Hen Plural, What is the plural of Hen?

Meaning: a female bird, especially of a domestic fowl.

Plural of Hen

Singular Plural
Hen Hens

Hen as a Singular Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The hen laid an egg in the nesting box.
  2. The farmer fed the hen in the chicken coop.
  3. She kept a hen as a pet in her backyard.
  4. The hen clucked softly as it searched for food.
  5. The children watched the hen and her chicks in the barnyard.
  6. The chef prepared a delicious meal using fresh hen
  7. The hen flapped its wings and flew to a higher perch.
  8. The rooster crowed, and the hen followed him around.
  9. The farmer counted his hen to ensure they were all present.
  10. The children gathered around the hen to collect the eggs.

Hen as a Plural Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The farmer raised a flock of hens for egg production.
  2. The market sold fresh eggs from free-range hens.
  3. The coop housed several dozen hens.
  4. The children fed the flock of hens with corn kernels.
  5. The eggs from the healthy hens were carefully packaged.
  6. The farmer provided a spacious enclosure for his hens to roam.
  7. The hens pecked at the ground, searching for insects.
  8. The henhouse had nesting boxes for the hens to lay their eggs.
  9. The farmer collected the freshly laid eggs from the hens every morning.
  10. The market offered a variety of breeds for customers to choose from, including Silkie hens.

Singular Possessive of Hen

The singular possessive form of “Hen” is “Hen’s”.

Examples of Singular Possessive Form of Hen:

  1. The hen’s eggs are collected daily.
  2. The farmer examined the hen’s health.
  3. The hen’s feathers were vibrant and beautiful.
  4. We observed the hen’s behavior in the coop.
  5. Hen’s diet affects egg quality.
  6. The researcher studied the hen’s reproductive cycle.
  7. The hen’s calls alerted the other chickens.
  8. We monitored the hen’s egg-laying patterns.
  9. The hen’s coop provided a comfortable shelter.
  10. Hen’s well-being is crucial for optimal egg production.

Plural Possessive of Hen

The plural possessive form of “Hen” is “Hens'”.

Examples of Plural Possessive Form of Hen:

  1. The hens’ eggs are collected daily.
  2. The farmers examined the hens’ health.
  3. The hens’ feathers were vibrant and beautiful.
  4. We observed the hens’ behavior in the coop.
  5. Hens’ diet affects egg quality.
  6. The researchers studied the hens’ reproductive cycles.
  7. The hens’ calls alerted the other chickens.
  8. We monitored the hens’ egg-laying patterns.
  9. The hens’ coop provided a comfortable shelter.
  10. Hens’ well-being is crucial for optimal egg production.

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