Video Plural, What is the Plural of Video?

Meaning: the recording, or broadcasting of visual photos

Plural of Video

Singular Plural
video videos

Video as a Singular Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The director edited the video for the movie.
  2. I watched a funny video on social media.
  3. The cameraman captured the event on video.
  4. The documentary features stunning wildlife video.
  5. The video went viral and gained millions of views.
  6. I need to transfer the video from my phone to the computer.
  7. The news report included a surveillance video.
  8. The filmmaker won an award for his short video.
  9. I recorded a tutorial video to share with others.
  10. The video quality was poor due to technical issues.

Video as a Plural Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The director edited the videos for the movie.
  2. I watched several funny videos on social media.
  3. The cameraman captured multiple events on videos.
  4. The documentary features stunning wildlife videos.
  5. The videos went viral and gained millions of views.
  6. I need to transfer the recorded videos from my phone to the computer.
  7. The news report included several surveillance videos.
  8. The filmmaker won awards for his short videos.
  9. I recorded tutorial videos to share with others.
  10. The videos‘ quality varied due to technical issues.

Singular Possessive of Video:

  1. The director’s video’s cinematography was exceptional.
  2. The artist showcased their creativity in the video’s concept.
  3. The producer praised the video’s high production value.
  4. The actress admired the video’s captivating storyline.
  5. The editor enhanced the video’s visual effects.
  6. The filmmaker’s video’s message resonated with the audience.
  7. The musician composed the video’s accompanying soundtrack.
  8. The studio promoted the video’s release date.
  9. The critic analyzed the video’s artistic merits.
  10. The audience eagerly awaited the video’s premiere.

Plural Possessive of Video:

  1. The directors’ videos’ genres varied greatly.
  2. The artists’ videos’ showcased their diverse talents.
  3. The producers praised the videos’ overall quality.
  4. The actresses admired the videos’ compelling performances.
  5. The editors enhanced the videos’ visual storytelling.
  6. The filmmakers’ videos’ themes resonated with different audiences.
  7. The musicians composed the videos’ original soundtracks.
  8. The studios promoted the videos’ international distribution.
  9. The critics analyzed the videos’ narrative structures.
  10. The audiences eagerly anticipated the videos’ sequels.

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