Euro Plural, What is the Plural of Euro?

Meaning: relating to Europe or the European Union.

Plural of Euro

Singular Plural
Euro Euros


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  • wallaby
  • possum
  • opossum
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Euro as a Singular Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The cost of the product was five euros.
  2. He exchanged his dollars for euros before traveling to Europe.
  3. The souvenir shop sold postcards for one euro
  4. The café offered a breakfast deal for two euros.
  5. He paid with a twenty euro
  6. The currency exchange rate was 1.2 dollars per euro.
  7. The street vendor sold delicious pastries for a few euros.
  8. The ticket to the museum cost ten euros.

Euro as a Plural Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The prices were displayed in both dollars and euros.
  2. He exchanged his dollars for euros at the bank.
  3. The tourists withdrew some euros from the ATM.
  4. The hotel charged twenty euros for parking per day.
  5. The conversion rate between dollars and euros fluctuated daily.
  6. The restaurant accepted payment in various currencies, including euros.
  7. He carried a wallet filled with different currencies, including euros.
  8. The store offered discounts for purchases over fifty euros.

Singular Possessive of Euro

The singular possessive form of “Euro” is “Euro’s”.

Examples of Singular Possessive Form of Euro:

  1. The price of Euro’s has increased.
  2. I borrowed Euro’s for the trip.
  3. What is the value of Euro’s today?
  4. The exchange rate of Euro’s is high.
  5. I need to exchange Euro’s for dollars.
  6. Euro’s strength against the dollar is notable.
  7. Euro’s role in international trade is significant.
  8. The value of Euro’s affects the economy.
  9. Euro’s stability is crucial for investors.
  10. I have a collection of different Euro’s.

Plural Possessive of Euro

The plural possessive form of “Euro” is “Euros'”.

Examples of Plural Possessive Form of Euro:

  1. The value of Euros’ is fluctuating.
  2. I need to exchange my Euros’ for pounds.
  3. The impact of Euros’ on the market is significant.
  4. The value of Euros’ has dropped recently.
  5. The stability of Euros’ affects the global economy.
  6. Many countries use Euros’ as their currency.
  7. The exchange rate of Euros’ is favorable.
  8. I have a collection of different Euros’ coins.
  9. Euros’ purchasing power is high.
  10. The value of Euros’ is influenced by various factors.

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