Context Plural, What is the Plural of Context?

Meaning: the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea.

Plural of CONTEXT

Singular Plural
Context Contexts


  • background
  • conditions
  • situation
  • text
  • ambience

Context as a Singular Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The context of the conversation influenced its interpretation.
  2. The author provided historical context to understand the novel.
  3. The politician’s statement must be seen in the context of recent events.
  4. The artist’s work is deeply rooted in social context.
  5. The meaning of the poem can change based on context.
  6. The judge considered the legal context of the case.
  7. The speaker discussed the cultural context of the artwork.
  8. The therapist explored the personal context of the patient’s experiences.
  9. The scientist examined the ecological context of the research findings.
  10. The coach emphasized the importance of context in understanding the game.

Context as a Plural Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The book examines different historical contexts.
  2. The researchers analyzed various social contexts.
  3. The discussion explored different cultural contexts.
  4. The documentary presents multiple global contexts.
  5. The movie explores different political contexts.
  6. The artist’s works are influenced by diverse artistic contexts.
  7. The study examined different economic contexts.
  8. The analysis considered multiple environmental contexts.
  9. The seminar discussed the ethical contexts of technology.
  10. The article examined different legal contexts.

Singular Possessive of Context

The singular possessive form of “Context” is “Context’s”.

Examples of Singular Possessive Form of Context:

  1. The context’s significance determines the interpretation.
  2. We should analyze the context’s historical background.
  3. The context’s relevance influences decision-making.
  4. Can you provide insights into the context’s cultural aspects?
  5. The context’s nuances affect understanding and perception.
  6. We should consider the context’s social implications.
  7. The context’s complexity requires thorough examination.
  8. Have you explored the context’s impact on behavior?
  9. The context’s framework shapes the narrative.
  10. The team is studying the context’s relationship to current events.

Plural Possessive of Context

The plural possessive form of “Context” is “Contexts'”.

Examples of Plural Possessive Form of Context:

  1. We should consider various contexts’ perspectives.
  2. The team is analyzing the contexts’ interconnectedness.
  3. The contexts’ diversity enriches the conversation.
  4. Can you compare the contexts’ different cultural values?
  5. The contexts’ interactions shape individual experiences.
  6. We should explore the contexts’ influence on decision-making.
  7. The contexts’ complexities demand comprehensive examination.
  8. Have you considered all the contexts’ underlying factors?
  9. The contexts’ dynamics reveal societal patterns.
  10. The team is mapping out the contexts’ historical developments.

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