Are you struggling with English plurals? You’re not alone. English has many rules related to singular and plurals, and they can be confusing for ESL students. This list of singular and plural words will help you understand the difference between the two. It includes words from A to Z, so you can practice your skills whenever you have a free moment. Good luck!
A-Z Singular and Plural Nouns List (Most Common)
Certainly! Here are some examples of singular and plural nouns in alphabetical order:
- apple – apples
- bag – bags
- ball – balls
- book – books
- car – cars
- cat – cats
- desk – desks
- dog – dogs
- egg – eggs
- elephant – elephants
- fish – fish
- fox – foxes
- girl – girls
- goat – goats
- hat – hats
- horse – horses
- ink – inks
- insect – insects
- jar – jars
- juice – juices
- key – keys
- kitten – kittens
- lemon – lemons
- lion – lions
- monkey – monkeys
- mouse – mice
- nest – nests
- nut – nuts
- orange – oranges
- owl – owls
- pen – pens
- puppy – puppies
- queen – queens
- rabbit – rabbits
- rose – roses
- shoe – shoes
- spoon – spoons
- table – tables
- tiger – tigers
- umbrella – umbrellas
- van – vans
- vase – vases
- whale – whales
- wolf – wolves
- xylophone – xylophones
- yarn – yarns
- yogurt – yogurts
- zebra – zebras
Over 1000 Singular and Plural Words List A-Z
Singular | Plural |
auto | autos |
cantaloupe | cantaloupes |
canvas | canvases |
cap | caps |
cargo | cargoes |
carrot | carrots |
carry | carries |
case | case |
cat | cats |
catalog | catalogs |
catalyst | catalysts |
catch | catches |
category | categories |
cattle | cattles |
century | centuries |
ceo | ceos |
cereal | cereals |
certificate | certificates |
chair | chairs |
chalk | chalks |
change | changes |
chassis | chassises |
cheese | cheeses |
cheetah | cheetahs |
cherry | cherries |
chick | chicks |
chicken | chickens |
chile | chiles |
chilli | chillies |
chimney | chimneys |
chocolate | chocolates |
choose | chooses |
christmas | christmases |
chrysalis | chrysalides |
citrus | citruses |
clay | clays |
clipper | clippers |
clock | clocks |
cloth | cloths |
cloud | clouds |
clutch | clutches |
coach | coaches |
coccus | cocci |
code | codes |
coffee | coffees |
coincidence | coincidences |
collateral | collaterals |
colloquium | colloquiums |
color | colors |
colossus | colossi |
comma | commas |
committee | committees |
company | companies |
compass | compasses |
competence | competences |
complex | complexes |
compliance | compliances |
computer | computers |
comrade | comrades |
concerto | concertos |
concrete | concretes |
confetti | confettis |
congress | congresses |
conscience | consciences |
conscious | conscious |
consensus | consensus |
consortium | consortiums |
content | contents |
context | contexts |
continuum | continua |
conundrum | conundra |
coral | corals |
corn | corns |
cornea | corneas |
corps | corps |
corpse | corpses |
corpus | corpora |
correct | corrects |
cortex | cortexes |
cost | costs |
counsel | counsels |
couple | couples |
course | courses |
courtesy | courtesies |
coverage | coverages |
cow | cows |
cox | coxes |
coyote | coyotes |
crab | crabs |
cranium | craniums |
crayon | crayons |
criticism | criticisms |
cross | crosses |
crutch | crutches |
crux | cruxes |
cry | cries |
cuckoo | cuckoos |
cuff | cuffs |
cup | cups |
cupful | cupfuls |
cyclops | cyclopes |
dad | dads |
daddy | daddies |
daily | dailies |
dairy | dairies |
dais | daises |
daisy | daisies |
data | data |
database | databases |
date | dates |
day | days |
dear | dears |
decoy | decoys |
decubitus | decubiti |
degree | degrees |
deli | delis |
delivery | deliveries |
demo | demos |
denarius | denarii |
dentist | dentists |
design | designs |
desk | desks |
Singular | Plural |
dessert | desserts |
destiny | destinies |
device | devices |
diagnosis | diagnoses |
diary | diaries |
dice | dices |
die | dies |
different | different |
dilemma | dilemmas |
dinosaur | dinosaurs |
diploma | diplomas |
disco | discos |
discovery | discoveries |
discuses | discuses |
dispatch | dispatches |
ditch | ditches |
doctor | doctors |
dog | dogs |
doldrums | doldrums |
dolly | dollies |
dolphin | dolphins |
donkey | donkeys |
door | doors |
dove | doves |
dress | dresses |
duck | ducks |
duty | duties |
dye | dyes |
each | eaches |
ear | ear |
eclipse | eclipses |
education | educations |
effort | efforts |
ego | egos |
elementary | elementaries |
elephant | elephants |
elk | elks |
ellipsis | ellipses |
else | else |
emails | |
embargo | embargoes |
embassy | embassies |
embolism | embolisms |
embolus | emboli |
embryo | embryos |
emoji | emojis |
employee | employees |
energy | energies |
entree | entrées |
entry | entries |
envelope | envelopes |
equilibrium | equilibriums |
equinox | equinoxes |
equipment | equipment |
era | eras |
eraser | erasers |
essay | essays |
etiquette | etiquettes |
euro | euros |
every | every |
evidence | evidences |
example | examples |
executive | executives |
executrix | executrices |
exodus | exoduses |
experience | experiences |
experiment | experiments |
expert | experts |
expertise | expertises |
explanation | explanations |
eye | eyes |
eyeglasses | eyeglasses |
eyelash | eyelashes |
fabric | fabrics |
face | faces |
factory | factories |
faculty | faculties |
fairy | fairies |
fan | fans |
fantasy | fantasies |
father | fathers |
fawn | fawns |
feedback | feedbacks |
female | females |
ferry | ferries |
fiance | fiances |
fiction | fictions |
ficus | ficuses |
Singular | Plural |
finch | finches |
fire | fires |
first | firsts |
flag | flags |
flare | flares |
flour | flours |
flower | flowers |
flu | flus |
fly | flies |
flyer | flyers |
focus | foci |
food | foods |
foot | feet |
foreman | foremen |
forest | forests |
fork | forks |
formation | formations |
formula | formulas |
forum | forums |
fossa | fossae |
fowl | fowls |
fox | foxes |
franchise | franchises |
french | french |
fresco | frescos |
freshman | freshmen |
friday | fridays |
fridge | fridges |
friend | friends |
fruit | fruits |
fun | funs |
furnace | furnaces |
furniture | furnitures |
galaxy | galaxies |
gallery | galleries |
gallows | gallowses |
garage | garages |
garden | gardens |
garlic | garlics |
gas | gases |
gazelle | gazelles |
gemi | geminis |
genius | geniuses |
gentleman | gentlemen |
genus | genera |
german | germans |
ghost | ghosts |
giraffe | giraffes |
gladiolus | gladioli |
glass | glasses |
go | goes |
goat | goats |
god | gods |
goddess | goddesses |
gold | golds |
goldfish | goldfish |
good | goods |
government | governments |
graffito | graffiti |
graffito | graffitos |
grapefruit | grapefruits |
grass | grasses |
greenfly | greenflies |
grief | griefs |
grocery | groceries |
group | groups |
grouse | grouse |
guaranty | guaranties |
guest | guests |
gymnasium | gymnasiums |
gypsy | gypsies |
gyrus | gyri |
habitat | habitats |
habitus | habitus |
haddock | haddocks |
hair | hairs |
halibut | halibuts |
hallux | halluces |
hand | hands |
handful | handfuls |
handsome | handsome |
hare | hares |
hat | hats |
head | heads |
health | healths |
hearse | hearses |
helix | helices |
hello | hellos |
help | helps |
hen | hens |
hepatitis | hepatitides |
herd | herds |
hex | hexes |
hickey | hickeys |
hijab | hijabs |
hilum | hila |
history | histories |
hobby | hobbies |
hobo | hoboes |
holiday | holidays |
home | homes |
homework | homework |
homunculus | homunculi |
honey | honeys |
honorarium | honorariums |
horse | horses |
hose | hoses |
host | hosts |
hostess | hostesses |
house | houses |
hovercraft | hovercrafts |
human | humans |
hummus | hummuses |
hut | huts |
hyperbole | hyperboles |
hypotenuse | hypotenuses |
hypothesis | hypotheses |
ibex | ibexes |
ibis | ibises |
ice | ices |
idea | ideas |
ides | ides |
igloo | igloos |
ignoramus | ignorami |
ilium | ilia |
illness | illnesses |
impetus | impetuses |
inca | incas |
inch | inches |
incidence | incidences |
incident | incidents |
industry | industries |
information | informations |
inoculum | inoculum |
insignia | insignias |
insurance | insurances |
insured | insureds |
intelligence | intelligences |
itinerary | itineraries |
jackfruit | jackfruits |
jar | jeans |
jeans | jeans |
jedi | jedis |
jellyfish | jellyfish |
jersey | jerseys |
jesus | jesuses |
jetty | jetties |
jewelry | jewelry |
job | jobs |
jockey | jockeys |
jones | joneses |
journey | journeys |
juice | juices |
jury | jurys |
kangaroo | kangaroos |
kata | katas |
kidney | kidneys |
kit | kits |
kite | kites |
Singular | Plural |
kitty | Kitties |
kiwi | kiwis |
knicker | knickers |
knife | knives |
knowledge | knowledge |
labia | labia |
labor | labors |
lamb | lambs |
lamp | lamps |
language | languages |
laptop | laptops |
lass | lasses |
laughter | laughters |
laundry | laundries |
lavra | lavrae |
lead | leads |
leave | leaves |
leg | legs |
legendary | legendries |
legislation | legislations |
lemon | lemons |
lens | lenses |
letter | letters |
levy | levies |
library | libraries |
libretto | librettos |
lice | lice |
license | licenses |
lich | liches |
lie | lies |
life | lives |
light | lights |
lightning | lightnings |
lily | lilies |
lion | lions |
lioness | lionesses |
list | lists |
liter | liters |
literature | literatures |
lives | lives |
loaf | loaves |
lobby | lobbyists |
lobster | lobsters |
locus | loci |
locust | locusts |
logo | logos |
lopez | lopezes |
lorry | lorries |
loss | losses |
lotus | lotuses |
love | loves |
lox | loxes |
luggage | luggage |
lullaby | lullabies |
lumen | lumens |
lunch | lunches |
lynching | lynchings |
lynx | lynxes |
macula | maculae |
macule | macules |
mad | mads |
madam | madams |
mafia | mafias |
mage | magi/mages |
magus | magi |
maid | maidens |
mails | |
majesty | majesties |
male | males |
malleolus | malleoli |
mammary | mammaries |
man | mans |
manatee | manties |
manga | mangas |
manifesto | manifestoes |
mantel | mantels |
mantis | mantises |
mantra | mantras |
march | marches |
market | markets |
marquis | marquises |
marriage | marriages |
martini | martinis |
mary | marys |
mass | masses |
massage | massages |
masseuse | masseuses |
mat | mats |
match | matches |
mate | mates |
material | materials |
math | maths |
matrix | matrices |
mattress | mattresses |
max | maxes |
maxilla | maxillae |
maximum | maximums |
maybe | maybes |
mean | means |
meat | meats |
meatus | meatuses |
media | medias |
medici | medico |
medicine | medicines |
medium | mediums |
megalopolis | megalopolises |
melody | melodies |
member | members |
memento | mementos/mementoes |
memo | memos |
memorabilia | memorabilia |
memorandum | memorandums |
memory | memories |
meniscus | menisci |
mensch | menschen |
menu | menus |
mercedes | mercedes |
merchandise | merchandises |
mess | messes |
messer | messers |
metamorphosis | metamorphoses |
metastasis | metastases |
metropolis | metropolises |
midwife | midwives |
military | militaries |
milk | milks |
millennia | millenniums |
million | millions |
minimum | minima/minimums |
mink | minks |
mir | mirs |
miscellaneous | miscellanea |
mischief | mischiefs |
misdiagnosis | misdiagnoses |
miss | misses |
missus | missuses |
mister | mister’s |
mitochondria | mitochondria |
modulus | moduli |
mom | moms |
mommy | mommies |
monday | mondays |
money | money |
mongoose | mongooses |
monkey | monkey’s |
monkfish | monkfish |
monsieur | messieurs |
month | months |
moon | moons |
moor | moors |
moose | moose |
moral | morals |
morris | morrises |
mosquito | mosquitoes |
moss | mosses |
moth | moths |
mother | mothers |
motif | motifs |
motto | mottos |
mouse | mice |
mousse | mousses |
mouth | mouths |
mullet | mullets |
mummy | mummies |
muse | muses |
museum | museums |
music | music |
mute | mutes |
muter | muters |
mutter | mutters |
mystery | mysteries |
mythos | mythoi |
nail | nails |
nail clipper | nail clippers |
nanny | nannies |
nautilus | nautiluses |
navy | navies |
Singular | Plural |
nazi | Nazis |
nebula | nebulae |
neck | necks |
necklace | necklaces |
necropolis | necropolises |
need | needs |
negro | negroes/ negros |
neighbor | neighbors |
nemesis | nemeses |
nest | nests |
neurosis | neuroses |
new | new |
nexus | nexuses |
niche | niches |
niece | nieces |
night | nights |
ninja | ninjas |
no | noes |
nobody | nobodies |
noise | noises |
noose | nooses |
nose | noses |
notary public | notaries public/notary publics |
notebook | notebooks |
novation | novations |
nucleus | nuclei |
nurse | nurses |
nursery | nurseries |
oasis | oases |
octopus | octopuses |
oculus | oculi |
office | offices |
offspring | offsprings |
omnibus | omnibus |
one | omnibuses |
opossum | opossums |
opus | opera |
orange | oranges |
orca | orcas |
organization | organizations |
orifice | orifices |
osprey | ospreys |
ostrich | ostriches |
ovary | ovaries |
ovum | ova |
owl | owls |
oxygen | oxygens |
pair | pairs |
pais | paises |
pancreas | pancreases |
panel | panels |
pansy | pansies |
pantry | pantries |
pants | pants |
paper | papers |
papyrus | papyruses |
paradox | paradoxes |
parent | parents |
parenthesis | parentheses |
park | parks |
pass | passes |
passerby | passersby |
passion fruit | passion fruits |
patella | patellae |
path | paths |
patient | patients |
patio | patios |
peach | peaches |
peacock | peacocks |
peer | peers |
pegasus | pegasi |
pelvis | pelvises |
pencil | pencils |
pendulum | pendulums |
people | People |
pepperoni | pepperonis |
percent | percents |
perfume | perfumes |
person | people |
persona | personas |
personnel | personnel |
pet | pets |
phallus | phalli |
pharmacy | pharmacies |
pharynx | pharynges |
phd | phds |
phenomenon | phenomena |
phoenix | phoenixes |
phone | phones |
photograph | photographs |
phylum | phyla |
piccolo | piccolos |
pierogi | pierogies |
pig | pigs |
pike | pikes |
pillow | pillows |
piranha | piranhas |
pizza | pizzas |
placenta | placentas/placentae |
plankton | planktons |
plant | plants |
plate | plates |
plateau | plateaus |
platform | platforms |
platypus | platypuses |
play | plays |
plea | pleas |
pleura | pleuras/pleurae |
plexus | plexuses |
pliers | pliers |
plus | plusses |
ply | plies |
pneumothorax | pneumothoraces |
podium | podiums |
poetry | poetries |
poinsettia | poinsettias |
police | police |
policy | policies |
polis | poleis |
politics | politics |
poppy | poppies |
porch | porches |
porpoise | porpoises |
portfolio | portfolios |
posse | posses |
possess | possession/possessions |
possum | possums |
post | posts |
poster | posters |
pouch | pouches |
poultry | poultries |
power | powers |
practice | practices |
practicum | practicums |
praxis | praxes |
praying mantis | praying mantises |
precis | précis |
prefix | prefixes |
premise | premises |
premium | premiums |
present | presents |
press | presses |
pretty | pretties |
prey | preys |
price | prices |
priest | priests |
prince | princes |
princess | princesses |
prix | prix |
pro | pros |
problem | problems |
proboscis | proboscises |
process | processes |
prodigy | prodigies |
proficiency | proficiencies |
prognosis | prognoses |
programme | programs |
proof | proofs |
property | properties |
prophecy | prophecies |
prospectus | prospectuses |
prosthesis | prostheses s |
protocol | protocols |
protozoan | protozoa |
proxy | proxies |
psyche | psyches |
psychosis | psychoses |
pulley | pulleys |
punctuation | punctuations |
pupil | pupils |
puppy | puppies |
purpose | purposes |
purse | purses |
pus | puses |
pussy | pussies |
put | puts |
puzzle | puzzles |
quail | quails |
quality | qualities |
quantum | quanta |
quartz | quartz |
quay | quays |
que | ques |
queen | queens |
questionnaire | questionnaires |
quiche | quiches |
quiz | quizzes |
rabbi | rabbis |
rabbit | rabbits |
raccoon | raccoons |
race | races |
rad | rads |
radio | radios |
radish | radishes |
radius | radiuses |
rally | rallies |
ranch | ramses |
rat | rats |
ratio | ratios |
rationale | rationales |
raven | ravens |
ravioli | raviolis |
read | reads |
reality | realities |
recipe | recipes |
recommendation | recommendations |
reef | reefs |
reference | references |
referendum | referendums |
reflex | reflexes |
refuge | refuges |
regal | regals/regale |
regimen | regimens |
reindeer | reindeer |
rendezvous | rendezvous |
reply | replies |
request | requests |
research | researches |
residence | residences |
resident | residents |
restaurant | restaurants |
resume | resumes |
retina | retinas |
rhinoceros | rhinoceroses |
rho | rhombi |
rhombus | rhombuses |
rice | rice |
river | rivers |
rock | rocks |
rolex | rolexes |
ross | rosses |
royal | royals |
ruler | Rulers |
rum | rums |
runner up | runner ups |
sachet | sachets |
safe | safes |
sale | sales |
salesman | salesmen |
salmon | salmon |
sand | sands |
sandwich | sandwiches |
sash | sashes |
sasquatch | sasquatches |
saturday | saturdays |
sauce | sauces |
say | says |
scarves | scarves/scarfs |
scenario | scenarios |
scenery | sceneries |
schema | schemas |
science | sciences |
scientist | scientists |
scissors | scissors |
sclera | sclerae |
score | scores |
scratch | scratches |
sea | seas |
secretary | secretaries |
see | sees |
seed | seeds |
senor | senors/senores |
septum | septa |
series | series |
serum | serums |
service | services |
sew | sews |
sex | sexes |
shaman | shamans |
shambles | shambles |
shampoo | shampoos |
shark | sharks |
she | shes |
sheaf | sheaves |
sheep | sheep |
shelf | shelves |
shellfish | shells |
sheriff | sheriffs |
shiny | shinies |
ship | ships |
shoe | shoes |
shop | shops |
shorts | shorts |
shrimp | shrimps |
shy | shies |
signage | signages |
signal | signals |
silo | silos |
simile | similes |
simpatico | simpatici |
singular | singulars |
sinus | sinuses |
sir | sirs |
sissy | sissies |
sister | sisters |
sister in law | sisters in law |
six | sixes |
ski | skis |
sky | skies |
sleep | sleeps |
sloth | sloths |
smile | smiles |
smiley | smileys/smilies |
smithereens | smithereens |
social media | social media |
society | societies |
sock | socks |
software | software |
soil | soils |
soliloquy | soliloquies |
solo | solos |
some | some |
someone | someones |
something | somethings |
son in law | sons-in-law |
soprano | sopranos |
sorry | sorrys/sorries |
soul | souls |
souvenir | souvenirs |
spacecraft | spacecrafts |
specimen | specimens |
spectacle | spectacles |
spectrum | spectrums |
speech | speeches |
sperm | sperms |
spermatozoon | spermatozoa |
spice | spices |
spiegel | spiegels |
splash | splashes |
spoon | spoons |
spoonful | spoonfuls |
spouse | spouses |
Singular | Plural |
spy | Spies |
squash | squashes |
squid | squids |
stadium | stadiums |
staff | staffs |
standby | standbys |
star | stars |
stare | stares |
starfish | starfishes/starfish |
starfruit | starfruits |
stationery | stationeries |
statue | statues |
status | statuses |
steer | steers |
stegosaurus | stegosauri |
stenosis | stenoses |
step son | step sons |
sternum | sternums |
stigma | stigmas |
stimulus | stimuli |
stitch | stitches |
stock | stocks |
stoma | stomata/stomas |
stomach | stomachs |
stomata | stomas/stomata |
stone | stones |
story | stories |
strata | stratas/strata |
stratum | stratums |
strawberry | strawberries |
strength | strengths |
stress | stresses |
strife | strifes |
stromboli | strombolis |
student | students |
study | studies |
stuff | stuffs |
stylus | styli/styluses |
subpoena | subpoenas |
success | successes |
succubus | succubi |
sue | sues |
suffix | suffixes |
sugar | sugars |
sulcus | sulci |
summary | summaries |
summons | summonses |
superhero | superheros |
supernova | supernovae |
surgery | surgeries |
surprise | surprises |
survey | survey’s |
suspense | suspenses |
swan | swans |
swine | swine/swines |
syllable | syllables |
syllabus | syllabuses |
symposium | symposiums |
synapse | synapses |
synopsis | synopses |
syntax | syntaxes |
synthesis | syntheses |
table | tables |
tableau | tableaus |
tablet | tablets |
taco | Tacos |
tail | tails |
taj | tajes |
talent | talents |
talisman | talismans |
tallit | tallaisim/tallites/tallites |
talus | tali |
tardy | tardies |
task | tasks |
taste | tastes |
tattoo | tattoos |
taurus | tauruses |
taxi | taxis |
tea | teas |
teacher | teachers |
team | teams |
teaspoonful | teaspoonfuls |
technology | technologies |
teddy | teddies |
tee | tees |
teenager | teenagers |
teeth | teeth |
teller | tellers. |
temperature | temperatures. |
tempo | tempos |
tense | tenses. |
terminus | terminuses |
test | tests |
testicle | testicles |
testimony | testimonies |
testis | testes |
text | texts |
thank | thanks |
thank you | thank yous |
that | that’s/those |
thermos | thermoses. |
thesaurus | thesauri |
thesis | theses |
this | these |
thomas | thomases |
thorax | thoraxes/thoraces. |
thou | thous |
thousand | thousand |
thrombus | thrombi |
tibia | tibiae. |
tie | ties |
tiger | tigers. |
time | times. |
timpani | timpani |
titmouse | titmice |
toast | toasts |
toe | toes |
ton | tons |
tongs | tongs |
top | tops |
topaz | topazes |
tor | tors |
torch | torches |
tornado | tornados |
torpedo | torpedoes |
torso | torsos/torsi |
tortoise | tortoises |
torus | tori |
touch | touches |
toy | toys |
trachea | tracheae |
tragus | tragi |
training | training |
trapezius | trapezii |
trash | trashs |
trauma | traumas/traumata |
travel | travels |
tray | trays |
treatise | treatises |
treatment | treatments |
trellis | trellises |
trench | trenches |
trolley | trolleys |
trophy | trophies |
trousers | trousers |
trout | trout |
truck | trucks |
truth | truth |
try | tries |
tsunami | tsunamis |
tuesday | tuesdays |
tuna | tunas |
tundra | tundras |
turkey | turkeys |
turnip | turnips |
turtle | turtles |
tux | tuxes |
tv | tvs. |
tweezers | tweezers |
two | twos |
types | types |
typo | typos |
ulna | ulnas |
ultimatum | ultimatums |
umbrella | umbrellas |
un | uns |
uncle | uncles |
underwear | underwear |
uniform | uniforms |
universe | universes |
university | universities |
up | ups |
us | us |
usage | usages |
user | users |
uterus | uteruses |
vagina | vaginas |
varix | varices |
vase | vases |
vena cava | venae cavae |
verbatim | verbatims |
verruca | verrucae |
vertebra | vertebras/vertebrae |
vertex | vertices |
vestment | vestments |
veto | vetoes |
video | videos |
vinyl | vinyl |
virus | viruses |
vita | vitae |
vocabulary | vocabularies |
volcano | volcanos |
volume | volumes |
vortex | vortexes |
vulva | vulvae |
waitress | waitresses |
wallet | wallets |
walrus | walruses |
warranty | warranties |
was | were |
wash | washes |
wasp | wasps |
waste | wastes |
watch | watches |
water | waters |
watermelon | watermelons |
website | website |
wednesday | wednesdays |
were | weres |
wharf | wharves |
wheat | wheats |