Laughter Plural, What is the plural of Laughter?

Meaning: the action or sound of laughing.

Plural of Laughter

Singular Plural
Laughter Laughters

Laughter as a Singular Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. Laughter is contagious and brings people together.
  2. The sound of children’s laughter fills the playground.
  3. A good joke can elicit genuine laughter from the audience.
  4. The comedian’s witty remarks caused uproarious laughter.
  5. The joyous laughter echoed throughout the room.
  6. In moments of sadness, a little laughter can be therapeutic.
  7. Sharing funny stories often leads to infectious laughter.
  8. The unexpected punchline elicited spontaneous laughter from the crowd.
  9. The sight of puppies playing brings a smile and laughter.
  10. A hearty dose of laughter can lighten the mood and relieve stress.

Laughter as a Plural Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The room was filled with peals of infectious laughter.
  2. The children’s playful antics triggered bouts of joyful laughter.
  3. The comedy show was met with eruptions of uproarious laughter.
  4. The video compilation of funny moments brought tears of laughter.
  5. The group’s inside jokes resulted in fits of uncontrollable laughter.
  6. The comedian’s witty remarks elicited bursts of spontaneous laughter.
  7. The shared sense of humor created a bond of shared laughter.
  8. The comedy club echoed with waves of raucous laughter.
  9. The humorous anecdotes in the book induced waves of chuckling laughter.
  10. The sitcom’s clever dialogues evoked constant peals of audience laughter.

Singular Possessive of Laughter

The singular possessive form of “Laughter” is “Laughter’s”.

Examples of Singular Possessive Form of Laughter:

  1. The sound of laughter’s contagious joy filled the room.
  2. She couldn’t contain her laughter’s infectious mirth.
  3. The laughter’s spontaneity brought a sense of relief.
  4. The warmth of laughter’s embrace dissolved tension.
  5. I cherished the memories of laughter’s shared moments.
  6. The rhythm of laughter’s cadence echoed through the air.
  7. The beauty of laughter’s expression radiated genuine happiness.
  8. I joined in the chorus of laughter’s lightheartedness.
  9. The power of laughter’s healing effects was scientifically proven.
  10. The genuine nature of laughter’s sound uplifted spirits.

Plural Possessive of Laughter

The plural possessive form of “Laughter” is “Laughters'”.

Examples of Plural Possessive Form of Laughter:

  1. The sounds of laughters’ contagious joy filled the room.
  2. They couldn’t contain their laughters’ infectious mirth.
  3. The laughters’ spontaneity brought a sense of relief to everyone.
  4. The warmth of laughters’ embraces dissolved tension.
  5. We cherished the memories of laughters’ shared moments.
  6. The rhythms of laughters’ cadences echoed through the air.
  7. The beauty of laughters’ expressions radiated genuine happiness.
  8. We joined in the chorus of laughters’ lightheartedness.
  9. The power of laughters’ healing effects was scientifically proven.
  10. The genuine nature of laughters’ sounds uplifted spirits.

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