Crimes that Start with G

The letter ‘G’ unveils a gamut of crimes ranging from gang-related activities to grave acts of fraud. This section highlights offenses that begin with ‘G’, offering insight into various illegal acts that encompass both physical violence and deceitful practices. Each entry succinctly encapsulates the essence of the respective crime.

Crimes that Start with G

Below are crimes starting with the letter g.

  1. Grand Theft – Stealing high-value property.
  2. Gang Violence – Violent acts by organized groups.
  3. Graffiti – Unlawfully marking or defacing property.
  4. Gun Trafficking – Illegal selling or distribution of firearms.
  5. Gambling Fraud – Deceptive practices in gambling.
  6. Genocide – Deliberate extermination of a group.
  7. Grand Larceny – Theft of extremely valuable property.
  8. Grooming – Preparing a child for sexual abuse.
  9. Gift Card Fraud – Scamming using prepaid cards.
  10. Ghost Employment – Fraudulently collecting pay without working.
  11. Gas Pump Tampering – Altering gas pumps for theft.
  12. Gun Possession – Illegal carrying or ownership of firearms.
  13. Government Corruption – Misuse of power in public office.
  14. Green Card Fraud – Deceiving to obtain residency.
  15. Gang Recruitment – Enlisting individuals into criminal gangs.
  16. Gas Theft – Stealing gasoline.
  17. Gold Smuggling – Illegally transporting gold.
  18. Gang-Related Crime – Offenses committed for a gang.
  19. Grave Robbing – Stealing from graves or tombs.
  20. Gambling Violations – Breaking gambling laws.
  21. Goods Smuggling – Illegally importing or exporting goods.
  22. Government Document Forgery – Falsifying official papers.
  23. Grand Auto Theft – Stealing high-value vehicles.
  24. Gross Negligence – Extreme carelessness causing harm.
  25. Gang Stalking – Organized harassment by a group.
  26. Greenwashing – Misleading about environmental practices.
  27. Guardian Abuse – Abuse by a legal guardian.
  28. Growing Illegal Substances – Cultivating drugs like cannabis.
  29. Guerrilla Warfare – Unauthorized irregular warfare.
  30. Gift Fraud – Deceiving through fake gifts.
  31. Government Property Damage – Destroying public assets.
  32. Goods Counterfeiting – Making fake products.
  33. Grave Desecration – Damaging graves or memorials.
  34. Gambling without a License – Unlicensed betting activities.
  35. Gas Siphoning – Stealing gas by siphoning.
  36. Gun Theft – Stealing firearms.
  37. GHB Distribution – Illegal selling of the drug GHB.
  38. Global Positioning System (GPS) Jamming – Disrupting GPS signals.
  39. Gang Retaliation – Revenge acts by gangs.
  40. Gadget Theft – Stealing electronic devices.
  41. Guardian Fraud – Deception by a custodian or guardian.
  42. Gerrymandering – Manipulating electoral district boundaries.
  43. Gun Smuggling – Illegally importing or exporting guns.
  44. Government Bribery – Offering bribes to officials.
  45. Goods Theft – Stealing products or merchandise.
  46. Gaming the System – Manipulating rules or systems for gain.
  47. Ghost Brokering – Fraud in insurance brokering.
  48. Government Contract Fraud – Deceiving in public contracts.
  49. Gasoline Theft – Stealing fuel.
  50. Genetic Privacy Violation – Misusing genetic information.

Crimes that Start with g

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