Paradox Plural, What is the Plural of Paradox?

Meaning: a seemingly absurd or contradictory statement

Plural of Paradox

Singular Plural
paradox paradoxes

Paradox as a Singular Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The paradox of time travel fascinated the scientists.
  2. The philosopher contemplated the nature of the paradox.
  3. The speaker presented a compelling argument regarding the paradox.
  4. The mathematician explored the concept of infinity and its paradox.
  5. The writer used the paradox to create a thought-provoking story.
  6. The comedian cleverly pointed out a humorous paradox in society.
  7. The professor challenged the students to solve a complex logical paradox.
  8. The artist expressed conflicting emotions through the paradox in the artwork.
  9. The book discussed the philosophical paradox of free will.
  10. The scientist discovered a new paradox in quantum mechanics.

Paradox as a Plural Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The scientists debated the existence of multiple paradoxes in the theory.
  2. The philosophers analyzed various ancient and modern paradoxes.
  3. The mathematicians sought to resolve the mathematical paradoxes.
  4. The researchers examined the logical inconsistencies in the paradoxes.
  5. The students discussed the ethical implications of moral paradoxes.
  6. The book presented different perspectives on cultural and social paradoxes.
  7. The lecture covered the historical development of scientific paradoxes.
  8. The thinkers throughout history have grappled with philosophical paradoxes.
  9. The professor assigned a research project on unresolved paradoxes.
  10. The conference focused on emerging paradoxes in contemporary society.

Singular Possessive of Paradox

The singular possessive form of “Paradox” is “Paradox’s”.

Examples of Singular Possessive Form of Paradox:

  1. The complexity of Paradox’s nature baffles philosophers.
  2. Paradox’s existence challenges logical reasoning.
  3. The depth of Paradox’s meaning requires contemplation.
  4. Paradox’s presence in literature adds intrigue.
  5. The resolution of Paradox’s contradictions eludes comprehension.
  6. Paradox’s philosophical implications provoke intellectual debate.
  7. The concept of Paradox’s time travel creates mind-bending scenarios.
  8. Paradox’s essence lies in its contradictory nature.
  9. The study of Paradox’s principles deepens our understanding of reality.
  10. Paradox’s manifestation often defies conventional wisdom.

Plural Possessive of Paradox

The plural possessive form of “Paradox” is “Paradoxes'”.

Examples of Plural Possessive Form of Paradox:

  1. The exploration of paradoxes’ contradictions stimulates intellectual curiosity.
  2. Paradoxes’ presence in literature and art challenges conventional narratives.
  3. The resolution of paradoxes’ complexities requires nuanced thinking.
  4. Paradoxes’ philosophical implications span across different disciplines.
  5. The study of paradoxes’ paradoxes reveals intricate patterns of thought.
  6. Paradoxes’ existence in mathematics and logic defies straightforward solutions.
  7. The examination of paradoxes’ paradoxes uncovers profound truths.
  8. Paradoxes’ nature as thought experiments fosters philosophical discourse.
  9. The understanding of paradoxes’ paradoxes evolves through ongoing analysis.
  10. Paradoxes’ exploration pushes the boundaries of human comprehension.

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