Referendum Plural, What is the Plural of Referendum?

Meaning: a general vote by the electorate

Singular and Plural of Referendum

Singular Plural
referendum referendums

Referendum as a Singular Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The government scheduled a referendum to gauge public opinion.
  2. The politician campaigned vigorously for the upcoming referendum.
  3. The citizens participated in the referendum by casting their votes.
  4. The court ruled in favor of holding a referendum on the controversial issue.
  5. The news article discussed the implications of the upcoming referendum.
  6. The politicians debated the pros and cons of the proposed referendum.
  7. The outcome of the referendum will determine the future of the country.
  8. The analyst predicted a close result for the upcoming referendum.
  9. The party leader expressed support for the citizens’ right to hold a referendum.
  10. The campaign for the referendum gained momentum in the final weeks.

Referendum as a Plural Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The country held multiple referendums to decide key issues.
  2. The government respected the outcomes of the past referendums.
  3. The citizens actively participated in the democratic process by voting in the referendums.
  4. The results of the recent referendums shaped the government’s policies.
  5. The media covered the controversial topics of the ongoing referendums.
  6. The debates surrounding the proposed referendums grew intense.
  7. The citizens voiced their opinions through the ballot box in the referendums.
  8. The analysis of the previous referendums provided insights into voter behavior.
  9. The referendum process allows the public to influence decision-making through referendums.
  10. The government organized a series of public consultations before the referendums.

Singular Possessive of Referendum 

The singular possessive form of “Referendum” is “Referendum’s”. 

Examples of Singular Possessive Form of Referendum:

  1. The outcome of the referendum’s vote determined the course of action.
  2. The government respected the referendum’s decision and implemented it.
  3. The politician campaigned vigorously to influence the referendum’s outcome.
  4. The citizens’ opinions shaped the referendum’s final result.
  5. The legal team analyzed the referendum’s implications on existing laws.
  6. The media covered the controversy surrounding the referendum’s process.
  7. The public awaited the announcement of the referendum’s official results.
  8. The constitution protected the rights of citizens to participate in the referendum’s voting process.
  9. The political parties debated the pros and cons of the referendum’s proposal.
  10. The organization conducted extensive research to inform the public about the referendum’s subject matter.

Plural Possessive of Referendum 

The plural possessive form of “Referendum” is “Referendums'”. 

Examples of Plural Possessive Form of Referendum:

  1. The country held several referendums’ to address constitutional amendments.
  2. The historians studied the impact of past referendums’ on political landscapes.
  3. The governments respected the people’s voice in the referendums’ outcomes.
  4. The analysts examined the patterns and trends across different referendums’.
  5. The activists campaigned for transparency and fairness in the referendums’ processes.
  6. The scholars researched the influence of media on public perception during referendums’.
  7. The citizens’ participation in the referendums’ shaped public policies.
  8. The international community monitored the conduct of the referendums’ for legitimacy.
  9. The politicians acknowledged the importance of public education in understanding referendums’ issues.
  10. The constitutional experts analyzed the legal implications of multiple referendums’ outcomes.

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