300 Spanish Words That Start With T

Embarking on our linguistic voyage, we now turn to the dynamic letter ‘T’ in the Spanish language. This segment unveils a treasure trove of 300 words, a blend of nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs, all beginning with ‘T’.

From the terse elegance of 4-letter words to the melodic cadence of 5-letter ones, each term echoes the cultural tapestry of the Spanish-speaking world. This collection isn’t merely a list; it’s a gateway to the vibrant essence of Spanish.

Ideal for language-lovers and aspiring speakers, these words extend beyond mere vocabulary. They are invitations to immerse in the richness of Spanish through the tantalizing touch of ‘T’.

Spanish Words That Start With T

Below are Spanish words that start with t and their meaning in English.

Spanish English
toro Taurus
television, televisor television
tradición tradition
terrestre terrestrial
tribu tribe
temprano early
tranquilidad tranquility
tiempo weather
tropa troop
temor fear
tragedia tragedy
testimonio testimony
triunfo triumph
tierra earth
trucha trout
tan so
tocadiscos record player
tapa appetizer
todavia yeti
texto text
trompeta trumpet
tambien also
título title
telescopio telescope
trabajao work
temporario temporary
trama tram
tembloroso trembling
traduccion translation
técnica technique
tortilla omlet
terminado terminated
trece thirteen
tenso tense
transparencia transparency
tanto/a so much
tocino salted pork
tercero tertiary
trayectoria trajectory
teórico theoretical
tratado treaty
tienda store
tropismo tropism
tarea homework
tomrenta storm
tamal tamale
titulado titled
tambien too
tiza chalk
tendencia tendency
tranquilo.a, quiet
teologia theology
tranvia trolley
telégrafo telegraph
toxina toxin
tetera teapot
trivalente trivalent
tensión tension
tránsito transit
taxista cab driver
tigre tiger
trueno thunder
tarea chore
tomo tome
terminar terminate
trecho tract
tacto tact
tinta ink
turba turf
terminación termination
traza trace
talentoso talented
tiranía tyranny
tentación temptation
transparente transparent
tiempo time
trópico tropic
tarde afternoon
tolerancia tolerance
telefono celular cell phone
toxicología toxicology
terreno terrain
triángulo triangle
técnico technical
tostada toast
teoría theory
tráquea trachea
tarea task
tonelada ton
tedioso tedious
totalmente totally
tarea assignment
tomate tomato
tampoco neither
toalla towel
tesis thesis
triploide triploid
teatral theatrical
torre tower
tema theme
tradicional traditional
tenaz tenacious
tranquilo tranquil
tampoco either
to bomb bombardear
techo roof
torta cake
tarta tart
tópico topical
tesoro treasure
triste sad
testigo witness
triunfante triumphant
terremoto earthquake
trescientos three hundred
tercer third
tratar treat
taxi taxi
toque touch
tardo tardy
tolerante tolerant
teléfono telephone
tóxico toxic
tembloroso tremulous
tráfico traffic
taberna tavern
tímido timid
tumba tomb
temporal temporal
traje suit
tia aunt
tronco trunk
talla size
tirano tyrant
tenacidad tenacity
tranquilizante tranquilizer
tenis tennis
transformado transformed
taza cup
tormento torment
tentar tempt
transporte transport
temporal temporary
traje de bano bathing suit
temperamento temperament
trágico/a tragic
teniente tenant
transformación transformation
tabaco tobacco
timidez timidity
tulipan tulip
tarjeta card
tonto/a fool
taladro drill
típico typical
tibio tepid
trono throne
tal cosa such a thing
tio uncle
turquesa turquoise
telegrama telegram
tienda de ropa clothing store
trabajador/a hardworking
tropósfera troposphere
término term
treinta thirty
terraza terrace
tres three
tarifa tariff
tono tone
tecnología technology
totalidad totality
testamento testament
tristeza sadness
tienda tent
trópico de Cáncer Tropic of Cancer
tenedor fork
transeúnte transient
tarde late
todo all
tijeras scissors
timbre bell
tubo tube
ternura tenderness
tren train
tienda shop
trópico de Capricornio Tropic of Capricorn
talento talent
tipo type
terso terse
tributo tribute
televidente television viewer
trabajo travail
tacon heel
timido/a shy
túnel tunnel
teatro theater
torrente torrent
temperatura temperature
traición treason
tapa cover
todavia still
templo temple
traicionero traitor
textil textile
trombón trombone
tantos/as so many
todas las semanas every week
territorio territory
tribuno tribune
ternera veal
tremendo tremendous
tal such (a)
tinte tint
turista tourist

Related: Spanish Words A-Z

Spanish Nouns That Start With T

Spanish Noun English Translation
tiempo time
tierra earth/land
trabajo work
taza cup
teléfono telephone
tren train
tarea task/homework
tortuga turtle
tormenta storm
techo roof
tío uncle
teatro theater
televisión television
tristeza sadness
tesoro treasure
taller workshop
trenza braid
tradición tradition
trigo wheat
tomate tomato

Spanish Adjectives That Start With T

Spanish Adjective English Translation
tranquilo calm/tranquil
triste sad
tímido shy
talented talented
típico typical
terrible terrible
total total
turístico touristic
temporal temporary
tradicional traditional
transparente transparent
tenso tense
tóxico toxic
tremendo tremendous
tentador tempting
tolerante tolerant
torpe clumsy
técnico technical
temperamental temperamental
trabajador hard-working

Read More: Spanish Adjectives That Start With T

Spanish Verbs That Start With T

Spanish Verb English Translation
tener to have
tomar to take/drink
trabajar to work
terminar to finish
tirar to throw
tocar to touch/play an instrument
transformar to transform
traducir to translate
temer to fear
tratar to treat/try
tolerar to tolerate
triunfar to triumph
testificar to testify
tropezar to trip
tejer to knit/weave
taladrar to drill
tararear to hum
transcurrir to elapse
titular to headline
tiritar to shiver

Read More: Spanish Verbs That Start With T

Spanish Adverbs That Start With T

Spanish Adverb English Translation
totalmente totally
temporalmente temporarily
tradicionalmente traditionally
tranquilamente calmly
típicamente typically
teóricamente theoretically
tentativamente tentatively
turísticamente touristically
tantos so many
tristemente sadly
técnicamente technically
tímidamente shyly
torpemente clumsily
transparentemente transparently
terriblemente terribly
tangiblemente tangibly
tolerantemente tolerantly
tenazmente tenaciously
tempranamente early
tardíamente late

Spanish Words that start with t

4 Letter Spanish Words That Start With T

Below are 4 letter Spanish words starting with t.

Spanish English
tras after
tete mess, pickle
tdah adhd
tuya tuya
tero teruteru
tiro shot
tabú taboo
tres three
teja roof tile
tuyo yours
tina vat
tara deficiency
tufo foul odor, stench
tila linden flower tea
tilo basswood
tina tub, bathtub
tela task
togo togo
topo mole (the animal)
tila linden flower
tira tie, ribbon
taco traffic jam
trío trio, threesome
tara defect, flaw
tufo bad breath
tono tone
toro torus
tila linden (tree)
tira cop
tobo bucket or container
tiza chalk
tabú taboo
trío a group of three
tape scotch tape, tape
tufo a wisp (of hair)
tela cash, dosh
tipo guy, dude
tipo kind, type
tope speed bump
taxi taxi
tuto thigh
tasa tax
tuto sleepiness
teta breast
tela cloth (woven fabric)
tras beyond
toma conquest, capture
toma recording
tope collision
taba anklebone
tren train
titi chick (young lady)
tajo tagus
trol troll
tope butt, end, butt end
tiza a piece of chalk
tofu tofu
tele television
taco taco (type of food)
troj garner
teta nipple
tope reinforcement
teca teak
tuyo yours, your
tejo yew
tope top, limit
todo all
timo rip-off, scam
tope quarrel, fight
toro bull
tito male given name
taza cup, mug
tutú tutu
teja type of noodle
tuza gopher
taza toilet bowl
tuya (thuja) thuja
tomo tome, volume
tapa lid, cover
tubo tube
test test
topo mole (spy)

5 Letter Spanish Words That Start With T

Below are 5 letter Spanish words starting with t.

Spanish English
Toldo Awning
Tejas Tiles
Trigo Wheat
Tapar Cover
Traba Obstacle
Tasca Bar
Trazo Stroke
Tenso Taut
Truco Trick
Tacha Blemish
Tonto Stupid
Tapiz Tapestry
Trago Drink
Tenaz Tenacious
Tropa Troop
Talle Waist
Torre Tower
Telar Loom
Tripa Intestine
Temas Subjects
Troje Granary
Temor Fear
Trono Throne
Tarta Pie
Trata Human trafficking
Tibio Lukewarm
Turno Turn
Tizne Soot
Tejer Knit
Trino Trill
Tenis Tennis
Trova Ballad
Tacón Heel
Toque Touch
Talla Size
Torpe Clumsy
Timar Swindle
Tocho Heap
Telón Curtain
Triza Piece
Tenor Tenor
Trozo Piece
Tesón Tenacity
Tupir Compact
Tesar Tauten
Túnel Tunnel
Tacho Trash can
Topar Run into
Talco Talc
Torna Return
Tarro Jar
Trapo Rag
Teñir Dye
Trote Trot
Tener Have
Trota Jog
Tirón Pull
Talón Heel
Torta Cake
Tallo Stem
Torso Torso
Techo Roof
Treta Trick
Tarea Homework
Tramo Stretch
Tomar Take
Tieso Stiff
Tutor Tutor
Tifón Typhoon
Tinta Ink
Tabla Board
Tonel Barrel
Tenue Faint
Tumba Grave
Tajar Chop
Torca Sinkhole
Timón Rudder
Terso Smooth
Tunda Beating
Texto Text
Turbo Turbo
Tasar Value
Trato Deal
Tacto Touch
Tórax Thorax
Tedio Tedium
Tribu Tribe
Tique Ticket
Tapia Wall
Traer Bring
Tarde Late
Trama Plot
Tirar Throw
Testa Head
Turba Peat
Temer Fear
Trola Lie
Tinte Dye
Tocar Touch
Terco Stubborn
Tumbo Jolt
Tañer Strum
Tosco Crude
Tapón Stopper
Traje Suit
Tanto So much
Total Complete
Tilde Accent
Talar Cut down
Toril Bullpen
Tebeo Comic
Trena Slammer
Titán Titan

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