Sorry Plural, What is the Plural of Sorry?

Meaning: feeling sad or distressed

Plural of Sorry

Singular Plural
sorry Sorrys/sorries

Synonyms of Sorry

  • upset
  • unhappy
  • sorrowful
  • sad
  • distressed
  • depressed

Sorry as a Singular Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The sincere sorry in his voice touched my heart.
  2. He expressed his heartfelt sorry for the mistake.
  3. The written sorry was accompanied by a bouquet of flowers.
  4. Her eyes conveyed a genuine sorry for the misunderstanding.
  5. The apologetic tone of his voice showed he was truly sorry.
  6. She offered a sincere sorry for the inconvenience caused.
  7. The handwritten sorry note was full of remorse.
  8. His sorry was met with forgiveness and understanding.
  9. The manager’s sorry was followed by a resolution to fix the issue.
  10. The customer service representative extended her sorry for the inconvenience.

Sorry as a Plural Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The couple exchanged sorries and resolved their differences.
  2. Their sorries were genuine, and they reconciled their friendship.
  3. The siblings offered each other heartfelt sorries after their argument.
  4. The teammates shared their sorries for the miscommunication.
  5. The group discussion led to a sincere exchange of sorries.
  6. The involved parties expressed their mutual sorries for the misunderstanding.
  7. The written sorries were met with forgiveness and reconciliation.
  8. The sorries were followed by a plan to prevent similar mistakes in the future.
  9. The team members accepted each other’s sorries and moved forward.
  10. The workshop encouraged participants to express their sorries and repair relationships.

Singular Possessive of Sorry

The singular possessive form of “Sorry” is “Sorry’s”.

Examples of Singular Possessive Form of Sorry:

  1. I accepted the sincerity of sorry’s apology.
  2. The weight of guilt was evident in sorry’s voice.
  3. I appreciated the effort behind sorry’s gesture.
  4. The impact of sorry’s actions left a lasting impression.
  5. I sensed the remorse in sorry’s eyes.
  6. The empathy in sorry’s tone touched my heart.
  7. I forgave sorry’s mistake and moved forward.
  8. The meaning behind sorry’s words resonated with me.
  9. I acknowledged sorry’s intention to make amends.
  10. The healing process began with sorry’s acknowledgment.

Plural Possessive of Sorry

The plural possessive form of “Sorry” is “Sorries'”.

Examples of Plural Possessive Form of Sorry:

  1. I accepted the sincerities of sorries’ apologies.
  2. The weights of guilt were evident in sorries’ voices.
  3. I appreciated the efforts behind sorries’ gestures.
  4. The impacts of sorries’ actions left lasting impressions.
  5. I sensed the remorse in sorries’ eyes.
  6. The empathy in sorries’ tones touched my heart.
  7. I forgave sorries’ mistakes and moved forward.
  8. The meanings behind sorries’ words resonated with me.
  9. I acknowledged sorries’ intentions to make amends.
  10. The healing process began with sorries’ acknowledgment.

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