Ibis Plural, What is the plural of Ibis?

Meaning: a large wading bird with a long downcurved bill, long neck, and long legs.

Plural of Ibis

Singular Plural
Ibis Ibises

Ibis as a Singular Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The ibis gracefully glided across the water.
  2. I spotted an ibis perched on a tree branch.
  3. The elegant ibis stood tall in the wetland.
  4. The ibis waded through the shallow pond.
  5. I captured a photo of the beautiful ibis.
  6. The long beak of the ibis helped it catch fish.
  7. An ibis flew overhead, its wings outstretched.
  8. The distinctive color of the ibis caught my eye.
  9. The ibis gracefully moved its head from side to side.
  10. The flock of ibis gathered near the riverbank.

Ibis as a Plural Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. We saw a group of ibises feeding in the marsh.
  2. The wetland was teeming with colorful ibises.
  3. The ibises flew in formation across the sky.
  4. The flock of ibises foraged for food in the mud.
  5. They watched as the ibises nested in the trees.
  6. The mating season brought many ibises to the area.
  7. The sound of the ibises squawking filled the air.
  8. The group of ibises took flight at the same time.
  9. The ibises flocked together during the migration.
  10. I counted over twenty ibises in the wetland.

Singular Possessive of Ibis:

  1. The elegance of the ibis’s feathers captured attention.
  2. The researcher studied the ibis’s migratory patterns.
  3. The birdwatcher spotted the ibis’s distinctive beak.
  4. The conservationist monitored the ibis’s habitat.
  5. The photograph showcased the ibis’s graceful stance.
  6. The drawing depicted the ibis’s long legs in detail.
  7. The mythology associated the ibis’s appearance with wisdom.
  8. The zookeeper ensured the ibis’s proper diet.
  9. The naturalist marveled at the ibis’s adaptability.
  10. The scientist analyzed the ibis’s genetic makeup.

Plural Possessive of Ibises:

  1. The wetlands were home to numerous ibises’ colonies.
  2. The conservation efforts protected the ibises’ nesting sites.
  3. The bird sanctuary provided a safe haven for the ibises’.
  4. The researchers observed the ibises’ mating rituals.
  5. The photographers captured stunning images of the ibises’ flight.
  6. The park visitors watched the ibises’ synchronized movements.
  7. The environmentalists studied the impact of pollution on the ibises’ population.
  8. The bird enthusiasts traveled to see the ibises’ unique plumage.
  9. The documentary highlighted the challenges faced by the ibises’ during migration.
  10. The biologists monitored the ibises’ feeding behavior.

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