Feedback Plural, What is the plural of Feedback?

Meaning: information about reactions to a product.

Singular and Plural of Feedback

Singular Plural
Feedback Feedbacks

Feedback as a Singular Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. I appreciate your honest feedback on my presentation.
  2. The manager gave constructive feedback to improve the team’s performance.
  3. The student received positive feedback from the teacher on her essay.
  4. The customer left valuable feedback about their experience with the product.
  5. The artist sought feedback from peers to enhance their artwork.
  6. The company conducted a survey to gather customer feedback.
  7. The employee appreciated the manager’s feedback on their work.
  8. The conference organizers welcomed suggestions and feedback from participants.
  9. The writer incorporated the editor’s feedback to refine the manuscript.
  10. The designer presented the initial concept for feedback from the client.

Feedback as a Plural Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The team received both positive and negative feedbacks on their performance.
  2. The company collected customer feedbacks to improve their services.
  3. The survey results showed a mix of opinions and feedbacks.
  4. The student eagerly awaited the teacher’s feedbacks on their assignments.
  5. The conference organizers analyzed the participants’ feedbacks to enhance future events.
  6. The website received valuable feedbacks from users about its functionality.
  7. The company implemented changes based on customer feedbacks.
  8. The employee appreciated the team’s supportive feedbacks.
  9. The artist received encouraging feedbacks from art enthusiasts.
  10. The focus group provided insightful feedbacks for product development.

Singular Possessive of Feedback

The singular possessive form of “Feedback” is “Feedback’s”.

Examples of Singular Possessive Form of Feedback:

  1. The value lies in the Feedback’s constructive criticism.
  2. The impact of the Feedback’s suggestions is significant.
  3. The growth is driven by the Feedback’s insights.
  4. The appreciation for the Feedback’s input is expressed.
  5. The importance of the Feedback’s evaluation cannot be ignored.
  6. The implementation of the Feedback’s recommendations is necessary.
  7. The quality is improved through the Feedback’s guidance.
  8. The acknowledgment of the Feedback’s contribution is deserved.
  9. The relevance of the Feedback’s comments is acknowledged.
  10. The analysis of the Feedback’s data reveals patterns.

Plural Possessive of Feedback

The plural possessive form of “Feedback” is “Feedbacks'”.

Examples of Plural Possessive Form of Feedback:

  1. The values lie in the Feedbacks’ constructive criticisms.
  2. The impacts of the Feedbacks’ suggestions are significant.
  3. The growth is driven by the Feedbacks’ insights.
  4. The appreciation for the Feedbacks’ inputs is expressed.
  5. The importance of the Feedbacks’ evaluations cannot be ignored.
  6. The implementation of the Feedbacks’ recommendations is necessary.
  7. The quality is improved through the Feedbacks’ guidance.
  8. The acknowledgments of the Feedbacks’ contributions are deserved.
  9. The relevance of the Feedbacks’ comments is acknowledged.
  10. The analyses of the Feedbacks’ data reveal patterns.

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