Ditch Plural, What is the plural of Ditch?

Meaning: a narrow channel dug at the side of a road or field, to hold or carry away water.

Plural of Ditch

Singular Plural
Ditch Ditches


  • dike
  • gutter
  • canal
  • channel
  • moat
  • trench

Ditch as a Singular Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. He fell into the ditch while walking in the dark.
  2. The car veered off the road and into a ditch.
  3. The workers dug a drainage ditch to prevent flooding.
  4. The truck got stuck in a muddy ditch.
  5. The hiker slipped and tumbled down a steep ditch.
  6. The old farmer cleared the weeds from the irrigation ditch.
  7. The heavy rain caused the ditch to overflow.
  8. She planted wildflowers along the ditch to beautify the area.
  9. The children enjoyed playing near the shallow ditch.
  10. The road crew repaired the potholes in the ditch.

Ditch as a Plural Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The farmers dug irrigation ditches to water their crops.
  2. They cleaned out the clogged drainage ditches after the storm.
  3. The maintenance crew cleared the roadside ditches of debris.
  4. The engineers designed a network of interconnected ditches.
  5. The construction workers excavated the foundation ditches.
  6. The city council invested in improving the urban ditches.
  7. The canals and ditches helped control the water flow.
  8. The farmer irrigated the fields using the network of ditches.
  9. The old houses had stone-lined drainage ditches.
  10. The archaeologists discovered ancient irrigation ditches.

Singular Possessive of Ditch

The singular possessive form of “Ditch” is “Ditch’s”.

Examples of Singular Possessive Form of Ditch:

  1. The ditch’s depth determines its water-carrying capacity.
  2. He cleared the ditch’s debris for improved drainage.
  3. The ditch’s purpose is to redirect water flow.
  4. The farmer maintained the ditch’s cleanliness for irrigation.
  5. She inspected the ditch’s integrity for signs of erosion.
  6. The ditch’s width accommodates heavy machinery.
  7. The ditch’s construction requires careful planning.
  8. The ditch’s maintenance is essential for flood prevention.
  9. The ditch’s contour followed the natural landscape.
  10. The ditch’s location was strategically chosen for optimal runoff.

Plural Possessive of Ditch

The plural possessive form of “Ditch” is “Ditches'”.

Examples of Plural Possessive Form of Ditch:

  1. The ditches’ depths determine their water-carrying capacity.
  2. They cleared the ditches’ debris for improved drainage.
  3. The ditches’ purposes are to redirect water flow.
  4. The farmers maintained the ditches’ cleanliness for irrigation.
  5. They inspected the ditches’ integrity for signs of erosion.
  6. The ditches’ widths accommodate heavy machinery.
  7. The ditches’ constructions require careful planning.
  8. The ditches’ maintenance is essential for flood prevention.
  9. The ditches’ contours followed the natural landscape.
  10. The ditches’ locations were strategically chosen for optimal runoff.

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