Summons Plural, What is the Plural of Summons?

Meaning: an order to appear before a judge

Plural of Summons

Singular Plural
summons summonses

 Synonyms of Summons

  • writ
  • warrant
  • subpoena
  • process
  • order
  • instruction
  • indictment
  • directive
  • court order
  • command

Summons as a Singular Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The summons arrived in the mail today.
  2. She received a summons to appear in court.
  3. The police officer handed him a summons.
  4. He ignored the summons and faced consequences.
  5. The judge issued a summons for the witness.
  6. The lawyer prepared the summons for the defendant.
  7. The summons demanded his immediate presence.
  8. The court clerk filed the summons in the case.
  9. The recipient was surprised by the unexpected summons.
  10. She reluctantly obeyed the judge’s summons.

Summons as a Plural Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The summonses were delivered to multiple defendants.
  2. The police officers issued several summonses for speeding.
  3. He ignored the multiple summonses and faced penalties.
  4. The judge signed the stack of summonses on her desk.
  5. The lawyer filed the necessary summonses for the clients.
  6. The court clerk processed the numerous summonses efficiently.
  7. The defendants received their respective summonses by mail.
  8. The officers handed out the summonses during the operation.
  9. The judge reviewed the collection of summonses for the day.
  10. The recipients were puzzled by the multiple summonses.

Singular Possessive of Summons

The singular possessive form of “Summons” is “Summons’s”.

Examples of Singular Possessive Form of Summons:

  1. The lawyer prepared the witness’s summons’s.
  2. The police officer delivered the suspect’s summons’s.
  3. Summons’s wording indicated the legal obligations.
  4. The judge signed the plaintiff’s summons’s.
  5. The recipient read the court’s summons’s carefully.
  6. The attorney reviewed the client’s summons’s.
  7. The document explained the purpose of the summons’s.
  8. The legal assistant filed the defendant’s summons’s.
  9. The sheriff served the landlord’s summons’s to the tenant.
  10. The paralegal assisted in drafting the summons’s.

Plural Possessive of Summons

The plural possessive form of “Summons” is “Summonses'”.

Examples of Plural Possessive Form of Summons:

  1. The court handled multiple summonses’ concurrently.
  2. The law firm prepared the clients’ summonses’.
  3. Summonses’ delivery dates varied depending on the cases.
  4. The judge signed all the defendants’ summonses’.
  5. The legal team reviewed the witnesses’ summonses’.
  6. The police department distributed the suspects’ summonses’.
  7. The attorney filed the necessary paperwork for the plaintiffs’ summonses’.
  8. The courthouse received numerous summonses’ daily.
  9. The clerk processed the defendants’ summonses’ in order.
  10. The legal secretary organized the case files’ summonses’.

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