Thesis Plural, What is the Plural of Thesis?

Meaning: a statement that is put forward as premise

Singular and Plural of Thesis

Singular Plural
thesis theses

Thesis as a Singular Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. She spent months researching and writing her thesis.
  2. The student defended her thesis in front of a panel of professors.
  3. The thesis presented a novel approach to the problem.
  4. The professor guided the student in developing a strong thesis
  5. The researcher’s thesis contributed to the field’s understanding of the topic.
  6. The graduate student received funding to conduct experiments for her thesis.
  7. The thesis required extensive data analysis and interpretation.
  8. The academic journal published an article based on the researcher’s thesis.
  9. The conference featured presentations on diverse thesis
  10. The defense committee praised the clarity and depth of the student’s thesis.

Thesis as a Plural Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The university library stores an extensive collection of doctoral theses.
  2. The scholars debated different approaches proposed in their respective theses.
  3. The conference showcased the groundbreaking research presented in the participants’ theses.
  4. The professors provided valuable feedback on the students’ draft theses.
  5. The candidates diligently prepared their final theses for submission.
  6. The graduate students shared their findings during a panel discussion on their theses.
  7. The scholars engaged in lively discussions about the implications of their theses.
  8. The research symposium featured presentations on a wide range of topics from various theses.
  9. The library offers online access to digitized versions of historic theses.
  10. The academic journal published an issue dedicated to exceptional doctoral theses.

Singular Possessive of Thesis

The singular possessive form of “Thesis” is “Thesis’s”.

Examples of Singular Possessive Form of Thesis:

  1. We analyzed Thesis’s research methodology.
  2. Thesis’s findings provided valuable insights.
  3. The committee reviewed Thesis’s abstract and conclusion.
  4. We discussed the implications of Thesis’s hypothesis.
  5. Thesis’s literature review presented a comprehensive analysis.
  6. The professor praised Thesis’s organization and structure.
  7. We examined Thesis’s data collection process.
  8. Thesis’s bibliography included relevant sources.
  9. The defense highlighted the significance of Thesis’s contribution.
  10. The advisor provided feedback on Thesis’s methodology.

Plural Possessive of Thesis

The plural possessive form of “Thesis” is “Theses'”.

Examples of Plural Possessive Form of Thesis:

  1. We analyzed multiple theses’ research methodologies.
  2. Theses’ findings provided valuable insights.
  3. The committee reviewed theses’ abstracts and conclusions.
  4. We discussed the implications of theses’ hypotheses.
  5. Theses’ literature reviews presented comprehensive analyses.
  6. The professors praised theses’ organization and structure.
  7. We examined theses’ data collection processes.
  8. Theses’ bibliographies included relevant sources.
  9. The defenses highlighted the significance of theses’ contributions.
  10. The advisors provided feedback on theses’ methodologies.

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