Kiwi Plural, What is the plural of Kiwi?

Meaning: a flightless New Zealand bird with hairlike feathers, having a long downcurved.

Plural of Kiwi

Singular Plural
Kiwi Kiwis

Kiwi as a Singular Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The kiwi is a small, brown, and fuzzy fruit.
  2. She peeled the kiwi with a knife and ate it.
  3. The grocery store had fresh kiwi in the produce section.
  4. He enjoyed the tartness of the ripe kiwi.
  5. The smoothie recipe called for a ripe kiwi.
  6. She added slices of kiwi to her fruit salad.
  7. The skin of the kiwi is edible but often removed.
  8. The kiwi is rich in vitamin C and fiber.
  9. He bought a bunch of kiwi to make a fruit smoothie.
  10. The texture of the kiwi is similar to a strawberry.

Kiwi as a Plural Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The kiwis were imported from New Zealand.
  2. She bought a dozen kiwis to share with her friends.
  3. The fruit basket contained various types of kiwis.
  4. He enjoyed the juiciness of the ripe kiwis.
  5. The recipe called for two peeled kiwis.
  6. She added diced kiwis to her salsa for a refreshing twist.
  7. The supermarket had a sale on ripe kiwis.
  8. The smoothie recipe required three ripe kiwis.
  9. He couldn’t resist the sweet and tangy flavor of the kiwis.
  10. The farmer harvested a bountiful crop of kiwis this year.

Singular Possessive of Kiwi

The singular possessive form of “Kiwi” is “Kiwi’s”.

Examples of Singular Possessive Form of Kiwi:

  1. The kiwi’s skin was fuzzy and brown.
  2. I peeled off the kiwi’s outer layer.
  3. The sweetness of the kiwi’s flesh delighted my taste buds.
  4. The kiwi’s seeds were small and edible.
  5. She sliced the kiwi’s juicy fruit into pieces.
  6. The flavor of the kiwi’s pulp was refreshing.
  7. The kiwi’s green color brightened up the plate.
  8. I scooped out the kiwi’s flesh with a spoon.
  9. The tartness of the kiwi’s flavor complemented the dish.
  10. The freshness of the kiwi’s aroma filled the room.

Plural Possessive of Kiwi

The plural possessive form of “Kiwi” is “Kiwis'”.

Examples of Plural Possessive Form of Kiwi:

  1. The kiwis’ skins were fuzzy and brown.
  2. We peeled off the kiwis’ outer layers.
  3. The sweetness of the kiwis’ flesh delighted our taste buds.
  4. The kiwis’ seeds were small and edible.
  5. They sliced the kiwis’ juicy fruit into pieces.
  6. The flavor of the kiwis’ pulp was refreshing.
  7. The kiwis’ green color brightened up the bowl.
  8. We scooped out the kiwis’ flesh with spoons.
  9. The tartness of the kiwis’ flavor complemented the dessert.
  10. The freshness of the kiwis’ aroma filled the kitchen.

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