Kitty Plural, What is the plural of Kitty?

Meaning: a pool of money in some gambling card games.

Plural of Kitty

Singular Plural
Kitty Kitties

Kitty as a Singular Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The adorable kitty played with a ball of yarn.
  2. She stroked the soft fur of the sleeping kitty.
  3. The kitty curled up on her lap and purred.
  4. He adopted a playful kitty from the animal shelter.
  5. The kitty chased after a laser pointer’s dot.
  6. She named her new kitty “Whiskers” because of its long whiskers.
  7. The kitty meowed loudly to get her attention.
  8. The kitty rubbed against her leg, seeking affection.
  9. He fed the hungry kitty a bowl of cat food.
  10. The children giggled as the kitty chased its tail.

Kitty as a Plural Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The kitties purred and snuggled together in a pile.
  2. She took care of multiple kitties while their owners were away.
  3. The shelter had a room full of adorable kitties up for adoption.
  4. They played with the lively kitties at the pet café.
  5. The kitties batted at a toy mouse, entertaining themselves.
  6. She photographed a group of cute kitties for her project.
  7. The kitties enjoyed their treats and naptime.
  8. The neighbors’ kitties often gathered in their backyard.
  9. He enjoyed watching the energetic kitties
  10. The family welcomed two new kitties into their home.

Singular Possessive of Kitty

The singular possessive form of “Kitty” is “Kitty’s”.

Examples of Singular Possessive Form of Kitty:

  1. The kitty’s fur was soft and fluffy.
  2. She stroked the kitty’s back gently.
  3. The kitty’s purring filled the room with contentment.
  4. The playfulness of the kitty’s antics amused everyone.
  5. I fed the kitty’s hungry meows.
  6. The kitty’s whiskers twitched with curiosity.
  7. The owner spoiled the kitty’s playful nature.
  8. I watched the kitty’s graceful leaps and jumps.
  9. The kitty’s eyes gleamed in the sunlight.
  10. The kitty’s cuddles brought comfort and warmth.

Plural Possessive of Kitty

The plural possessive form of “Kitty” is “Kitties'”.

Examples of Plural Possessive Form of Kitty:

  1. The kitties’ fur was soft and fluffy.
  2. They stroked the kitties’ backs gently.
  3. The kitties’ purring filled the room with contentment.
  4. The playfulness of the kitties’ antics amused everyone.
  5. We fed the kitties’ hungry meows.
  6. The kitties’ whiskers twitched with curiosity.
  7. The owners spoiled the kitties’ playful nature.
  8. We watched the kitties’ graceful leaps and jumps.
  9. The kitties’ eyes gleamed in the sunlight.
  10. The kitties’ cuddles brought comfort and warmth.

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