Cow Plural, What is the Plural of Cow?

Meaning: a fully grown female animal of a domesticated breed of ox, kept to produce milk or beef.

Plural of COW

Singular Plural
Cow Cows


  • bludgeon
  • bully
  • daunt
  • dishearten
  • terrorize
  • unnerve
  • embarrass
  • faze
  • frighten

Cow as a Singular Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The farmer milked the gentle cow early in the morning.
  2. The cow grazed peacefully in the lush green pasture.
  3. The young girl fed a handful of grass to the friendly cow.
  4. The veterinarian examined the sick cow for signs of illness.
  5. The cowboy rode his horse while herding the cow.
  6. The cow let out a low moo as it roamed the field.
  7. The dairy farm had rows of cows waiting to be milked.
  8. The farmer named his favorite cow
  9. The cow chewed its cud lazily under the shade of a tree.
  10. The cow nuzzled its calf affectionately.

Cow as a Plural Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The rancher owned a large herd of dairy cows.
  2. The pasture was filled with grazing cows and their calves.
  3. The cattle rancher raised prize-winning cows for livestock shows.
  4. The cows were led to the barn for milking.
  5. The farmer’s market sold fresh eggs and grass-fed cows.
  6. The fields were dotted with black and white Holstein cows.
  7. The dairy industry relied on the milk production of countless cows.
  8. The cows huddled together to protect themselves from the cold wind.
  9. The cowboys rounded up the stray cows on horseback.
  10. The pasture provided ample space for the grazing cows.

Singular Possessive of Cow

The singular possessive form of “Cow” is “Cow’s”.

Examples of Singular Possessive Form of Cow:

  1. The cow’s milk is rich in nutrients.
  2. I saw the cow’s grazing in the field.
  3. Cow’s udder produces milk for calves.
  4. The farmer milked the cow’s udders carefully.
  5. The veterinarian examined the sick cow’s symptoms.
  6. The rancher branded the cow’s hide with a mark.
  7. The cowboy herded the cow’s toward the corral.
  8. The butcher prepared the cow’s meat for sale.
  9. The dairy farmer monitors the cow’s health regularly.
  10. Cow’s hooves provide support and traction.

Plural Possessive of Cow

The plural possessive form of “Cow” is “Cows'”.

Examples of Plural Possessive Form of Cow:

  1. The cows’ milk is rich in nutrients.
  2. I saw the cows’ grazing in the field.
  3. Cows’ udders produce milk for calves.
  4. The farmer milked the cows’ udders carefully.
  5. The veterinarians examined the sick cows’ symptoms.
  6. The ranchers branded the cows’ hides with marks.
  7. The cowboys herded the cows’ toward the corral.
  8. The butchers prepared the cows’ meat for sale.
  9. The dairy farmers monitor the cows’ health regularly.
  10. Cows’ hooves provide support and traction.

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