400 Spanish Words That Start With S

Setting sail on an alphabetical odyssey, we turn our attention to the letter ‘S’ in Spanish. This exploration uncovers 400 fascinating words, each beginning with ‘S’ and spanning nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs.

In this collection, we find words ranging from succinct 4-letter gems to eloquent 5-letter expressions. Each word is a testament to the diversity and depth of the Spanish language.

Perfect for linguaphiles and budding polyglots alike, these words are not just vocabulary – they’re keys to unlocking a richer understanding of Spanish culture. Join us as we celebrate the spirit and versatility of ‘S’ in Spanish!

Spanish Words That Start With S

Below are Spanish words that start with s and their meaning in English.

Spanish English
Sargento Sergeant
Sillon Arm Chair
Sueno Dream
Seco/A Dry
Sin Duda Without A Doubt
Superfluo Superfluous
Senor MR
Soldado Soldier
Seducir Seduce
Síntoma Symptom
Sustantivo Noun
Separación Separation
Solución Solution
Secta Sect
Sin Parar Without Stopping
Supersticioso/A Superstitious
Sensibilidad Sensibility
Solidificar Solidify
Sepultura Sepulture
Sonrisa Smile
Salón Saloon
Sexto Sixth
Subsecuente Subsequent
Saludo Salute
Siempre Always
Subterraneo Underground
Sentido Sense
Solo Alone
Salchicha Sausage
Setecientos Seven Hundred
Suavidad Suavity
Secadora Dryer
Simular Simulate
Sumergido Submerged
Sedimento Sediment
Síntesis Synthesis
Sur South
Secretaria Secretary
Sin Gas Non-Carbonated
Supermercado Supermarket
Satisfacción Satisfaction
Similar Similar
Suficiente Sufficient
Semforo Traffic Light
Socialista Socialist
Seis Six
Soberbio Superb
Salsa Sauce
Sexualidad Sexuality
Subsidio Subsidy
Semánticas Semantics
Sobrino Nephew
Selva Tropical Rain Forest
Sobriedad Sobriety
Septimo Seventh
Sonando Dreaming
Sandwich Sandwich
Signo De Exclamacion Exclamation Mark
Sucesor Successor
Salario Wages
Sesión Session
Su, Sus Her
Salchichon Salami
Setenta Seventy
Subempleo Underemployment
Segun According To
Sistema System
Selecto Select
Sobre Over
Se Hace Tarde It Is Getting Late
Simplificación Simplification
Suma Sum
Sensitivo, Sensible Sensitive
Sólido Solid
Seguro/A Safe
Situado Situated
Sequencia Sequence
Sopa Soup
Sandia Watermlon
Significativo Significant
Suceso Success
Semilla Seed
Sociedad Society
Sacerdote Priest
Serpiente Serpent
Sospechoso Suspicious
Semejanza Similarity
Socialismo Socialism
Sala Living Room
Sesenta Sixty
Su, Sus Your (Form)
Seiscientos Six Hundred
Sobras Leftovers
Separado Separated
Sombra Shade, Shadow
Salvación Salvation
Siete Seven
Subterraneo Subway
Saxofón Saxophone
Simplicidad Simplicity
Sujeto Subject
Senor Gentleman
Solamente Only
Satisfacer Satisfy
Simpatía Sympathy
Sufijo Suffix
Sello Seal
Sobre Envelope
Sangre Blood
Signo De Interrogacion Question Mark
Sucinto Succinct
Satisfecho Satisfied
Simpatico Nice
Sugestión Suggestion
Sandalia Sandal
Significante Significant
Sucesivo Successive
Salmon Salmon
Sexo Sex
Subordinado Subordinate
Senora Mrs
Solemne Solemn
Sastre Tailor
Silueta Silhouette
Suerte Sort
Secretamente Secretly
Sin Embargo Nevertheless
Superioridad Superiority
Segregación Segregation
Sirviente Servant
Sutil Subtle
Saliente Salient
Severo Severe
Subjetivo Subjective
Sátira Satire
Símbolo Symbol
Sueter Sweater
Santidad Sanctity
Silencio Silence
Suegro Father-In-Law
Senorita Miss
Solemnidad Solemnity
Sensación Sensation
Solidez Solidity
Seno Sine
Sol Sun
Semana Week
Sobrina Niece
Santo Saint
Silencioso Silent
Suelo Sole
Salvaje Savage
Siga Continue
Sucesión Succession
Saturno Saturn
Simpatico Pleasant
Suicidio Suicide
Secreto Secret
Sin Novedad Nothing New
Superstición Superstition
Sabor Savor
Serie Series
Sorpresa Surprise
Sed Thirst
Sindicato Syndicate
Supremo Supreme
Sentido Feeling
Soltero Single
Salario Salary
Sésil Sessile
Su, Sus His
Segmento Segment
Sirena Siren
Sustituido Substituted
Seguro Secure
Situación Situation
Sardina Sardine
Silla Chair
Suena It Rings
Selección Selection
Sobre On Top Of
Seda Seta
Sino But (Following A Negative Statement)
Supuesto Supposed
Secuenciación Sequencing
Sinceridad Sincerity
Suplemento Supplement
Seguridad Security
Sitio Web Website
Sabio/A Wise
Sereno Serene
Sorprendido Surprised
Sano/A, Saludable Healthy
Siguiente Following
Suegra Mother-In-Law
Sagrado Sacred
Servidor Server
Sotano Basement
Sentimiento Sentiment
Solteron, Soltero Bachelor
Sade Clase Classroom
Servicio Service
Sostenido Sustained
Secador Hair Dryer
Sepulcro Sepulcher
Simplificar Simplify
Sonido Sound
Sumario Summary
Seña Sign
Socio/A Partner
Sencillo Simple
Sofa Sofa
Sano Sane
Signo Sign
Sucio/A Dirty
Satisfactorio Satisfactory
Simpático Sympathetic
Sufrimiento Suffering
Senorita Young Woman
Solidaridad Solidarity
Separar Separate
Sombrero Hat
Segundo Second
Sitio Site
Saludo Greeting
Siesta Nap
Subterráneo Subterranean
Sabado Saturday
Serenidad Serenity
Sordo Surd
Señal Signal
Sodio Sodium
Septiembre September
Sombrío Somber
Sal Salt
Servilleta Napkin
Su, Sus Their
Señor Signor
Soledad Solitude
Sección Section
Superficie Surface
Sabor Flavor
Serio Serious
Sospechoso Suspect
Satélite Satellite
Simbólico Symbolic
Suerte Luck
Secundario Secondary
Sincero Sincere
Supongo I Suppose
Saludable Salubrious
Substituto Substitute
Secundaris High School
Sindical Syndical
Suposición Supposition
Sentado/A Seated
Solitario Solitary
Salud Health
Substancia Substance
Senor Siren
Soldado Sun
Senado Senate
Socorro Succor
Sacrificio Sacrifice
Serpiente Snake
Sostén Sustainer

Read More: Spanish Words A-Z

Spanish Nouns That Start With S

Spanish Noun English Translation
Sol Sun
Sal Salt
Silla Chair
Suelo Floor/Ground
Sombrero Hat
Sopa Soup
Serpiente Snake
Semana Week
Sueño Dream/Sleep
Sandía Watermelon
Sonrisa Smile
Sabor Flavor
Suerte Luck
Señal Signal/Sign
Secreto Secret
Supermercado Supermarket
Sombra Shade/Shadow
Silencio Silence
Sangre Blood
Suelo Soil

Spanish Adjectives That Start With S

Spanish Adjective English Translation
Simple Simple
Sano Healthy
Serio Serious
Suave Soft
Seguro Safe/Sure
Sabroso Tasty
Sorprendente Surprising
Sincero Sincere
Sensible Sensitive
Silencioso Quiet/Silent
Sutil Subtle
Salado Salty
Salvaje Wild
Sociable Sociable
Soleado Sunny
Sólido Solid
Sagrado Sacred
Sedoso Silky
Sucio Dirty
Simpático Nice/Friendly

Read More: Spanish Adjectives That Start With S

Spanish Verbs That Start With S

Spanish Verb English Translation
Ser To be (permanent)
Saber To know
Sentir To feel
Salir To leave/exit
Seguir To follow
Soñar To dream
Sonreír To smile
Sugerir To suggest
Sufrir To suffer
Saltar To jump
Suponer To suppose
Solucionar To solve
Satisfacer To satisfy
Suspender To suspend/fail
Sorprender To surprise
Silenciar To silence
Sobrevivir To survive
Sacudir To shake
Señalar To point out
Sostener To hold/sustain

Read More: Spanish Verbs That Start With S

Spanish Adverbs That Start With S

Spanish Adverb English Translation
Sinceramente Sincerely
Silenciosamente Silently
Sutilmente Subtly
Seguramente Surely
Simplemente Simply
Suavemente Gently
Sorprendentemente Surprisingly
Significativamente Significantly
Sensiblemente Sensibly
Sospechosamente Suspiciously
Satisfactoriamente Satisfactorily
Saludablemente Healthily
Sistemáticamente Systematically
Súbitamente Suddenly
Sospechosamente Suspiciously
Seriamente Seriously
Sucintamente Succinctly
Sabiamente Wisely
Sustancialmente Substantially
Solícitamente Solicitously

Spanish Words that start with s

4 Letter Spanish Words That Start With S

Below are 4 letter Spanish words starting with s.

Spanish English
soga rope
seda silk
sano whole, unbroken, sound
srta miss
sayo smock
suyo his, hers, its
seno sine
saco sack
soja soy (soy sauce)
sapo informer
suma addition
seña gesture
saná sanaa (capital of yemen)
sosa spanish surname
sede seat, headquarters
sede venue
sena seine (french river)
saya a woman’s skirt
suya theirs
shií shia
soda soda (soft drink)
seda thin string
seno sound (inlet)
safo sappho
solo lonely, lonesome
sale ok
sosa glasswort
show a scandal
sofá sofa
sede see (diocese)
seno sinus
seto hedge
seto fence
saco jacket
solo alone, by oneself
sala room
soro sorus
sari sari
suya theirs, their, to them
seno breast
seña sign, indication
sino chinese
sano earnest
sota jack in a pack of cards
saña furore, rage, brutality
sota insolent woman
sebo tallow
suyo yours
sara sarah
surf surfing
soga a sly or cunning person
shií shi’ite
show show
sima abyss, chasm
saco bag
soja soya, soybean
seso brain
sagú arrowroot
solo only, solely, just
silo silo
seta mushroom
shií shi’ite
sayo doublet
suya yours
saga saga
solo sole, only, unique, single
seco dry
sino except, apart from
sapo toad
sub- sub-
sara female given name
sumo sumo
sino only, solely
sexo gender
seis six
sin- syn-
soda cheap, casual restaurant
seso brainwork, brain power
sano healthy, sound
soto spanish surname
sapo voyeur, peeper
suma sum
sano pure
sres messrs.
show spectacle
sala large hall
sopa soup
sebo sebum
suyo theirs
sino destiny, fate, lot

5 Letter Spanish Words That Start With S

Below are 5 letter Spanish words starting with s.

Spanish English
Sucio Dirty
Selva Jungle
Salvo Safe
Secar Dry
Signo Sign
Sabio Wise
Suela Sole
Sanos Healthy
Serio Serious
Salir Go out
Susto Scare
Señal Sign
Señor Man
Serie Series
Savia Sap
Sobra Excess
Sorna Sarcasm
Senda Path
Siete Seven
Sabor Flavor
Sueño Dream
Saldo Balance
Súper Premium
Soler Use to
Subir Go up
Señas Address
Siglo Century
Sismo Earthquake
Simio Ape
Sable Saber
Suelo Ground
Salas Living rooms
Sumir Plunge
Satén Satin
Sesos Brains
Sesgo Bias
Sopor Drowsiness
Salsa Sauce
Salón Living room
Sutil Subtle
Según According to
Sarao Soirée
Sudar Sweat
Sobre On
Socio Partner
Sonar Ring
Saber Know
Sudor Sweat
Silbo Whistle
Sacro Sacred
Sufre You suffer
Somos We are
Símil Simile
Sobar Handle
Sazón Seasoning
Sacar Take out
Suero Serum
Sello Stamp
Sopla You blow
Sanar Cure
Sapos Toads
Soplo Blow
Sitio Place
Seres Beings
Soñar Dream
Suave Smooth
Silla Chair
Salto Jump
Santo Saint
Salud Health
Solar Solar
Salar Salt
Sumar Add
Secta Sect
Sorbo Sip

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