Stimulus Plural, What is the Plural of Stimulus?

Meaning: a thing or event that causes an organ to respond in a specific way

Plural of Stimulus

Singular Plural
stimulus stimuli

 Synonyms of Stimulus

  • incitement
  • incitation
  • incentive
  • impulse
  • impetus
  • goad
  • encouragement

Stimulus as a Singular Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. The loud noise served as a stimulus for my headache.
  2. A sudden change in temperature can be a stimulus for asthma.
  3. The professor used a visual stimulus to enhance learning.
  4. His speech acted as a stimulus for public action.
  5. The smell of fresh coffee provided a comforting stimulus.
  6. The article presented a thought-provoking stimulus for discussion.
  7. The financial incentive served as a strong stimulus for motivation.
  8. The colorful artwork provided a visual stimulus for creativity.
  9. The new policy served as a stimulus for economic growth.
  10. The scientific discovery provided a significant stimulus for research.

Stimulus as a Plural Noun in Example Sentences:

  1. Different individuals respond to various stimuli in different ways.
  2. The presence of other people can act as social stimuli.
  3. The study examined the effects of different sensory stimuli.
  4. The researchers analyzed the brain’s response to various stimuli.
  5. The classroom environment can provide multiple learning stimuli.
  6. The participants were exposed to different visual stimuli during the experiment.
  7. The artist used a variety of artistic stimuli in their work.
  8. The study explored the impact of environmental stimuli on behavior.
  9. The therapist utilized auditory stimuli to promote relaxation.
  10. The marketing campaign used various emotional stimuli to engage consumers.

Singular Possessive of Stimulus

The singular possessive form of “Stimulus” is “Stimulus’s”.

Examples of Singular Possessive Form of Stimulus:

  1. The response to the Stimulus’s intensity was immediate.
  2. I analyzed the impact of the Stimulus’s presence.
  3. Stimulus’s effect on behavior was significant.
  4. I observed the correlation between the Stimulus’s input and output.
  5. The unpredictability of the Stimulus’s nature intrigued me.
  6. I studied the influence of the Stimulus’s timing.
  7. The interpretation of the Stimulus’s meaning varied.
  8. I measured the magnitude of the Stimulus’s response.
  9. The adaptability to different Stimulus’s conditions was necessary.
  10. Stimulus’s role in decision-making was crucial.

Plural Possessive of Stimulus

The plural possessive form of “Stimulus” is “Stimuli’s”.

Examples of Plural Possessive Form of Stimulus:

  1. The responses to the Stimuli’s intensities were immediate.
  2. I analyzed the impacts of the Stimuli’s presence.
  3. Stimuli’s effects on behavior were significant.
  4. I observed the correlations between the Stimuli’s inputs and outputs.
  5. The unpredictabilities of the Stimuli’s natures intrigued me.
  6. I studied the influences of the Stimuli’s timings.
  7. The interpretations of the Stimuli’s meanings varied.
  8. I measured the magnitudes of the Stimuli’s responses.
  9. The adaptabilities to different Stimuli’s conditions were necessary.
  10. Stimuli’s roles in decision-making were crucial.

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