante Relevant
Relajado Relaxed
Refinado Refined
Resistente Resistant
Repetitivo Repetitive
Renovado Renewed
Riguroso Rigorous
Recíproco Reciprocal

Read More: Spanish Adjectives That Start With R

Spanish Verbs That Start With R

Spanish Verb English Translation
Reír To laugh
Recordar To remember
Romper To break
Recibir To receive
Responder To answer
Regresar To return
Revisar To review
Respetar To respect
Rechazar To reject
Renunciar To resign
Recorrer To travel through
Reflexionar To reflect
Recomendar To recommend
Repetir To repeat
Respirar To breathe
Revelar To reveal
Recuperar To recover
Requerir To require
Reemplazar To replace
Relajar To relax

Read More: Spanish Verbs That Start With R

Spanish Adverbs That Start With R

Spanish Adverb English Translation
Rápidamente Quickly
Regularmente Regularly
Realmente Really
Recientemente Recently
Raramente Rarely
Ruidosamente Noisily
Rigurosamente Rigorously
Relativamente Relatively
Respectivamente Respectively
Resueltamente Resolutely
Rotundamente Emphatically
Razonablemente Reasonably
Rígidamente Rigidly
Remotamente Remotely
Respetuosamente Respectfully
Reiteradamente Repeatedly
Radiantemente Radiantly
Recíprocamente Reciprocally
Rigurosamente Rigorously
Románticamente Romantically

Spanish Words that start with r

4 Letter Spanish Words That Start With R

Below are 4 Spanish letter words starting with R.

Spanish English
roce contact
raya scratch
ruta route
raro rare
roto rascal
raya limit
ruso russian
reír to laugh
raco toucan
roer to gnaw
raso flat
ruán rouen (a city in france)
raza race, ethnicity
ramo branch
ropa clothing, clothes
rayo beam, ray
raza breed, strain, lineage
raza crack (in horse’s hoof)
rato male rat
runo runic
rico rich
rizo a highlight
rayo a bolt of lightning
ruth female given name
real royal
raíz root
roer to wear down
ramo bouquet
romo blunt
rima consonance
roca rock
raza beam of light, ray of light
real real (unit of currency)
reto challenge, dare
reno reindeer, caribou
raer to scrape
roer to pick at
ramo bough
roma rome
rata a rat
runa man
real real
raza stripe
risa a laugh
rape monkfish
rosa colour pink
rana frog
rosa a rose
raya parting
ruso russian language
raso satin
runa rune
roce rubbing
rico tasty
riel ingot, bar
rima (plural) poems, poetry
rabo tail
rock rock (music style)
reja grating, grille
raja a slit, crack, gash
rojo the colour red
rima heap, pile
remo oar, paddle
rico luxurious
rato mouse
rusa feminine form of ruso
raja a slice, splinter
rojo having the colour red
raya ray (fish)
ruta highway
riña fight, struggle
raro strange or odd
roza brushing, scrubbing
raso the open; the wild
ruda rue (plant)
ríos spanish surname
rezo prayer
raza cleft, fissure
rima rhyme
robo robbery
relé relay
rape shaving, hair crop
roto broken
raso level
rubí ruby (gem)
rapé snuff
roto corrupt, rotten
rifa lottery, raffle
rama branch
rolo blind
raya line
ruso russian person
rito rite, ritual

5 Letter Spanish Words That Start With R

Below are 5 letter Spanish words starting with r.

Spanish English
Revés Back
Recto Straight
Rengo Lame
Rocío Dew
Racha Streak
Regio Royal
Ritmo Rhythm
Rasgo Feature
Riada Flood
Rifar Raffle
Risco Crag
Reino Kingdom
Rorro Baby
Rumbo Course
Rezar Pray
Robar Steal
Ramal Branch
Rasar Skim
Rubia Blonde
Rural Rural
Riego Irrigation
Rocín Nag
Rompe You break
Rollo Roll
Rajar Crack
Rapaz Predatory
Reina Queen
Rizar Curl
Rival Rival
Ruina Ruin
Rayar Scratch
Ratón Mouse
Renta Income
Rehén Hostage
Rosca Thread
Rotar Rotate
Rubro Heading
Rabia Anger
Rodar Roll
Rango Rank
Rubor Blush
Rolar Veer
Ronda Round
Remar Row
Rampa Ramp
Retar Challenge
Rugir Roar
Regar Water
Regla Ruler
Ruido Noise
Ronco Hoarse
Rimar Rhyme
Rueda Wheel
Rumor Rumor
Rogar Beg
Razón Reason
Regir Govern
Recio Tough
Rozar Brush against
Rapar Shave
Reñir Tell off
Rular Go around

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