500 Spanish Words That Start With M

Embark on an exhilarating linguistic journey as we explore 500 fascinating Spanish words starting with the letter ‘M’. This vibrant collection is more than just a list; it’s a window into the soul of the Spanish language, featuring nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs. Each word is a key, unlocking the rich cultural heritage and expressive depth of Spanish.

Our selection is diverse, encompassing both concise 4-letter words and more complex 5-letter terms. This array offers a unique opportunity for language learners at all levels to expand their vocabulary and deepen their understanding of Spanish nuances.

This exploration is more than mere memorization; it’s an invitation to immerse yourself in the Spanish language. As you discover each word, you’ll not only enhance your linguistic skills but also gain insight into the vibrant culture and traditions that shape the Spanish-speaking world. Let’s dive into this linguistic feast together!

Spanish Words That Start With M

Below are Spanish words that start with m and their meaning in English.

Spanish English
manera manner
mendigo mendicant
motivar motivate
manto mantel
merecido merited
mucho/a lottery
martirio martyrdom
ministerio ministry
maravilloso marvelous
metro meter
muneca doll
materia matter
mixto mixed
máquina machine
mesa table
muerte death
mascara mask
misterioso mysterious
maximizar maximise
moderado moderate
mago/a magician
médico medical
mono monkey
mal humor bad mood
medio, mediano medium
montaña mountain
matemática mathematics
mito myth
magnesio magnesium
mediar mediate
monasterio monastery
mantener maintain
merced mercy
mucho much
maravilla marvel
método method
mundo world
manuscrito manuscript
mérito merited
mueble furniture
manifestación manifestation
menos minus
mover move
mármol marble
millonario millionaire
margarina margarine
mientras while (a while)
mutante mutant
maiz corn
medida measure
monstruo monster
marisco shellfish
milla mile
marionetas marionettes
milicia militia
matrimonio matrimony
modelo model
manana tomorrow
melancolía melancholy
moreno dark haired
magistral magisterial
medianoche midnight
monarquía monarchy
magnético magnetic
medias stockings
moneda coin
marca mark
mi, mis, mio, mia my
municipio municipality
marina marine
migrar migrate
mantel tablecloth
mentiroso/a liar
muchas veces often
mascota pet
misticismo mysticism
marchar march
miembro member
músico musician
madera wood
máximo maximum
moderno modern
malo bad
mejor best
moreno brunette
marqués marquis
mina mine
maduro mature
mecánica mechanics
modismo idiom
marítimo maritime
millón million
mágico magical
media hora half an hour
momento moment
margen margin
mientras tanto meanwhile
mutuo mutual
materno maternal
mjuer, senora woman
maleta suitcase
mediodia noon
monumento monument
manta blanket
mentir  to lie (tell lies)
muchas veces many times
mártir martyr
mínimo minimum
manifiesto manifesto
mensaje message
móvil mobile
marino marine
mil thousand
manana morning
melancólico melancholic
moroso morose
manipular manipulate
mensajero messenger
Mozo waiter
maligno malignant
mejor better
mordidia bite
magnitud magnitude
médico medic
monje monk
mas more
miseria misery
manera way
menor minor
motivo motive
manufacturar manufacture
mérito merit
mudo mute
marca brand
mezcla mixture
munición munition
magnífico magnificent
medicina medicine
moneda, dinero money
manganeso manganese
menos less
motor engineer
mandato mandate
memoria memory
mosquito mosquito
mas tarde later
misión mission
masaje massage
misterio mystery
martillo hammer
mínimo minimal
mariposa butterfly
militar military
manejable manageable
mención mention
mostrador counter
malicia malice
meditación meditation
moralidad morality
mano hand
mente mind
muchas gracias thank you (very much)
mapa map
mes month
muerte mort
madrugada early morning
mayor older
modificación modification
mar sea
metódico methodical
multiplicar multiply
matematicas math
mitochondria mitochondria
magistrado magistrate
mediano median
monarca monarch
maravilloso wonderful
metrópoli metropolis
muneca wrist
marcha march
microscopio microscope
música music
manejo manage
mencionado mentioned
motivación motivatio
marido husband
miercoles Wednesday
muy very
maraton marathon
método methodical
multitud multitude
maquina de escribir typewriter
metálico metallic
muerto dead
marcar mark
microondas microwave
museo museum
madrina godmother
mayor major
modesto modest
mancha stain
memorable memorable
mosca fly
maestro/a teacher
mecanismo mechanism
molino mill
matemático mathematical
mitochondria mitochondrion
maestro de ceremonias master of ceremonies
mecánico mechanic
mojado wet
mantener maintain
máxima maxim
mercado market
moderación moderation
mucho many
marron coffee colored
minero miner
martes Tuesday
minimizar minimise
melon melon
mortalidad mortality
maniobra maneuver
mensaje de texto text message
movimiento movement
masa mass
mismo, misma same
maton killer
mochila backpack
marcado marked
microfono microphone
músculo muscle
malecon pier
mediodia midday
monte mount
madre, mama mother
mayo may
modestia modesty
Marte Mars
minifalda miniskirt
matricula registration
moda mode
magia magic
medalla medal
momentáneo momentary
marzo march (month)
minuto minute
mantequilla butter
mercurio mercury
mucho tiempo a long time
madurez maturity
mayoría majority
modificar modify
manga sleeve
menor younger
moto, motocicleta motorcycle
maquina de fax fax machine
metamórfico metamorphic
multa fine (traffic ticket)
majestad majesty
medio, mitad half
montado mounted
maquinaria machinery
metira lie
multiplicación multiplication
masoquismo masochism
místico mystic
maíz maize
medio midle
monstruoso monstrous
marvilloso marvelous
ministro minister
marron dark brown
miniatura miniature
maduro/a ripe
mecánico mechanical
modo mode

Related: Spanish Words A-Z

Spanish Nouns That Start With M

Spanish Noun English Translation
Madre Mother
Manzana Apple
Mar Sea
Mesa Table
Montaña Mountain
Música Music
Mapa Map
Mono Monkey
Mañana Morning/Tomorrow
Mercado Market
Moneda Coin
Miedo Fear
Maestro Teacher
Motivo Reason
Mochila Backpack
Miel Honey
Mariposa Butterfly
Médico Doctor
Máquina Machine
Muro Wall

Spanish Adjectives That Start With M

Spanish Adjective English Translation
Magnífico Magnificent
Mayor Older/Biggest
Malo Bad
Moderno Modern
Mágico Magical
Maravilloso Wonderful
Mínimo Minimal
Misterioso Mysterious
Maduro Mature
Melancólico Melancholic
Móvil Mobile
Mezquino Mean
Musculoso Muscular
Majestuoso Majestic
Mudo Mute
Mundial Global/Worldwide
Múltiple Multiple
Meloso Sweet/Syrupy
Monumental Monumental
Meticuloso Meticulous

Read More: Spanish Adjectives That Start With M

Spanish Verbs That Start With M

Spanish Verb English Translation
Mirar To look/watch
Mover To move
Montar To ride
Mostrar To show
Mantener To maintain
Mezclar To mix
Medir To measure
Masticar To chew
Marchar To march
Morir To die
Modificar To modify
Marcar To mark
Mencionar To mention
Madurar To mature
Maquillar To make up
Maldecir To curse
Mimar To pamper
Morder To bite
Murmurar To murmur
Manifestar To manifest

Read More: Spanish Verbs That Start With M

Spanish Adverbs That Start With M

Spanish Adverb English Translation
Mucho A lot
Más More
Menos Less
Mayormente Mostly
Mágicamente Magically
Maravillosamente Wonderfully
Mínimamente Minimally
Mal Badly
Miserablemente Miserably
Moderadamente Moderately
Momentáneamente Momentarily
Manualmente Manually
Mayoritariamente Predominantly
Mundialmente Globally
Musicalmente Musically
Mentalmente Mentally
Meticulosamente Meticulously
Místicamente Mystically
Milagrosamente Miraculously
Mordazmente Bitingly

Spanish Words that start with m

4 Letter Spanish Words That Start With M

Below are 4 letter Spanish words starting with m.

Spanish English
maco prison
mago magician (attributive)
mago magi
mago magician, sorcerer
maíz corn, maize
majo good-looking, handsome
majo likeable, nice, pretty
mala suitcase
malo bad
malo evil
malo sick
mama breast, mamma
mamá mum, mom
maná manna
maña skill or ability
maní peanut
mano round; hand
mano hand
mano hand
mano front foot
mano coat
mano buddy, friend
mara gang
masa dough
masa mass
mata shrub
mata sprig
mate mate, checkmate
mate a head
mayo may
mazo gavel
mazo hammer
mear to piss
mear to piss oneself
meca mecca
meca excrement, shit
mego gentle, mild, peaceable
memo memorandum
mena ore
menú menu
mero mere
mero pure
mero grouper (fish)
mesa mesa
mesa table
meta goal
meta target
miau meow
mico an ugly person
mico (nicaragua) vulva
mico child
miel honey
mies seed, grain harvest time
miga a bit; a small amount
miga crumb
miga essence, core
mijo millet
mijo darling
mijo friend, guy
mina lead (of a pencil)
mina mine
mina girl or woman
mino boy (young man)
mira purpose, object
mira target
misa mass (church)
mito myth
moco mucus
moco slime
moda fad
moda fashion
moda mode
modo way
modo mood
mofa taunt, joke
moho mildew, mold
moho rust
mole soft, mild
mole large size or quantity
mole massiveness
mole mole, a type of stew
mona drunkenness, fuddle
mona (female) monkey
mona doll, puppet
mono cute, pretty
mono blond, blonde
mono monkey
mono withdrawal symptom
mono doll, puppet
moño bow (of ribbon)
moño ponytail (hairstyle)
moro a muslim or arab
mota speck (tiny spot)
mote fluff, pill
mote motto (heraldry)
mote nickname
mote pearl barley
mote type of maize grain
moto motorcycle
moza female cat
moza girl, maidservant
mozo young; unmarried
mozo boy, lad
mozo cat
mudo mute, dumb
mudo mute
mula mule
mula trash
mula traitor
mulo mule
muón muon
muro wall
musa poetry

5 Letter Spanish Words That Start With M

Below are 5-letter Spanish words starting with m.

Spanish English
Mojón Milestone
Mecer Rock
Mujer Woman
Manta Blanket
Motes Nicknames
Mates Math
Muela Molar
Mesas Tables
Macho Male
Moler Grind
Mapas Map
Motor Motor
Meneo Jerk
Muslo Thigh
Mamar Suckle
Morar Dwell
Medio Half
Mundo World
Mejor Better
Mural Mural
Menea You shake
Musgo Moss
Marzo March
Mudar Change
Migas Crumbs
Mixto Mixed
Mecha Wick
Multa Fine
Mente Mind
Magia Magic
Monja Nun
Malva Mauve
Moral Morality
Minar Mine
Mojar Get wet
Medir Measure
Muñir Summon
Merma Decrease
Meter Put
Metas Goals
Madre Mother
Momia Mummy
Malla Mesh
Monto Amount
Mareo Nausea
Mucho A lot of
Menos Less
Mutuo Mutual
Menor Younger
Mutar Mutate
Mitin Rally
Manar Flow
Morir Die
Mamut Mammoth
Morbo Morbid fascination
Matón Thug
Mugir Moo
Marea Tide
Móvil Cellphone
Molar Molar
Miles Thousands
Mimar Pamper
Mirlo Blackbird
Macha Clam
Molde Mold
Meses Months
Magro Lean
Monos Monkeys
Mirar Look at
Metal Metal
Miedo Fear
Matar Kill
Mueca Face
Magno Great
Monje Monk
Mayor Bigger
Mugre Filth
Mismo Same
Manto Cloak
Motín Mutiny
Marco Frame
Mover Move
Mitad Half
Metro Meter
Memez Stupid thing
Murar Wall
Mirón Nosy
Modos Manners
Meson Tavern
Mango Mango
Morro Snout
Marca Mark
Motos Motorcycles
Manso Tame
Mosca Fly
Mimos Cuddles
Majar Crush
Monte Hill
Matiz Nuance
Muere You die
Mitón Fingerless glove

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