Corpus Plural, What is the Plural of Corpus?

Meaning: a collection of written texts, especially the entire works of a particular author.

Plural of CORPUS

Singular Plural
Corpus Corpora


  • bulk
  • entirety
  • mass
  • collection
  • compilation
  • core

Corpus as a Singular Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The linguist analyzed a large corpus of written texts.
  2. The researcher built a comprehensive linguistic corpus for the study.
  3. The legal team reviewed the corpus of case law before presenting their argument.
  4. The student conducted a statistical analysis of the linguistic corpus.
  5. The professor emphasized the importance of using a diverse corpus for language research.
  6. The corpus of literature from that era provided valuable insights into societal norms.
  7. The linguistics department had an extensive digital corpus for students to study.
  8. The project required a specialized corpus of medical texts for analysis.
  9. The researcher compiled a historical corpus of documents to trace language evolution.
  10. The scientist analyzed a corpus of genetic data to identify patterns.

Corpus as a Plural Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The linguists compared multiple corpora to identify language patterns.
  2. The researchers analyzed the linguistic data from various corpora.
  3. The project involved merging and analyzing several linguistic corpora.
  4. The software was designed to process large-scale corpora
  5. The linguistics conference featured presentations on diverse language corpora.
  6. The researchers collaborated to create a shared database of linguistic corpora.
  7. The computational linguists worked with massive text corpora for their algorithms.
  8. The comparative study examined different historical corpora to uncover language evolution.
  9. The linguistic analysis drew on a wide range of corpora for comprehensive results.
  10. The researchers published their findings based on the analyzed corpora.

Singular Possessive of Corpus

The singular possessive form of “Corpus” is “Corpus’s”.

Examples of Singular Possessive Form of Corpus:

  1. The researcher analyzed the Corpus’s data comprehensively.
  2. Corpus’s accuracy is crucial for the study’s validity.
  3. We should review Corpus’s structure and organization.
  4. The linguist examined Corpus’s linguistic patterns.
  5. Corpus’s diversity allows for comprehensive analysis.
  6. The report highlights the Corpus’s significant findings.
  7. We need to attribute the authorship of the Corpus’s content.
  8. Corpus’s size determines the research’s scope.
  9. We should consider the ethical implications of Corpus’s use.
  10. Corpus’s metadata provides valuable insights for researchers.

Plural Possessive of Corpus

The plural possessive form of “Corpus” is “Corpora’s”.

Examples of Plural Possessive Form of Corpus:

  1. The researchers analyzed the Corpora’s linguistic patterns.
  2. Corpora’s diversity allows for comprehensive language study.
  3. We should examine the Corpora’s different language registers.
  4. The linguists analyzed the Corpora’s semantic variations.
  5. Corpora’s size affects the statistical significance of the findings.
  6. The report highlights the Corpora’s valuable contributions to linguistics.
  7. We need to acknowledge the authors of the Corpora’s content.
  8. Corpora’s metadata provides insights into language usage.
  9. We should explore the potential applications of the Corpora’s data.
  10. The researchers shared the Corpora’s findings with the academic community.

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