Parenthesis Plural, What is the Plural of Parenthesis?

Meaning: brackets

Plural of Parenthesis

Singular Plural
parenthesis parentheses

Parenthesis as a Singular Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The writer used a parenthesis to provide additional information.
  2. The sentence contained a parenthesis within the main clause.
  3. The speaker used a parenthesis to clarify their previous statement.
  4. The parenthesis added a humorous remark to the text.
  5. The grammatical rule states to use commas or parentheses for nonessential information.
  6. The author used a parenthesis to cite the source of the information.
  7. The student learned how to use parentheses correctly in their writing.
  8. The teacher explained the purpose of a parenthesis in mathematical equations.
  9. The editor suggested removing the unnecessary parenthesis from the sentence.
  10. The parenthesis contained an example to illustrate the point.

Parenthesis as a Plural Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The writer included several parentheses throughout the article.
  2. The sentence had multiple sets of parentheses to enclose different information.
  3. The grammatical rule states to balance the number of opening and closing parentheses.
  4. The speaker used various types of parentheses to enhance their presentation.
  5. The proofreader corrected the placement of the parentheses in the text.
  6. The mathematics textbook explained how to simplify equations with multiple parentheses.
  7. The author used parentheses to indicate alternative phrases or ideas.
  8. The editor suggested rephrasing the sentence to avoid excessive use of parentheses.
  9. The document contained numerous references within parentheses.
  10. The guidebook provided examples of different uses of parentheses.

Singular Possessive of Parenthesis

The singular possessive form of “Parenthesis” is “Parenthesis’s”.

Examples of Singular Possessive Form of Parenthesis:

  1. Please close the parenthesis’s before continuing.
  2. I need to check the parenthesis’s placement.
  3. The meaning within the parenthesis’s is important.
  4. The significance of the parenthesis’s content varies.
  5. Don’t forget to include the parenthesis’s details.
  6. The author’s statement in the parenthesis’s clarifies the point.
  7. The explanation provided in the parenthesis’s is helpful.
  8. Can you explain the purpose of the parenthesis’s use?
  9. The additional information in the parenthesis’s adds depth.
  10. Please respect the parenthesis’s function in the sentence.

Plural Possessive of Parenthesis

The plural possessive form of “Parenthesis” is “Parentheses'”.

Examples of Plural Possessive Form of Parenthesis:

  1. The authors’ use of parentheses’ is effective.
  2. I noticed some errors in the parentheses’ placement.
  3. The meaning within the parentheses’ changes the context.
  4. The significance of the parentheses’ contents is significant.
  5. Don’t overlook the details within the parentheses’.
  6. The authors’ statements in the parentheses’ clarify the point.
  7. The explanations provided in the parentheses’ are insightful.
  8. Can you explain the purpose of the parentheses’ use here?
  9. The additional information in the parentheses’ adds complexity.
  10. Please respect the parentheses’ role in the sentence.

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