Teenager Plural, What is the Plural of Teenager?

Meaning: any one aged between 13 and 19 years.

Plural of Teenager

Singular Plural
teenager teenagers

 Synonyms of Teenager

  • youth
  • young person
  • minor
  • kid
  • juvenile
  • girl
  • boy

Teenager as a Singular Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The teenager expressed their individuality through their clothing.
  2. The teenager navigated the challenges of adolescence with resilience.
  3. The parent worried about their teenager‘s social circle.
  4. The teenager eagerly anticipated getting their driver’s license.
  5. The teenager‘s room was filled with posters of their favorite band.
  6. The teenager sought independence and freedom as they grew older.
  7. The teenager faced peer pressure in high school.
  8. The teenager spent hours chatting with friends on social media.
  9. The teenager balanced schoolwork with extracurricular activities.
  10. The teenager‘s emotions often fluctuated during this transformative period.

Teenager as a Plural Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The group of teenagers gathered at the park for a picnic.
  2. The parents hosted a party for their daughter and her teenager
  3. The school organized a dance for the local teenagers.
  4. The teenagers formed a close-knit community in their neighborhood.
  5. The group of teenagers volunteered at the local shelter.
  6. The teenagers‘ energy filled the room during the school assembly.
  7. The teenagers explored their interests through various clubs and organizations.
  8. The teacher encouraged the teenagers to express their opinions during class discussions.
  9. The teenagers supported each other through the ups and downs of adolescence.
  10. The community provided resources and support for at-risk teenagers.

Singular Possessive of Teenager

The singular possessive form of “Teenager” is “Teenager’s”.

Examples of Singular Possessive Form of Teenager:

  1. The Teenager’s room was filled with posters.
  2. The parent was worried about the Teenager’s behavior.
  3. The teacher praised the Teenager’s creativity and talent.
  4. The counselor discussed the Teenager’s goals and aspirations.
  5. The therapist helped the Teenager’s emotional development.
  6. The Teenager’s responsibility was to complete homework.
  7. The neighbor admired the Teenager’s musical skills.
  8. The sibling supported the Teenager’s decision to pursue art.
  9. The coach recognized the Teenager’s dedication to sports.
  10. The community acknowledged the Teenager’s contribution to charity.

Plural Possessive of Teenager

The plural possessive form of “Teenager” is “Teenagers'”.

Examples of Plural Possessive Form of Teenager:

  1. The Teenagers’ rooms were filled with posters.
  2. The parents were worried about the Teenagers’ behavior.
  3. The teachers praised the Teenagers’ creativity and talent.
  4. The counselors discussed the Teenagers’ goals and aspirations.
  5. The therapists helped the Teenagers’ emotional development.
  6. The Teenagers’ responsibility was to complete their homework.
  7. The neighbors admired the Teenagers’ musical skills.
  8. The siblings supported the Teenagers’ decision to pursue art.
  9. The coaches recognized the Teenagers’ dedication to sports.
  10. The community acknowledged the Teenagers’ contributions to charity.

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