Soul Plural, What is the Plural of Soul?

Meaning:  spiritual or immaterial part of a human being

Plural of Soul

Singular Plural
soul souls

Synonyms of Soul

  • passion
  • intensity
  • inspiration
  • fervour
  • feeling
  • enthusiasm
  • emotion
  • eagerness
  • ardour

Soul as a Singular Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. Her voice was full of passion and touched my soul.
  2. The artist’s music spoke to the depths of my soul.
  3. The mesmerizing dance performance stirred my soul.
  4. His poetic words resonated with my inner soul.
  5. The breathtaking sunset filled my soul with tranquility.
  6. The spiritual retreat provided solace for the weary soul.
  7. The haunting melody evoked deep emotions in my soul.
  8. The author’s words spoke directly to my soul.
  9. The meaningful conversation touched my soul in unexpected ways.
  10. The majestic landscape had a profound effect on my soul.

Soul as a Plural Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The concert attendees swayed together, their souls united by the music.
  2. The captivating performance moved the audience’s souls.
  3. The choir’s harmonious voices uplifted the listeners’ souls.
  4. The artist’s paintings spoke to people’s deepest souls.
  5. The retreat was designed to heal and rejuvenate the participants’ souls.
  6. The dancers’ synchronized movements touched the spectators’ souls.
  7. The novel’s powerful themes resonated with readers’ souls.
  8. The preacher’s words stirred the congregation’s souls.
  9. The band’s energetic performance ignited the audience’s souls.
  10. The lyrics of the song spoke directly to the listeners’ souls.

Singular Possessive of Soul

The singular possessive form of “Soul” is “Soul’s”.

Examples of Singular Possessive Form of Soul:

  1. The depth of the soul’s emotions was palpable.
  2. I connected with the purity of soul’s intentions.
  3. The journey of self-discovery touched my soul’s core.
  4. I embraced the uniqueness of my soul’s essence.
  5. The scars on the soul’s surface told stories of resilience.
  6. I nourished my soul’s desires through self-care.
  7. The wisdom of the soul’s experiences guided my path.
  8. I expressed the creativity of my soul’s expression through art.
  9. The music resonated with the depths of my soul’s longing.
  10. I found solace in the serenity of my soul’s sanctuary.

Plural Possessive of Soul

The plural possessive form of “Soul” is “Souls'”.

Examples of Plural Possessive Form of Soul:

  1. The depths of the souls’ emotions were palpable.
  2. I connected with the purity of souls’ intentions.
  3. The journeys of self-discovery touched souls’ cores.
  4. I embraced the uniqueness of souls’ essences.
  5. The scars on the souls’ surfaces told stories of resilience.
  6. I nourished souls’ desires through self-care.
  7. The wisdom of souls’ experiences guided our paths.
  8. I expressed the creativity of souls’ expressions through art.
  9. The music resonated with the depths of souls’ longings.
  10. We found solace in the serenity of souls’ sanctuary.

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